
about me
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My mug shotAs an artist and a naturalist, I believe that the natural world deserves mankind's total attention and compassion in it's 'Eleventh Hour'. We are at a crossroads concerning our environment and change must come from within each individual. There are no neutral parties in my opinion. We are all part of the problem, therefore we must all be part of the solution.

It is our responsibility to inform, educate and administer cures to the environmental disasters that besiege us. We must present the ecology of the planet as 'Personal' to first, as well as third, world countries that partake of the Earth's bounty. It must be presented in a manner which makes sense to people. Whether helping save the rainforest or picking up trash along the roadway - all can promote change. To quote William Drayton, 'Change starts when someone sees the next step'.

I attended the Butera School of art and received my Bachelors of Arts in 1991. Previous to this, my background consisted of marine biology, creative writing and journalism while attending Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts.

I am associated with the Cousteau Society, the African Wildlife Foundation and Greenpeace. I have rallied against cruel animal practices, such as the leg hold trap, and continue to make my voice heard in any political situation involving animals.

I have won many awards and continue to do so in my home in historic Concord, Massachusetts. I currently run Greco Studios while I continue my painting and attending art shows whenever possible.

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