Rose and James STEWART (1741-1829) emigrated from Ireland
to the counties of Fairfield and Chester, South Carolina about 1767.

Scroll down for:

  1. information about this Stewart family
  2. possible origins of the Stewart family and its name
  3. the importance of family history and how to prevent its loss

Some ways to communicate with other members of this family are at SHARE.htm .

This web page (C:\0G\STEWART\WWW) is posted at


The following is from my research, interviews, reading, opinions, hunches, conclusions, memory, etc. I do not claim to be infallible. I recommend that others do their own research.

About Me

When I was a child my father built warships in Savannah, and my mother and I lived on my father's farm in Fairfield County, South Carolina.

I remember when I could only see in two dimensions and in shades of gray. I realized that I could see in three dimensions after I observed that a shape that moved at a certain speed could disappear on one side of another object and reappear on the opposite side. That the object was still moving at the same speed after it reappeared helped identify it as being the same object that had disappeared. Computers might begin to see if they could ever match that intellectual achievement. Later I began to detect a smidge of rusty yellow amongst the shades of gray. I must have been about six months old, since that is when ones cones begin to detect color.

I remember when the first tooth appeared in my mouth. I wondered what to do with it so I bit my mother while she was nursing me, and she hit me.

I remember learning the meaning of words when I was still crawling on the floor. I had learned to walk by the time I said my first word. My mother told me I was eighteen months old. She never heard me say a word before I spoke my first two sentences. Her mouth flew open and her eyes opened wide. She never understood that I was trying to ask a question, by using the word "help" to mean too different actions. The word "help" was associated with so many different activities that I could not figure out what it meant.

I was standing on the front porch of the ancient log cabin in which we lived in the middle of nowhere when I first saw my father plowing a field with a mule. I thought that I would spend the rest of my life plowing fields.

When I saw a car with a rumble seat speeding along the dirt road about 200 yards from our front yard. I wondered if I would ever be rich enough to ride in one.

We cranked buckets of water from a well in front of the house. The pink roses that covered the well and the golden daffodils that flowered during the spring seemed too beautiful to be a part of this world.

I wanted to be a soldier after my mother told me what invaders from the north had done to our homeland (Dixie is still my favorite song). My mother was afraid an airplane would drop a bomb on our house in the middle of a forest. She told me about a small nation that was fighting the largest empires on earth. I admired that nation because it was willing to fight even though it was vastly outnumbered, and always will. I later learned that most people of German ancestry are hard working, compassionate and the best neighbors one could have. No wonder they fought so hard and long (as my outnumbered and outgunned Confederate ancestors did). The governments of the most civilized nations on earth have always forced my kinsmen to kill each other for no good reason.

My father's parents lived about a mile to the west on an adjacent farm. On their back porch we churned butter and made sour kraut. Their huge wild-eyed, heavy-breathing and hard-working black mules, probably the finest in the county, seemed like monsters from hell to me. I was so frightened by the squealing of hogs being slaughtered for the smokehouse in the back yard that I ran to the front of the house. I hated seeing chickens run around after their necks were wrung, and to see the eyes of anything I ate.

I was eager and starving to learn about everything but no one taught me about anything. I remember how pleasant it was to allow time to stand still. I had nothing to love until I was given a delightfully little puppy named Badeye. I was heart broken for three days after my mother told that a car killed Bedeye. Years later a cousin told me my father killed Badeye because he sucked chicken eggs (probably because Badeye was not given enough food). I too suffered from not having the food a child needs to grow. If I had been as intelligent as Badeye, I might have solved that problem before I left my prosperous parents' home at the age of seventeen.

How I learned about my Stewart ancestors

I have wanted to know who my ancestors were since I was about nine years old. No one could tell me anything about my Stewart ancestors except that his siblings lived in Longtown, on the other side of Fairfield County. I visited Longtown about 1967 and asked my father's Aunt Maggie STEWART Smith where our Stewart ancestors came from. She answered "I-land". I asked Maggie "What island?". She looked bewildered and had no answer. I learned that my Stewart family was related to the Bankheads who lived near Hebron church in Mitford on highway 901, close to the Chester County line.

