

Elbow/hip hand span distance (as point/guard overlap allows);
Thumb between top and outside positions; 
Forearm and blade in straight line when seen from side; 
Elbow in, wrist out, point in, pointing near top of opponent's head, pommel into wrist; 
Point to stay correctly aligned during parry, and not to flap out; 
Hand/arm to move up and forward to parry high attack; 
Both high and lowish attacks to be successfully blocked. 

Parryer's blade must be angled up at 30 - 45 degrees;    Blade must be approx. vertical when seen from the front;
Hand must be at level of solar plexus;            Opponent's point must be guided to 2 - 6 inches from target;
Attacks must be successfully blocked.

As for quarte, but angle must be 30 degrees down;   Parryer's point should aim below opponent's hip.

As for sixte except the point should be 6 inches inside opponent's knee  (for same handers), and the last two points do not apply. 

Forearm horizontal in approx "brow-wiping" position across, a little ahead of and above or sometimes below but not obscuring eyes;
Try to get blade vertical particularly in side-to-side sense;
Riposte by penduluming point forward as much as poss;
Underneath of wrist forward and up for french grip, down for orthopaedic.

Start from octave position, then rotate palm to face down;
Tilt upper arm so elbow is about 6'' further up and out, and hand is about 6'' further out but still low;
Give wrist same angle to forearm as in quarte;
Hand further out, point further in, blade more "across" than octave. 	Try to keep shoulder back;
Point to angle down; when parying, opp's blade to be trapped underneath "V" of blade and guard.

Whole arm/hand/weapon assembly exactly as Seconde but pointing up from instead of down.

Tierce used against attacks from very high such as flicks to shoulder;  Both Tierce and Seconde used against wide attacks such as from opp. handers, and attacks with strong inward force.

THE BASIC LESSON  (between rounds, before fights in competions; at start of trg sessions)

Stage 1: Pupil attacks in high line when coach lowers sword, and low line when the sword is raised;
Stage 2: Coach should make a simple direct attack in each of the four lines, pupil parries and makes a simple direct riposte in the same line as the attack, which the coach should allow to arrive; 
Stage 2 components should be mixed but each should be repeated successfully 3 times in all by the end; 
 Advanced fencers add disengage ripostes, circular parries, tricks 45+48 etc. 
 Correctness is everything, speed is nothing in the lesson. 

SNICKER SNACK - TRICK LIST 		 Nos 0-48 	1998 

0: Extend arm in 6 & hit.  Maintain hit by adjusting distance while opponent  adjusts distance.  Disengage 	& rehit when opp tries to take blade. 
1: Beat attack in quarte then sixte. 
2: Circular quarte parry. 
3: Circular sixte parry. 
4: Disengage attack - quarte to sixte then sixte to quarte. 
5: Counter-attack with opposition in quarte.  
6: Counter-attack with opposition in sixte.  
7: Cut-over attack from sixte to quarte, then quarte to sixte. 
8: Parry a mixture of attacks: direct sixte; sixte disengage quarte;  direct quarte; quarte disengage sixte. 
9: Attack in sixte, disengage into quarte if parried; 
    Attack in quarte, disengage into sixte, if parried; 
10: Into a compound attack with 2 feints before final thrust, stop-hit into 1st or 2nd movement at will. 
13: Successfully thrust through very fast (4 Hertz) but regular quarte/sixte continuous parrying, using only
15: In sixte, blades less than 2" from edge of guards; opponent  disengages one way then the other; own              blade must evade all the time but never go > 2" from opp's guard.  Then same thing only 2 rotations both ways, then same thing with 3 rotations both ways.   Each disengagement to take < 1 second, and whole must be completed as one sequence, with no touching and no exceeding 2" at any time. 
17: Drift compound attacks: eg long slow attack aimed originally at opponent's 6, then with a gentle curve,        swerve across to the 4 side, then finally gently aim down to 7. 
18: Take blade of opposite-hander in 'back 3', then cut to high chest.
20: A series of 3 & 2 guards/attempts to  take blade:
21: 2 (ie Seconde) then graze hit to flank. (or chest if opp. hander.) 
22: Take in circular 6 then attack.. 
23: as 22 but if opp. disengages, beat  then lunge.
26: False disengage by coming up on same side of blade. 
27: Against multiple disengage attacks, parry with hand low and forward. 
  FLICKS:  to be done as much as in sabre as poss. (lefties swap L/R) 
   Flick exercises best done v. opp handed stance. 
 I:   Bend wrist back and rotate left as far as poss.  
 II:  Sharply twist to the right by 1/3 full travel then stop suddenly. 
 III: Point ONLY touches, & lightly, its momentum causing blade to bend.  
       Same movement done in slow motion should stop 10 cms short. 
28: Against Opp. hander, parry/beat in 3, drop hand to 2, flick 'cut' to low chest.
29: Against Opp. hander, take in 4 or 5, cut 'over', flick  'cut' to low chest. 
30: As 29, but croisse down instead of cutting over. 
31: As 29 & 30 but riposte down onto near shoulder. 
32: As 29 & 30 but riposte to flank. 


