Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



Shanghai Knights

(Reviewed February 2, 2003)

Man, talk about throwing away audience goodwill. "Shanghai Noon" was goofy and enjoyable; not a comic masterpiece, but good for a few laughs. This sequel, however, has absolutely none of the original's charm.

Jackie Chan, now a sheriff in a western town, has to go to England and help his kid sister hunt down the guy who killed their father. Owen Wilson tags along. The Chinese actress who plays Jackie's sis is kind of hot, running around in her red silk pajama outfit and doing chop-sockey stuff, but the movie bogs down early and never takes off.

For one thing, Chan has reached an age where watching him do the stunt work that made him famous is painful; you can't help wondering if the guy is going to break a hip or something. And his "acting"...I'm not exaggerating when I say that Chan's thespian abilities are comparable to those that Bob Hope displayed in all those horrible, horrible TV specials all those years ago.

Owen Wilson is likeable, but only has about three good lines in the entire flick. One of them is, "This country blows."

This movie blows.

Back Row Grade: D-

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