Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



Poolhall Junkies

(Reviewed February 28, 2003)

Some nice trick shots in the hustling scenes (even though the direction makes each billiard match pretty much impossible to follow), but not much of a movie overall. Writer/director/star Mars Callahan ("Mars Callahan?") bears an uncomfortable resemblance to the always off-putting Edward Burns, and the "buncha guys" dialog among him and his band of doofuses is strained and dumb. A plot development toward the end is so ridiculously unbelievable that it makes suspension-of-disbelief bounce off the felt and roll right out the door. Also, there is a cheap-'n'-cheesy "maxed-out credit cards" indie feel to the flick that is hard to overlook, even with the presence of Christopher Walken (doing his always-watchable "Christopher Walken" thang) and Rick Schroder (who actually makes a pretty good badass, believe it or not).

So how come I bestowed a rather generous C as a grade? Simple: This movie has an absolutely GREAT final twist. When it dawns on you what has happened, you will smile like an idiot, smack yourself in the forehead, and shout, "God-DAMN, that was clever!" No kiddin', it's that good!

Back Row Grade: C

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