Health Care
Leather Care
Tips and Ideas
Don't have an ingredient?  Check here to see if you can use something else.  Having a problem with a recipe?  You might find the help you need right here.
In some recipes you can use Oatmeal in place of bran.
Play around with things to make your own treats.  If it says apples see what will happen if you use carrots.  If it doesn't have molasses add it.
In some Recipes you can use Apple Cider instead of Water
You can use flavored oatmeal like Maple Syrup and Brown Sugar or Apples and Cinnamon.
Don't have Molasses?  Mix two teaspoons of suager for every five teaspoons of pancake syrup and stir.
If it says to put it on cookie sheets but it seems too runny go a head and put it in muffin time.  I ended up with one large cookie when I didn't want to dig out the muffin tins.  It looked funny and it was a pain to clean up.
When I sell a horse I give a Ziploc bag of different treats with the horse's paper work and a list of his skills(western, jumping, bathing, clipping, ect) and his likes and dislikes.  This gives the new owner some back ground information and some treats to get them started.
For the holidays I give my horse owning friends paper bags of horse treats.  I paint or stamp the outside of the bag with horsey themes and the names of there horse(s).  Then tie the bag shut with fancy ribbon.  If the treats are sticky or need to be in air tight containers place them first in Ziploc bags and them into the paper bag.
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