I visited the Mitford area and met William Maclin BANKHEAD, Sylvester BANKHEAD, Marion BANKHEAD, Marvin BANKHEAD, Robert Storment BANKHEAD, Sarah McELDUFF, etc. I learned that a Stewart (named Joseph I think) used to ride his white horse to visit his kinfolk in Longtown.

Robert Storment BANKHEAD told me that Will and Jim STEWART loved their fish and liquor, that they used to drive their wagon to Blackstock for supplies, and that they died about the same time (I think Jim died first). Will and Jim lived on a farm that was on the waters of Little Rocky Creek, about a mile to the west of Hebron church. I think Will and Jim inherited the approximately one hundred acre farm on which they lived, and that it had once been part of the 233 acre tract that belonged to their ancestor John Marion STEWART and Catherine Reid. They were related to Bernice YOUNG. She took care of them, inherited and sold their land, and bought an automobile with the money.

The Bankheads told me that some of my Stewart cousins moved from the Mitford area to Corsicana, Texas about 1905. I visited those Stewarts in Corsicana about 1972. Two Stewart brothers owned a large General Motors car dealership in Corsicana. Their customers came from as far away as Dallas. I think those brothers were named Ferma and Maco STEWART.

Mrs. Rosa McElduff told me that that her ancestor Frank REID was shanghaied in England and that he escaped by jumping overboard into the Charleston harbor. She showed me the rounded half quart size green water bottle that Frank drank from while on board the ship. He swam ashore with that bottle in his pocket. Rosa McElduff was also pleased to tell me that both she and her grandmother were named Rose. Rosa McElduff said her grandmother was named Rose, and that her grandmother was the granddaughter of a woman named Rose. These casual words may be the best evidence we have that Robert STEWART was the son of Rose and James STEWART. I think one of Rosa McELDUFF's grandmothers was Rosannah HARVEY. Rosannah HARVEY was a daughter of Joseph STEWART. Joseph was a son of Rose and James STEWART.

The Bankheads told me about Harvey Baxter STEWART. He had returned to the area from up north, where his children still live. Harvey lived in a motel that was owned by a Mr. Thompson on Highway 21, not far from Mitford. He is now buried in the cemetery of a church a few miles from that motel. He explained to me how we were related (I wish I remembered how). Cousin Harvey Baxter STEWART told me that according to Stewart family tradition, the Stewart and White families were friends and neighbors before they left Ireland. Members of this White family still live in Chester, SC so I read their family history book. It claims that their White family came from Broughshane in county Antrim, Ireland. See )

Cousin Harvey Baxter STEWART also told me that he had read a book about the history of our Stewart family. He said it contained information about members of our Stewart family whom he had known. He said the covers of the book were red with gold lettering. He said that this book traced members of our own Stewart family to the Stewart kings. He told me that he had read something about a Black Knight and a Queen Henrietta of Holland or something like that in that Stewart family history book. I traveled to the library of Congress, to all the major libraries in the USA, and even to libraries in Ireland, in order to find that book. I never found it. Cousin Harvey Baxter STEWART told me that he and the daughter of an aristocratic family in France had a child, but refused to tell me anything else about them. I think Harvey was a soldier in World War II.

In the summer of 1968 I traveled to Broughshane to search for evidence in church records, etc. that Rose and James STEWART or the family of John WHITE had lived in that area. I found none. I was told that Broughshane is in the Braid valley, the region of County Antrim that is most Scottish in speech and custom. I never met kinder people

What I read in the South Carolina State Archives

About 1967 I read about Rose and James STEWART in a book about the Earl of Donegal and other ships that brought the Scots-Irish to South Carolina. The Earl of Donegal sailed from Belfast on 10/2/1767.

I found records about the arrival of the Earl of Donegal in Charleston, SC in the State Archives building in Columbia, South Carolina. On December 22, 1767 the SC Council journal listed the names of the Protestants who arrived in Charleston aboard the "Earl of Donegal". Each head of household who was over sixteen years old received a "Royal Land Grant" from King George III. The names of those who received land grants and their children were listed (see ) in family groups. James STUART, age 26, and Rose (WHITE?), age 22 are listed after the names of the children of John WHITE, but before the name Eleanor White. Was Eleanor the older sister or sister in law of John White and/or the widowed mother of Rose or James Stewart (see )? John White's descendants passed down some of the same first names as James STEWART's descendants. First names help distinguish my Stewart family from other Stewart families that have lived in the same area.

