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Members Versus Men

The Greek Letter Societies among our group appear to have
entered upon a period of mad competition for obtaining
members. Pledges are increasing in number. Scarcely a student
on the college campus but wears a pledge pin or a frat pin. Are
the fraternities forgetting their original high standards? Can it
be said that every man who enters college is of Fraternity
material? If in any place, Omega has entered this mad race for
members, pause and consider.

"The value of our Fraternity is not in numbers, but in
men, in real brotherhood. Eight men thoroughly
immersed in the true Omega spirit are far greater
assets than eighty with lukewarm enthusiasm."

by Bro. Walter H. Mazyck

Welcome to Bro. Still Waters' Web page!

A Big Roo!!! and welcome to all of you Bros. of  WYF and

Sis. of DSQ out there!

 And a special welcome to those of you who just want to spread  some luv'
 and fellowship! If you are impatient and want a specific section just click
 on a link below "or" you can slow yo' azz' down and enter through the
 front door!!!!

Quick Bio. 
Our Honorable Founders 
Pics' and Thangs' 
 WYF Historical Perspective 
Nationally Mandated Programs
A Few of my favorite Poems by Bro. Langston Hughes 
A Few Notable Bros. of Omega Psi Phi 
Sign My Guest Book or you KAT!




Manhood      Scholarship      Perseverance      Uplift

(Honorable Founder Just thoroughly immersed)

If you have any questions, comments
or concerns please  e-mail the  webmaster

The Fraternity's Emblem and Letters are the trademarked property of the National Organization of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated.
Any unauthorized use or  misrepresentation of the same is strictly prohibited!