Stonor Cricket Club


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We are a non-league village team located in the picturesque Stonor Valley in South Oxfordshire, England.
Cricket has been played at our ground opposite the entrance to Stonor Park for almost 100 years and the club has existed since 1797.

In recent years the ground has undergone substantial investment and improvement and at present the club has never been healthier,
with a strong playing membership; an excellent pavilion; 2 modern practice nets; a pitch and outfield that are the envy of many
clubs; an active social calendar and a fixture list of around 30 matches, mainly against other local villages and touring sides.

If you would be interested in joining in with any of the activities of the cricket club either on, or off, the field,
you would be guaranteed a warm welcome. Please contact Nigel Allsop, our Club Captain, by clicking here.