St. Francis Solanus School 222-4077
We collect the following items:

Campbell soup labels for the UPCs

**Hy-Vee/County Fare UPCs

Box Tops for Education

Tyson Project A+ labels
-must have the 1, 2, 3 program steps

Home Team School Rewards Program

**Used Ink/Toner cartridges

**Your old cell phones

**Your old laptop computers

**Aluminum cans

County Market Max Card for Education
(register your code yearly for $ for our school)

Items for sale at the school or the rectory:
*Garbage bags $10.00/roll
*gift cards for Gene Grawe Education Fund

             These are some sites that the kids enjoy...
Nimble Fingers
Fun School
Cool Math
A Plus Math
Where Is It?
Know where your states are located...
Education place
Power typing
6th grade math help page
Glencoe 7th Geography