James and Rose Stewart received a royal land grant of 150 acres on Stover Creek. I think that 150 acres is now located exactly where Stover Creek crosses the Fairfield and Chester county line. Before they died I think my great-great-great-grandfather Robert Stewart obtained a SC State grant of a tract of about fifteen acres that was adjacent to the 150-acre tract of James and Rose STEWART. I think that part of the 233 acre tract that my great-great-grandfather Thomas B. STEWART and his brothers inherited from their father Robert STEWART was adjacent to the 150-acre tract that was granted to Rose and James STEWART. I think the 150-acre tract that was granted to Rose and James STEWART was sold to Thomas McDonald after Rosannah's husband James STEWART died. If that land had not been sold, finding the names of Rose and James STEWART's descendants might have been easier.

The 150-acre tract that James and Rose STEWART received was surrounded by vacant land when it was first surveyed. Robert Storment BANKHEAD owned part of this tract until he died (see Chester Deeds 459-267). The paved roads and dwellings that are nearest to that tract of land are miles away. Good-natured and trustworthy Protestants of Scotch-Irish ancestry live in the nearby communities.

I also found records in the SC State Archives building that James STEWART was a member of the SC State Militia and a soldier of the Revolution. His widow Rose (Rosannah) received a pension from the state of SC after James died.

According to the inscription on James STEWART's Scots-Irish style tombstone, he died on 10/2/1829 at age 90. According to the December 33, 1767 list of Earl of Donegal passengers who received royal land grants, James STEWART was 26 years old when he arrived in South Carolina, so he must have been born about 1741.

James STEWART is buried in the old "Stewart" or "McDonald" cemetery. It is located a few hundred yards from Stover Creek in woods now or formerly owned by Edward H. MILLS of Whiteoak (See Fairfield Deeds EN-125). His wife and sons may be buried in the same cemetery. James STEWART's is the only person buried in that cemetery who has an inscribed headstone, probably because his widow demanded that he have one.

I read all of the census records of Fairfield and Chester County. They were on rolls of microfilm. I had to scroll through every roll of microfilm and read every name on every roll of microfilm. Not long after I finished reading all of those census records, I lost all of the notes I made about these census records, plus about an inch thick stack of other handwritten notes, in Washington, DC, when I visited the Library of Congress and national archives.

The 1810 Census

The 1810 Chester County, SC census record (see ) names three Stewarts:
STEWART Archibald

Robert STEWART (born 1784) and his father James STEWART (died 10/2/1829) were probably my ancestors.

Archibald STEWART and Alexander STEWART belonged to a different Stewart family. According to a book about Fairfield marriages, Alexander Stewart died in 1855 and married Nancy M. Lathan, living in 1855 and 1858. Mary E. Stewart (born about 852) was the daughter of Alexander Stewart and married J. B. Montgomery, who was alive in 1873. Recent Fairfield County Sheriff Montgomery might be related to this Stewart family. Archibald Stuart was born 2/12/1745 in SC, the child of Thomas Stuart and Elisabeth Moore.

County Records

About 1967 I began to read all the deeds and records that I could find in the courthouses and churches of Fairfield and Chester counties. I was not able to find a document that proved who the father of Robert STEWART was. I was never even able to determine who and when Robert Stewart acquired his 233-acre tract. The area where Rose and James STEWART lived was not always part of the same county or even state. That may be why my search was not as successful as I had hoped. A professional genealogist might be able to do a better job than I did.

Deeds of land often name the owners of adjacent tracts of land, so I tried to trace the chain of title of each tract near Rose and James STEWART's royal grant from the first time it was surveyed all the way to the person who now owns it. I used that information to create a map of the area where my Stewart ancestors had lived. The map I created showed all of the boundary lines of nearby farms, and looked like the tax maps that Fairfield and Chester County created years later. I hoped that map would help me determine how Robert STEWART acquired the 233 acres tract of land that he owned when he died. I was not able to do so as well as I had hoped. I was not able to trace the complete chain of title for many of the tracts of land that were near Rose and James STEWART's 150 acre royal land grant. However that map did familiarize me with most of the families that had owned land in the area, and when they bought and sold their land.

