The Genius of Catholicism
Catholicism is a vast and deep religion. Catholic itself means "covering a wide range" meaning it includes people of all sorts of ethnicities and cultures.
It is also a religion that is plagued by all sorts of misunderstandings by people of other faiths.
In the center of our faith is the blessed Triune; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
This site will include links on other websites which I've found interesting, including any other things I found useful.
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My Favorite Links:
Lumen Verum Apologetics
Catholic Apologetics
more Catholic Aplogetics
from American Truth Society
My Info:
Mass times in Sydney
Recommended reading
Common misconceptions about the catholic faith
Courses in Sydney Catholic bookstores in Sydney
More links!!!!
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Below are some really good Catholic links. Click on the pictures to check them out!
Francis' Jesus Christ Webpage
Katya Rivas website Great Crusade of Love and Mercy
Francis's Jesus Christ Webpage
Catholic Doors Ministry
Katya Rivas website
The Great Crusade
The Catholic Faith
Catholic Pages
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
Et Cum Spiritu Duo
New Advent
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