Questions for the Future of the Wheel of Time

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These are continuing questions that I hope will get answered as the series goes on.

  1. Will Tam al'Thor ever find out about Rand? Will they get to meet again?
  2. Will Perrin be the Prince Consort of Saldaea? What will be the deal with him being the Two Rivers Lord then?
  3. Are Rand and Elayne's children going to be powerful channelers?
  4. How will the Red Ajah adapt to the untainted male source?

    (next book)

  5. Will Logain become the new head of the Black Tower?

    (2 book away?)

  6. How many more books are we to expect?

    (3 or 4 is my guess, 13 books would be cool)

  7. When will Egwene and Gawyn get together? ( probably after the Tower war)
  8. Will any of the Forsaken NOT need to die twice (excluding those killed by balefire)?
  9. Will Rand Now be convinced he isn't going mad because the source is clean?

    (that irritates me so much, you are not going mad Rand)

  10. Will any nation be aligned solidly with Rand, the Dragon Reborn?

    (the Borderlands, Elayne doesn't control all of Andor, yet.)

  11. Are the Ways clean now or will they eventually get clean?
  12. Why weren't Mat and Perrin bound to the horn?

    (they better be at the end of the series)

  13. Will the girls, Elayne, Egwene, & Nynaeve, be bound to the horn, too?
  14. Will the world loose its fear of channelers?

    All the other societies respect their channelers and see them as integral to their lives, Wise Ones, Wind Finders, etc.

  15. Why has Mat lived so many lives over a short period or time and Rand reborn so infrequently?

    I have heard it said that Mat just got random men's memories not his past lives

  16. Is one of the girls, Min, Elayne, or Aviendha, Ilyena Reborn?

    (Ilyena was Lews Therin Telamon's wife.) Two people have emailed me and said Ilyena is the Russian form of Elayne. I guess thats the answer.

  17. Is each soul reborn with the same abilities? Ex. Can Min's soul always read the pattern

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