It would help genealogists if modern tax maps incorporated all of this historic information about the chain of title and the names of the owners of adjacent tracts in their web sites.

In the Chester or Fairfield county court house I found copies of several quitclaim deeds that showed that my great-great grandfather Thomas B. STEWART and his siblings and a nephew named Samuel STEWART inherited 233 acres from Robert STEWART. John Marion STEWART bought the interest in that land that his siblings inherited.

My first cousin Robert "Bobby" Carl STEWART (deceased) was interested in genealogy also. I visited him and his Maltese wife Maria and their children Steve and Chrisy in Columbia, SC. Cousin Bobby was more interested in the ancestors of the Traylor family. Bobby was a descendant of two of Nancy and William E. TRAYLOR's sons. Thomas Woodward TRAYLOR was very rich, and so were some of his ancestors.

Cousin Bobby had the original quitclaim deeds that I had found copies of in courthouses, by which John Marion STEWART acquired 233 acres from his siblings. Those quitclaim deed were probably in the possession of John Marion STEWART (the grantee), so how they end up in the hands of a descendant of one of the grantors, Thomas B. STEWART? I doubt Bobby even knew that our Stewart ancestors had once lived in the Stover Creek area. He also had a deed signed by Thomas Hughes. Thomas Hughes was an ancestor of Jane BANKHEAD Stewart. She was the wife of Robert STEWART and the mother of Thomas B. STEWART. Cousin Bobby must have obtained these documents from someone who knew more about the ancestors of the Stewart family than he did.

Jane BANKHEAD Stewart's father James BANKHEAD (1748-1821) sailed from Belfast 10/21/1767 (see ). He was probably a cousin of the James Bankhead who is listed on a stone monument to Revolutionary soldiers at Catholic PRESBYTERIAN Church (established about 1770 and located in Chester County a few miles north of James and Rose Stewart's royal land grant).

Cousin Bobby also gave me a deed by which one of our Traylor ancestors donated the land on which Cool Branch Church is built. It is a large brick church in Chester County on Highway 215.

Descendants of Rose and James STEWART

The names of some of the children of Rose and James STEWART (senior) (died 5/31/1832?) were:

1) Jane or Jannet (1774-July 1852). She married William MARION

2) James (junior) He married Jane "Jenny" BROWN, daughter of John Brown and the granddaughter of James Brown,

3) Joseph (died about 1835). He married Mary WEIR

4) Robert "Robin" (1784-1865?). He married Jane BANKHEAD (1784-?).

Some sons of Jane and Robert "Robin" STEWART were named:

1) Joseph (11/4/1809-4/4/1900). I think he married Nancy REID, and that he is buried in the cemetery at the Longtown Presbyterian Church.

2) Samuel Hugh (senior). I think he married Caroline REID. He was born in 1813. His descendants still live in the area, near Great Falls, SC.

3) John Marion (5/27/1820-10/15/1902). He married Catherine REID.

4) Thomas B. (Bankhead?) STEWART (1827-Feb. 1910). He married Sarah Ann NOLAND.

Many descendants of Rose and James STEWART are mentioned in the records of Catholic Presbyterian Church, and many are buried in its cemetery. This church was named "Catholic" because various branches of the Presbyterian religion were included. The word catholic in its name meant "universal", not "Roman Catholic".

Many descendants of Rose and James STEWART are also buried at Hebron Presbyterian Church, a mile east of the Stewart royal land grant. The last STEWARTs to live in this area were two bachelors, named Will and Jim STEWART. Robert Storment BANKH EAD remembered that they "loved their fish and liquor". He told me they drove their wagon to Blackstock for supplies. They were descendants of John Marion STEWART (5/27/1820-10/15/1902) and Catherine Reid, the daughter of Frank REID.

Thomas B. STEWART and Longtown

I was told the following story about my great grandfather James E. ""Big Jim" STEWART. He was not allowed to enlist in the military because of his age. When his father Thomas B. Stewart left home with his older sons to fight the Federal armies that were threatening their families and property, Jim followed his pa and brothers. It took two days for Jim's family to catch up with Jim and bring him back home.

