S.T.O.P. Campaign


Crediting on a Website:
Once the creator/owner has granted you permission to use their file(s) and you've uploaded them into your account and placed them on your site, don't forget to give credit. On most sites, the format that you present the credit in is up to you. However, credit should appear on each and every single page that the authorized file is placed on/used. For example if Mr. Nobody has received permission to use Mr. Nonexistant's java applet, he should give credit to Mr. Nonexistant on all the pages that are embedded with Mr. Nonexistant's applet regardless of whether the applet is visible to the public or not.

The placement of the credit is up to the webmaster. Commonly, it is placed right underneath or beside the authorized file/content for files that are actually displayed. Sometimes, it is more convenient to place all the credit at the bottom of the page. When crediting, make sure to describe the file/content for clarity. For instance, "the picture above of the cat opening a can of sardines belongs to creator's name goes here. Please visit his/her website and ask for permission if you'd like to use the same image."

In any credit made, you should always include at least 2 things: the creator/owner's name/alias and a method of contact. The contact should be either a link to the creator/owner's email address or a link to his/her website. To be on the safe side, include all three: name, URL and email addy. This is in case the website moves or he/she changes ISPs. And _always_, always, always remember to make sure that the credit is FULLY VISIBLE! Invisible credit is the same as no credit at all!

Crediting in Email/Chat:
Include the creator/owner's name, email address AND the exact URL where the content/file can be found. If the file is found on http://www.canofroom.com/monkey.html, don't just link to http://www.canofroom.com. Most creator/owner's deny permission to post their files/content in/on email/chat/newsgroups and it's no wonder. The person who received their permission may credit but the other people in the newsgroup/chat or the recipients of the email may not bother to do so.

Formal Format:
So far, the phrasing of the credit has been pretty informal. On most websites on the web, formality is not required as it can be rather gritting to remember. However, academic websites usually follow a more traditional, formal method of crediting. The formats listed here are _generally_ accepted by educational institutions and such. Check with the educational authorities for specific ones that apply to you. Reviews, report papers and etc. follow this format whether they are published on the web or on paper. When it says author, last name goes first followed by a comma and the first and middle initials. Pink is the actual skeletal format, violet is an example.

World Wide Web
Author. (Year). Title of Specific Webpage. In Name of Specified Database. [Online]. City of Publication, Country of Publication. Retrieved Month. Day, Year from World Wide Web: http://www.thespecificwebpageURL.com/whatever.html

Nobody, K. (1997). Mr. Nobody's Life Story. In Mr. Nobody's Virtual Home. [Online]. Somewhere, Antartica. Retrieved Jan. 2, 1999 from World Wide Web: http://www.misternobodyvhome.com/life/index.html

Personal Email
ISP: author. (Year, month day). _Subject of Message_ [e-mail to receiver's name], [Online]. Available E-mail: IN "receiver@hisemail.com"

Nobody Net Services: Nobody, K. (2000, Aug. 24). _The Importance of Shoeboxes_. [misternobody@nobodynetservices.com], [Online]. Available E-mail: IN "misternobody@nobodynetservices.com"

Author. (Year). Title Subject (edition), [Online]. Available FTP/Telnet: shortcut Directory: directory. File: filename.extension

Nobody, K. (1999). History of Shoebox (Version 2.4), [Online]. Available FTP (Telnet): nobody.necessaryshoebox.com Directory: pub/etext/1994 File:shoeboxhist.txt

Online Databases
_database name_. [Online]. (Year). Available: Name of Database: Name of Specific Directory (Filename).

_The snazzy shoebox directory_. [Online]. (1996). Available: Shoebox Index File: The Snazzy Shoebox Directory (SHOE7).

*Sometimes, the webmaster is not the person whose responsible for the website content. In cases like that, the author would be the person whose responsible for the content, and not the webmaster.
© 2000 S.T.O.P. Campaign: Stop The Online Plagiarism Campaign [CoD © 1998] Unauthorized usage of any content without permission is prohibited. The STOP Campaign was previously located at http://www.oocities.org/~stopcampaign and the website there is no longer up to date and cannot be considered completely accurate. Credit for these citation formats go to M. Peterson at Stanford University. He has asked that his contacts not be listed and that the skeletal formats (the ones in pink) may be duplicated for academic purposes. All the examples involving Mr. Nobody and Shoeboxes are products of imagination of STOP. :)