Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle

(Reviewed August 4, 2003)

I forgot about this worthless cock-tease of a movie so soon after leaving the theatre that more than a month went by before I remembered to review the thing.

Quick and dirty: Why the hell would anyone spend good money to see this garbage when you can go to your local video store and simply rent porn instead? What, you prefer seeing these three old-before-their-time brainless crones acting like sexy, retarded teenagers but not showing any of their naughty bits, instead of watching something that delivers the groin-grabbing goods? Are you stupid? Sure, Demi Moore looks pretty hot in that "she-musta-shaved-it-bare" bikini, but come on. There are better ways to spend your soft-core entertainment dollar, dude.

Back Row Grade: F-

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