Sherman's army looted and burnt homes as they traveled north up the King's Highway, which was the main road north from Columbia. It is now known as Highway 901. Soldiers on horseback chased Jim down after he fired at them. They let him live because he was so young.(about 16 years old).

Thomas B. STEWART and two of his sons joined Company D of the 17th Infantry, of the renown Evan's Tramp Brigade, which fought in extraordinary battles like the Crater (see CRATER.htm ). They were surrendered at Petersburg.

About 1877, Thomas B. (Bankhead?) STEWART and his family moved from Stover Creek to Longtown in Fairfield County. The family had to ride in a wagon about 20 miles to Aimwell Presbyterian Church, so the Stewart and Wilds families built the beautiful Longtown Presbyterian Church beside the road on corners of their plantations. Longtown Presbyterian Church contains many records of the STEWART family.

Tom and Sarah are buried in graves that are unmarked by inscribed headstones, in the closest row to the church, midway along the western side. An iron Confederate Cross once marked Tom's grave. I was told that Longtown Presbyterian Church had all symbols of the CSA removed from its cemetery.

Thomas B. STEWART's wife was named Sarah Ann NOLAND Stewart. Her brother was named David NOLAND. He fought in the Palmetto Regiment in the 1847 War with Mexico. His name is on a monument that stands on the western side of the SC State House. It lists the names of South Carolinians who were killed during that war.

Tom had many children, William, Tom, Joe, James E. (Big Jim), etc.

WS has a large granite millstone that he found on Thomas B. STEWART plantation. It was used grind corn.

WS visited Longtown about 1967. He asked some Negroes he met about the Stewart family. They said they knew "Big Jim" Stewart and that he could lift a 200-pound sack of fertilizer and set it on a wagon with one hand. Since "Big Jim" Stewart had died about fifty years before, were they talking about his son Jim. Both racial communities in Longtown seemed to venerate the Stewart family.

Big Jim's son John STEWART (July 9, 1892 - October 14, 1965) had only two children. Both were illegitimate mulattos. Their last name was Robinson. They were out-standing students.

Big Jim's son Herbert STEWART (February 14, 1894 - January 25, 1964) lived near Longtown and had many children. All of them were illegitimate mulattos. Their last name was Belton (see ). Miscegenation is illegal in South Carolina. I know of no other Stewart relatives who have Negro genes.

Nègre is French for the Latin word "niger", as in Nigeria and the Niger River. Educated Southerners used that Latin word and Negroes still do. That word and everything else that was Southern was vilified by the hateful and exploitative owners of the media (please read ). To be politically correct, Southerners had to use the word Negro, the same word that Northerners used. Northerners mispronounced the Portuguese word Negro. The Portuguese say Negro (nay-grow). The Yankees say (knee-grow). Patronizing, euphemistic and politically correct slang, e.g., colored, black, African-American, etc., have replaced the better, more-fit and more universal variations of the Latin word.

Ancestors of Joseph Beverly STEWART

Joseph Beverly STEWART was born 5/18/1878 in Longtown, Fairfield County SC. He died on 3/18/1947. He is buried near other kin at Antioch Methodist Church (a mile west of his son WJ Stewart's 230+ acre farm in Feasterville, Fairfield County).

"Joe" was the son of James E. STEWART (1848-9/10/1918) and Mattie MARTIN (1852-1920). He was the grandson of Confederate soldier Thomas B. STEWART (1827-Feb/1910) and "Sally" Sarah Ann NOLAND (1828-?) AND OF "Captain" James C. MARTIN (11/21/1820-12/10/1893) and Martha; was the GREAT GRANDSON of Robert "Robin" STEWART (1784-1865?) and Jane BANKHEAD (1784-?); was the GREAT GREAT GRANDSON of Revolutionary War militiaman James STEWART (senior) (1741-10/2/1829) and Rose (1745-5/31/1832?) AND OF James BANKHEAD (1748-Jan/1801) and Mary HATFIELD, daughter of William HATFIELD (died Jan/1801?). Joe was a farmer and known throughout Fairfield as "Captain" of the "Chain Gang". He used prisoners to build county roads. I was told that Joe might have been murdered if he had not seen the shadow of a pick being aimed at him from behind. Joe caught the pick with his hand, and whipped the Negro to death after work later that day. Joe became overweight; as a result of diabetes, Joe's leg was amputated at the knee, so he wore a wooden peg (and later one with a joint).

