Holiday Meditation

Celebrating the holidays from Thanksgiving though New Year's, regardless of our religious persuasion or cultural background, is a way of going home.

We go home through those who nuture, and thought our nuturing of others.

We go home through those who promote peace, and through our own desire to pass on the peace we have recieved.

We go home through the love that breaks down the walls that divide, the love that bridges the divisions, and the love that heals the wounds of heart and soul.

We go home during the holidays when we renew our faith in God, our faith in others, our faith in ourselves.

We go home when we reach beyound our doubts and denials to the certainty of all people of faith, that we were created in love - in order to learn how to celebrate and live in love of God and all God's Creation.

May this holiday season be a time of renewal in our capacity to return "home" and the willingness to love and we have been, and are being, loved.

Text found at Wichita (KS) Eagle Newspaper.