33: In lo line, opp takes your blade to your 8; cede to 6 & riposte. 
34: In lo line, opp takes your blade to your 8; cede to 3 & riposte. 
35: In lo line, opp takes your blade to your 7; cede to 4 & riposte. 
36: In hi line, opp takes your blade to your 6; cede to 8 & riposte. 
37: In hi line, opp takes your blade to your 6; cede to 2 & riposte. 
38: In hi line, opp takes your blade to your 4; cede to 7 & riposte. 
39: In hi line, opp takes your blade to your 4; cede to 1 & riposte. 
40: When opp. has parried your leaning forward attack in 4, cede to Outside Hanging Guard. 
          If ambitious, try the flip into 2 then riposte, or  sudden stop then overhead riposte in 1.


KEY:	1-prime; 	2-seconde; 	3-tierce; 	4-quarte; 	5-quinte; 	6-sixte; 7-septime; 	8-octave; 	OHG = outside hanging guard;  	C = circular; 
cd = ceding parry;	Flank = side of body under sword arm;	Chest = front of body. 

41: (same handed opponents) 

        Fencer 1:                         Fencer 2: 
        parry   riposte                  parry   riposte 

start here:     high line                4    -> high line 
        4    -> high line                C 6  -> arm (shoulder if foil) 
        6    -> flank                    8    -> flank 
        2    -> shoulder                 3    -> low line 
        cd 1 -> low line                 7    -> ... 
(resume at top of opposite columns...) 

42: (opposite handed opponents;  mainly epee;  V.Diff!) 

        Fencer 1:                         Fencer 2: 
        parry   riposte                  parry   riposte 

start here:     high line                4    -> shoulder 
        3 croisse -> hip                 cd 8, feint to upper arm; hit hip 
        2     -> shoulder                3    -> chest 
        4 croisse -> low line            cd 1 -> low line 
        8 -> shoulder, then   
           counter-disengage             6, C 6 -> shoulder with flick
        C 3, croisse -> waist            OHG, cd ->waist 
        7    -> front thigh              2    -> ... 
(resume at top of opposite columns) 

43: 2nd Intention Attack: v op. who counter-attacks: attack (simple or compound), draw counter, parry it 
       & riposte, perhaps transporting opponent's blade. 

44: (opposite handed opponents; foil, easier than 42.) 

        Fencer 1:                         Fencer 2: 
        parry   riposte                  parry   riposte 

start here:  feint-disengage     
         -> hi outside blade             3  1 rip -> lo  
        7          -> flank              8        -> hi 
        4 cut-over ->lo chest            low 4    -> flank 
        2     bind -> waist              cd 6 1-2 -> hi inside blade 
        C 3  low cut -> chest            1        -> lo 
        2          -> hi                 C 6      -> ... 
 (resume at top of opposite columns) 

45: Both partners repeatedly parry and riposte to random targets, including some disengages & 1-2's.
       Flush 8 parry response to attack in 7! 
46: Parry 4 into opp's. fleche; use max angulation & dab to shoulder. 
47: 'Down' parry (hand as in 4) to low-line attack; rip with dab to lo. 
48: Coach presents blade in any line.  Pupil takes blade & envelopes.  
     Coach disengages to another line, pupil retakes etc repeatedly. 



Hiding both what you're doing and what you're going to do; the elimination of cues/clues re future actions & intentions (as to both when and what).  


..sudden moves (eg sharp movements instead of curves).  These give the 
eye something easy to find and latch onto. 

..looking:  	If you are about to hit just above the right hip, try looking at the left shoulder. 
..leaning:  	If you are going to hit in 4 (quarte) don't lean over to that side (& vice versa). 

..backswing:  	Just arrange for your blade to be in the right starting position by doing some other movement that finishes in that position. 

..hand-churning:	Instead, simply angle your blade instead if possible, eg when taking opp's blade or making circular parry.  ("Churning" OK when transporting in 2 or 3 though.)