Ancestors of Carrie Lyles TRAYLOR Stewart

Carrie Lyles ( or ) TRAYLOR (4/21/1891-9/21/1980) married Joseph Beverly STEWART. She married John STEVENSON in her old age. She was a daughter of Confederate soldier William Henry TRAYLOR (6/15/1847 - 4/25/1920) and Alice WIX (5/1/1861-11/18/1939). She was a GRANDDAUGHTER of William E. TRAYLOR and Nancy B. LYLES (6/13/1812 in Fairfield -5/20/1895 buried at Beaver Creek Baptist Church in Fairfield). She was also a GRANDDAUGHTER or Confederate soldier William Riley WIX (11/4/1830 in Chester Co.-2/5/1906) and Mary A. EDGE (6/27/1840 in Union Co.- 10/18/1902).

Robert CARTER married William Henry TRAYLOR's sister Mary first. After Mary died, he married Henry's widow Alice WIX Traylor.

Carrie Lyles TRAYLOR Stewart was gentle and kind. She proudly claimed descent from "Manus" LYLES. I read that her great grandfather Arromanus (Colonel) LYLES was the first white person that was born in the area now known as Fairfield County. The LYLES family has always been well known and socially prominent in Fairfield County.

Carrie's Uncle Thomas Woodward TRAYLOR came back from the Civil War penniless. He saw a big mansion with columns and said he would own one like it one day. I read that he became the largest landowner in Fairfield County. He was named after his great grandfather Thomas WOODWARD, the Fairfield County "Regulator" who helped make the upcountry more secure. He established a system of justice in the upcountry when the only courts were far away in Charleston.

On 12 December 1998 about thirty years after I wrote the above information, a descendant of Millie Lyles e-mailed me the following "Nancy B. Lyles is listed on page 6 of a Lyles genealogy dated May 1991 which was in the Genealogy Room in Winnsboro. She is listed as a daughter of Arromanus Lyles II and his wife Mary Woodward. Nancy married William E. Traylor."

This e-mail message confirmed what Carrie Lyles Traylor told me. Documents I researched confirmed what Cousin Harvey Baxter Stewart told me about the Stewart's relationship with the White family before they arrived in America. What Rosa McElduff told me about Rosannah Stewart confirmed and verified my interpretation of deeds, etc. All are examples of the value, reliability and usefulness of information verbally passed from one generation to the next. Some people discount unverifiable hearsay that can not be documented.


Rose and James Stewart's descendants said their ancestors came from "I land" because Ireland was not partitioned into two states until 3 May 1921.

In 1922 the Catholic predecessors of today's Irish Republican Army burnt the Belfast courthouse and records which might have helped trace the ancestors of James Stewart and other Scots-Irish immigrants to America.

Cousin Harvey Baxter Stewart said Stewart family tradition and a genealogy book about our Stewart family (which he described in detail and said he had read) traced our Stewart ancestors to Stewart kings. I have not been able to prove that statement, but I have found proof of other statements he made about what our Stewart ancestors had done 200 years before we met.

Many of our ancestors have for so many generations stubbornly, irrationally and defiantly professed to believe in the infallibility of varying and inconsistent versions of racist and genocidal (Deuteronmy 7) Hebrew scriptures. These scriptures report incredible events that occurred centuries before being written about, even though a written language had always been available. Is it more difficult to believe sensible but undocumented hearsay about our own family history, or the "legends" and "mythology" of our Germanic and Celtic (Indo-Hittite or Aryan, not Semite) pre-Christian ancestors, with the same blind zeal?

Stewart kings descend from the knight Flaad (or Flahault). He was the Seneschal of Dol. Steward is the English equivalent of the old French word seneschal. Dol is a very ancient and beautiful town in Brittany. Brittany has been a part of France since 1491. The Bretons (Keltic Aryans) fled from what is now known as England when Anglo-Saxons (German Aryans) invaded their country. The Anglo-Saxon Germans conquered England after Roman rule collapsed in the 5th century A.D.

