Although I never had the chance to meet James Lynn Strait, or Snot for that matter, I feel very close to Lynn, because he had emotion and anger all the same that I sometimes have tward the world and life in general, the way it can just be fucked up and how people can just ignore things and pretend everything's okay. His death has not only mad me feel sadness, but anger as well. I say that because, when I was 12 my mother was taken from me by cancer, and her death and Lynn's has made me realize that life can end at the one time you are thinking about it the least, and as unexpectedly as tripping over a phone cord you had no idea was there. For all of you who visited my site and read this I thank you for taking the time out of your life to see what I have to say about all this, and I hope you enjoy my site and I want all of you to know that this site is dedicated not only to Lynn and Dobbs but also to Snot and their friends and family. My heart goes out to them all and I hope that they can get through all of this because I know that death is sometimes very hard to deal with. I know this is a little old but, Peace Out and keep it real people.

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