Updated 07/20/08

The story of Storm Fires begins on the Northern Continent before the beginning of the Pass, where a goldrider named Vena and a bronzerider named L'nal decided that thread was indeed going to fall once again on Pern, even though there had been a four hundred turn interval. Convinced of this but unable to convince the Weyrleaders of their Weyr, Vena and L'nal left, taking with them a group of dedicated dragonriders who also shared their belief that the threads would one day soon fall again.

The group had determined to settle on the Southern Continent, and when they came out of *between* over their new Weyr, they came out amidst the most frightening storm that they had ever seen. The sky seemed constantly to be lit up by the lightning and little fires were burning all over the place to be quickly put out by the torrential rain of the storm. After quickly landing and taking care of their things, the dragonriders met in what would become their new dining hall and agreed that in honor of the ferocious storm raging outside that they should name their new Weyr... Storm Fires.

But Vena soon fell ill with a terminal illness and a candidate that felt that she had been slighted slew L'nal, so the Weyr was without a Weyrleader. But there was still hope for the future, for there was a new clutch on the sands, containing a queen egg. A queen egg that hatched out Rialth, who bonded to Nadea right before Vena died and her queen went *between* forever.

By request, a young queenrider named Teslin and her queen Tymarath came forward to help with the running of the Weyr until Nadea and Rialth had graduated weyrling training and had their first mating flight, after which they left, leaving the Weyr to the running of Nadea. Rialth's first clutch contained a queen egg which Hatched Tilieneth, who bonded to Terressa. The Weyr hosted a temporary queenrider for a while whose queen produced a clutch that included a queen egg which Hatched Padoth, who Impressed to Niyenah. Recognizing the need for another queenrider, the Weyrleaders requested a goldrider to transfer in permanently, and were granted Goldrider Raynea with her queen Sunnyth.

Tilieneth's first clutch included the queen Lakelenth, who Impressed to Jamisen. A scant month later, thread once more began falling to threaten Pern, and the dragonriders of Storm Fires Weyr rose to meet it and seared it to char! In order to assist the Northern Weyrs in their training, since they had been lax in the belief that thread would never fall again, Weyrwoman Nadea left Storm Fires to the running of Terressa and went to train the Queen's Wings, then settled with Ista Weyr to help them get their dragonrider numbers up with Rialth. So Storm Fires was facing the challenge of protecting the entire Southern Continent protected from thread with some slightly altered leadership and 4 queens, one of which was far too young to produce clutches.

Recognizing the fact that the Southern Continent was a vast area and the inhabited areas that they had to protect were growing, Weyrleader G'len and Weyrwoman Terressa lobbied with the Northern Weyrs for the creation of a second Weyr on the Southern Continent, and were granted permission. After some heated debate about who would give up a queenrider to the new Weyr, for Storm Fires had already promised Weyrwoman Raynea because her Sunnyth was due to mate next, Anlyn's Vaneth laid her clutch at the site of the new Weyr, making Anlyn the Senior Weyrwoman with Raynea as her second. Weyrleader G'len agreed to go to Rising Dawn to become their first Weyrleader. The next time Tilieneth rose to mate, she was caught by bronze Argoth, making M'tello the new Weyrleader of Storm Fires. That flight produced a queen egg that Hatched Llnorith, who Impressed to Leda.

About one Turn later, there was another change in leadership when Weyrwoman Terressa departed from Storm Fires with Bronzerider D'rol to found Serenity Weyr. Niyenah and Padoth had transferred earlier to Telgar Weyr, which left Jamisen to become the new Senior Weyrwoman with Leda as the only other Storm Fires queenrider. Fortunately, a clutch at Rising Dawn Weyr had produced two gold eggs simultaneously, and when both hatchlings had grown to maturity, Minerva of gold Flaireth was sent to complement the queenriders of Storm Fires Weyr.

NOTE: This Weyr has not and will not discover Aivas.

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