Flaad helped the Normands (Danish Vikings) conquer England in 1066. Flaad's son Alan migrated to Norfolk, England. Scottish king David I (reigned 1124-1153) appointed Alan's younger son Walter (died 1177) hereditary high steward of Scotland. The first Stewart king of Scotland was Robert II (1316-1390). He was the son of Scottish King Robert the Bruce's daughter.

The English had nearly exterminated the Irish (Catholics) in Northern Ireland by 1603. That is when King James I (Mary Stuart's son, after whom the "King James" translation of the Bible is named) became the first Stewart king of England. King James I settled Protestant Scots (now called "Scots-Irish") in Northern Ireland.

It has been claimed that Stewarts are descendants of King David of Israel, through the ancient kings of Scotland and Ireland, and Princess Tephi of the Davidic Royal House, who brought the Davidic line to Ireland from the Middle East in 583 BC.

Did Stewarts lose their throne due to religion (read Capt. A.H.M. Ramsay's "Nameless War")?

Who would inherit the throne of Scotland if Scotland were to win its independence from England, and chose to have a Stewart king again? is a better source of information about the Stewarts and other royal families

From where did the name "Stewart" come?

The "Oxford English Dictionary" (1989) states that:

  1. Stigweard is the earliest known form of the word steward, from which the name Stewart came. The first syllable of the word "steward" may have meant "stone", or "house". The second syllable of the word "stewart" meant "keeper" (as in "warden"). There is NO grounds for the assumption that stigweard originally meant 'keeper of the pig-sties'.
  2. Forms of the word "steward" are: stigweard, stiweard, stiward, stiwarde, styward(e, styeward, steiward, stuard(e, stwarde, stuerd(e, stuward(e, steuard, stewer(e)de, steward(e, steward, stewarte, stwart, stuart, steuart, and stewart.
  3. "the (Lord High) Steward of Scotland was the first officer of the Scottish King in early times. He had control of the royal household, great administrative powers, and the privilege of leading the army into battle".

Stewart - Gaelic Stiubhart. Orig. an occupational name, borne by keepers of the Scottish royal house. Later changed to a hereditary family name, then became a royal name as the House of Stuart ruled Scotland in 1371, and England from 1603-1714. Occasionally used as a girl's first name. Stuart. (from ).

This Stewart family adopted as its surname the name of its work (steward), and later modified its name to Stewart.

When Mary Stewart, queen of Scotland, settled in France, she started spelling her name "Stuart", since the French alphabet had no "w". Although Mary Stuart was treacherously beheaded by her Cousin Queen Elizabeth, her descendants ruled the Anglo Saxon empire for four generations through the male line, and then through her great grandchild Anne, who married the ancestor of all subsequent British monarchs.

Variations in the spelling of the name Stewart may not reveal much about kinship. Some people could neither read nor write, and spelling has not always been standardized. Not every Stewart bears the surname of his real ancestors.

The RACES of Ireland

From :

"Scots-Irish, purely a U.S. term used to distinguish the Presbyterian/Protestant Irish, mostly from Northern Ireland, who emigrated to the U.S. in the 1700's as separate and distinct from earlier and later Catholic emigrants...

"Ulstermen or Ulster-Scots = Another name for the Scots-Irish, since Ulster was the part of Northern Ireland in which the Scots were settled by the British. Ulster Scots is also the name by which the Scots-Irish are known in the United Kingdom... a lot of us who have been wearing green on St. Patrick's day, should really have been wearing Orange in honor of the true nationality of our ancestors, the Ulster-Scots.:"

Miscegenation between fun loving, short, black-haired, blue-eyed and white-skinned (now Catholic) Irish and the blond Vikings and Germanic Anglo Saxons produced many red-headed Irishmen in places like Dublin and in other coastal villages in Ireland. Hardly any Aryan-looking people live in the Irish hinterland. They are probably the descendants of the Picts, who were able to survive in Ireland during the last Ice Age because of the warming effect of the Gulf Stream and Atlantic ocean..

The term "Black Irish" is also currently used with a deprecatory meaning by the Catholic Irish to describe the Protestants of Ireland who have historically supported the British rule of Ulster. (See for information about the myth of Irish descendants of Spanish survivors of the Armada, etc.).

