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Home For The Holidays
Operation Education
Target will be changing every day!!!
Dion!   Dion!!   DION!!!   DION!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Effin Christmas Harper!
Project Pinocchio Part II- The Wrath of Bryon
Project Pinocchio Part I
Show me the data Jerry - SHOW ME THE DATA!!!
Liberal party reform paper.
Is an ethical MP an oxymoron?
The Power of Carbon.
30,000,000,000 reasons to remind Marjory to take a math class.
Harper's Mistake Needs Correcting.
Show the Liberals the love (and taunt a Tory).
Was it worth the cost and Turmoil - Fortin (analyzes the data).
Flaherty got it wrong.
Stealing from the middle class to give to the rich.
Where is the tax leakage?
Don't hold it inside.
4,000,000 pissed off voters with an axe to grind.
Help our Quebec friends.
Who really gets hurt?
Pop Quiz!
Broken Promises.
CARP reverses decision and decides to back their members.
Maybe Flip-Flop should have consulted BOC Governor Dodge.
Subtle as a sledgehammar.
Harper the Liar's infamous promise.
Harper's 11-1 terrorist attack.