~*~ Tears in Heaven ~*~

This page contains graphic photos of murdered babies.
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Some people might scold me for putting this page up. But I look at it like this; this is the truth of what we are doing. If these pictures change ONE person's mind, then it is worth that child's life to have these pictures up!

It breaks my heart as I put this page up. I will only edit it once. I can't stand to see what was done to these innocent Angels of God. What GOD must think of us ~ he sends such a miracle as a baby, and we kill it.

God forgive us, and have mercy on us,
For we know not what we do!

Would you "CHOOSE" to die like this?

The next few innocents were killed by a "Saline Abortion." Notice the blackened, reddened skin from the burn, and the black around the mouth from inhalation.

Look at this absolutely beautiful child!

The next photos are the remains of D&C abortions.

The next couple are from a Hysterectomy/Hysterotomy abortion.

This next one is a "Partial Birth Abortion." This perfectly formed child's umbilical cord was ripped off, which in turn took off the penis. His buttocks were surgically shaved so he would bleed to death. The brown rods around the child are the rods to dilate the 'mother`s' cervix.

Then why do we "CHOOSE" it for our children?

Do you suppose the 'mother' of this child has this in her photo album?
I am sure the 'doctor' has it on his brag wall...

The song playing is "Sacrificed lamb."

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This page copyright © 2000 Connie Reed

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