The more industrious Scots-Irish Protestants who live in Northern Ireland are taller and mostly fair-haired and blue-eyed. Their blood tinted white skin helped disperse and reflect the heat of the Sahara, which their ancestors left about eighteen thousand years ago. Their ancestors were mostly civilized Aryan (Germanic Vikings and Celtic [the original non Anglo-Saxon British] farmers who about 11 thousand years ago began to emigrate from Hamitic civilizations in the Fertile Crescent (Egypt, etc.) into Europe as soon as the climate became warm enough for farming.

LOVE your kinfolk.

Gordon B. Hinckley, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said: "For Latter-day Saints, families do not end at death. They are the basis of society even in the world to come. With that understanding, members of this Church regard it as both a privilege and an obligation to seek out their forebears."

The doctrine of the eternal nature of the family is one of the most important and sacred teachings for us. As I learn more about my own ancestors, who worked so hard and sacrificed so much, it increases my sense of identity and deepens my commitment to honor their memory. Perhaps there has never been a time when a sense of family, of identity and self-worth, has been more important to our world.

Seeking to understand our family history can change our lives. It helps bring unity and cohesion to families. There is something about understanding the past that helps give our young people something to live up to, a legacy to respect.

(From )

Those I questioned when I was a child knew little more about my ancestry than about my grandparents. When I began genealogical research about 1967, none of the descendants of Thomas B. Stewart I questioned knew any more about his immediate ancestors than that their Stewart ancestors came from Ireland.

Few members of old southern families of northern European (Indo-Hittite) descent know much about their own ancestors. If we try to find out anything about them, we are often warned we "may find skeletons in the closet". For many generations we have identified ourselves only as "Jews by adoption". Nearly all Aryans/Hittites have been assimilated by non-kinship based religions like Christianity. Deuteronomy 7.24 states that our Christian god will deliver our kings (governments) into the hands of Hebrews, and that the Hebrews shall destroy our race and name "from under heaven".

Negro leaders often complain that keeping them ignorant of their ancestry and history is how enemies have tried to destroy their own race.

I have traveled over ten thousand miles and invested many years of unpaid, painful and mostly fruitless research trying to identify my own ancestors. Those who contribute to and help preserve and disseminate their own genealogy may spare some member of a future generation some hardship and expense, if not our race from destruction.

If you try to trace one of the families above a generation further back you may understand how difficult, irreplaceable and costly this knowledge and research is, so why lose it? Add what information you can while you can so it too can be passed on to members of future generations who may want to know.

Much of the genealogy above was recorded in Fairfield County Deeds EN on page 125; in Richland County Deeds 733 on page 745, and in Richland County Mortgages 1076 on page 590.

Benefit future generations by storing relevant, true and useful facts about your own family safely and cheaply for centuries by recording it with your deeds, wills, etc., wherever you live.

I (attorneys might hesitate) personally registered (for $3.00/page at Clerks of Court) real estate deeds that included many pages of genealogical information, so future generations need not waste lifetimes and money seeking what our generation lost.

Hoping to disseminate and preserve it for posterity, I first published this genealogy in 1995, and posted it on Internet on April 11, 1996.

My conclusions are based on combining skimpy information I obtained from documents in local court houses, archives, libraries, etc. with a little information I obtained from Thomas B. Stewart's cousins' now deceased descendants. Although I am confident of the identity of Thomas B. Stewart's grandparents, I hope others base their own conclusions on official records, which should be much easier now that I have pointed them in the right direction. With enough cooperation I think it is possible that Thomas B. Stewart's paternal great grandparents might be identified. I doubt anyone willing to sacrifice enough would know enough to do so without my help. I no longer have the time and strength to do so alone.

This copyrighted document is my intellectual property. Copying it or any part thereof without my permission is a violation of my legal rights. However, genealogical information belongs to no one. It can not be protected by copyright. Is that why some selfish researchers are unwilling to share their own research? The same researchers are glad to obtain genealogical information from others. The more we share our research with each other, the more everyone will know, and the progress we can make

Please write the author if you want to help improve (or wish any information removed from) this document, and direct others to this web page, at

Some web sites about my other ancestors are at::
