Daily guides to greatness--Free Advice

Towards my life with the ball,I discovered some method maybe useful to you,some are they are mostly for the beginners.

An efficient player is always a flexible player.The flexible player gears his playing rate to his thinking rate.Playing efficiency characterized with flexibility is an asset to any player.To enjoy playing extensively,one must be proficient player.Soccer skills can be improved by repetition training.Being a general skill,it can be improved with systematic training.All the BEST to YOU'll.


Firstly,you can buy a small ball even small than a standard size(5)maybe like Tennis ball,netball or whatever you can get but I prefer with tennis ball.

Then,you can juggle it as same as when you playing soccer.

make it in a weeks and you can see the improvements of your ball control.

Second weeks,try to run with the ball,faster is better.

Third weeks,play back with standard soccer ball(5).

Every morning try to relax(deep breathing) and visualize in what you learn.

For Advanced

Try to juggle any ball while you were sit down on the floor or in the fields and don't forget to juggle with your head also.


Every time before you start to play,run with the ball at your convenience pace but faster is better than you walks.

Record the time when you run(with the ball)and try to cut your time and you can see you're now is better than ever.

Run with different direction(Moving forward/left/right).

I hope you'll can enjoy this season training and get what you want in your life.I'm always be with you,if you have any question send it to my

E-mail ( stir_22@yahoo.com )

Okay be a succesfull.The important is the smooth of repetition on training.Don't push yourself,its will come to you-- its natural "believe me"--A gifts from god.

My word is

"There is no surer way along the road to success

that to follow in the footsteps of those who have

successfully journeyed before us."