
by Star Mirage

Disclaimer - Slam Dunk belongs to Takehiko Inoue and etc.
Author's note: Well, it's another Hanamichi's adventure story. I'm very grateful to Patty Nixon for her proofreading the fic. This story is
dedicated to Bianka Lanon, who helped me with spellchecking my fics. Thanks, Bee!
And as always, I'll be glad to receive your comments!

Part 1

"I'll do it," Hanamichi tapped resolutely on the keyboard, typing a report for tomorrow's history lesson. "They will see another one talent of Tensai!" There was one evening left and Hanamichi hastened to finish his work as fast as it possible.

A far growl of a thunder sounded from outside the window. The thunderstorm had begun. The first drops of rain began to patter onto the window pane.

The thunder growled again and Hanamichi involuntarily shuddered. He didn't like thunderstorms. The loud sounds of thunder raised something primitive deep in his mind, something that was very similar to fear, or rather, like absolute fear… The heart beating like a frightened bird. And lightning were caused even more panic…

Hanamichi rose and drew the curtains on the window. He then returned to his computer. Having lit the lamp on his table, Hanamichi began to retype information from the book for his report tomorrow.

Suddenly, the thunder clapped threateningly loud and a flicker of lightning illuminated Hanamichi's room even through the fast shut curtains. At that moment, the computer screen was lit by a light so bright, that it blinded the boy, who was sitting in front of it.

"What the~?"

Hanamichi jerked back, closing his eyes tightly, and in the same instant he felt that he was falling from his chair.
He was falling… Falling… Falling…

~ * * * ~

Bianka silently cursed the bad weather that was storming outside. The thunder and lightning interrupted her concentration.

"I should finish this fanfic today. But how shall I do it, if this damned thunder distracts me?!" Bianka complained aloud.

The girl blankly looked at the monitor, trying to recollect her thoughts. An interesting idea arose in her mind and Bee started feverishly to type it into her computer.

"Well, Hanamichi sees the dark-headed kitsune and thinks…" she made comments on her work in half-voice. "Hmm… Yes… And then they will… Yes..! Yes!"

The sudden roll of thunder broke her concentration again and Bianka stared at the screen perplexed, trying to remember that idea, that she had clothed in words, and which went out of her mind, *thanks* to the sound effects of the thunderstorm outside.

"Argh, I hate thunderstorms!" the girl said, rather upset, and, removing the keyboard out of the way, she put her head on the table. Pressing her forehead to the cold surface, Bianka tried to recollect all ideas that she has on the account of this HanaRu and SenRu story. There ware a lot of ideas, but the girl could not decide which couple she likes more, HanaRu or SenRu.

On the one hand, gentle cutie Sendoh and beautiful kitsune are very much suited to each other. But on the other hand, it is known, that there is only one step from hate to love. That meant a HanaRu happy ending... So Bianka couldn't decide what to prefer.

The sudden, especially loud, roll of thunder interrupted her meditation. The girl startled involuntarily and, having reeled, fell onto the floor. In that instant, something big and heavy fell on her from above.

Bianka begun to squeal.

~ * * * ~

Hanamichi landed onto something soft and, instantly, he was deafened with scream. Frightened, the redhead jumped onto his feet and tried to jump away from the source of the shouts, but having tripped over a chair, the boy fell loudly on the floor.

"Ite-te-te-te!" he complained, laying on his back and nursing his sore leg.

Suddenly, the cause of his collapse, that very chair, appeared in th boy's sight. The redhead fell silent immediately, the sick leg already was forgotten. 'I didn't have such a chair in my room...' Hanamichi sat upright and begun to look around. 'Something in this room is abnormal...'

In the unfamiliar room, among unfamiliar furniture, an unfamiliar girl was looking at him.

Hanamichi was frozen in his place, unable to realize what's going on. The strange girl was silently staring at the redhead as well. After a long-long pause, the girl recovered first. She rose from the floor and, having shaken off the dust from herself, she sat down into a chair. Having crossed her hands on her chest, she menacingly stared at the intruder.

"Who are you?" she asked. "And what the hell are you doing in my room?"

Hanamichi knew English enough well to understand what she had said.
"Eto...Hm... I'm Sakuragi Hanamichi," he told her. "And who are you?"
"I'm Bianka X. But what are you doing in my house? How did you get here?"

Hanamichi shrugged. "I don't know..."

~ * * * ~

Some time later, after talking, they found out, that something strange and inexplicable had happened to Sakuragi. For some inexplicable reasons he was transferred into Bianka's room, in an entirely different city, in an entirely different country, in an entirely different world...

"So, are you really Hanamichi Sakuragi?" With big interest, Bianka examined the sitting vis-a-vis redhead.
The boy nodded and added, "Ore wa Tensai!"

The girl sweatdpropped, but then her eyes begun to sparkle.
"Tell me! Tell me all about yourself! And Rukawa, and... well, how do you feel about him? Do you like him...?"

"Pshaw ," Hanamichi sniffed. "That stupid fox?! He is the most useless player in our team! Forget about him! There is nobody better than Tensai...!"

Bianka scowled at him. This bozo appeared to be very difficult to talk with. She threw a look at the redhead, who continued his usual babbling about his abilities and skills.

"Hmm, you are not helping with my fanfic. So, I will not finish it till morning," she said.

Instantly Hanamichi fell silent and looked at the girl with big interest. "Fanfic? Which one?"

Bianka pointed at the computer, where the text of her fanfic was still shown on the screen, and answered. "I'm writing a story about you, Rukawa, Sendoh and the others."

"Wow!" Hanamichi jumped feverishly and rushed to sit in front of the computer. "It's about me?! How did you know about me and the others?"

Bianka shrugged. "I saw the anime..."

But Hanamichi already clicked the text to a start and begun to read Bianka's fanfiction. Some time later, the girl thought about what she had do with this unexpected visitor, then she shrugged. 'I'll allow him stay here. It is already night outside.' Bianka cast a glance at her computer and realized that she will not finish her fanfic today. So she decided to go to sleep.

"Well, you can sleep in this room," the girl pointed at the bed, that was stood at the far wall.

Not bothering to stop reading, the redhead nodded. And Bianka, yawning, went out to another room - her sister's room. Good thing her parents were out of the city and her sister staying overnight at her friends' house today... After taking one last look at Hanamichi, Bianka closed the door behind herself...

To be continued...

© Star Mirage, 2000

Part 2 | E-Mail me | Star Mirage's Citadel