S.T.O.P. Campaign

Join/Support STOP

Joining STOP is quite simple. All you have to do is pick a STOP logo, save it on your hard drive and then upload it to your webaccount and display it on your website, with a link to STOP: http://www.stopcampaign.electricport.com. If you prefer to use a text link, that's fine too. We ask all members to abide by one rule: don't be hypocritical. If you're supporting STOP, then certainly don't plagiarize or rob other's bandwidth!

If you don't have a website, you can still support STOP by referring others to this campaign. You can include STOP's url as part of your signature or post it in chat, forums and etc. We are certain that with your help, we will be able to stamp out online plagiarism.

© 2000 S.T.O.P. Campaign: Stop The Online Plagiarism Campaign [CoD © 1998] Unauthorized usage of any content without permission is prohibited. The STOP Campaign was previously located at http://www.oocities.org/~stopcampaign and the website there is no longer up to date and cannot be considered completely accurate.