About My Site

I had ideas running around my head for a Steve tribute for months before I even started working on this site. I knew from the outset that if I was going to create a site, I wanted to create something that hadn't been done before - something new, and as far as I can tell, I've achieved it. There is no other Steve Clark or Def Leppard site that is dedicated to both Steve and trying to get information to people that could help them if they are suffering from the same problems as he did. My anticipated launch date for this site is December 25th '02 and I'm proud to be the creator of the first and only English Steve Clark web site. I wanted a special day to launch my site so I chose this day as it marks the anniversary that Steve got his first guitar... and the anniversary that I got mine, too :)

Creating this site has been sort of therapeutic for me - by raising awareness of some of the problems that affected Steve and affect myself, I feel that I am taking what I've been through and am still going through, and using it to help others. If this site helps just one person, it will have served its purpose in raising awareness.

Yes, there ARE plenty of sites on depression, stress, anxiety etc, but the one problem with all of these conditions is that when you are suffering through them, looking up info on specific sites dedicated to them to get yourself some help isn't always uppermost in your mind. This is why I hope to make a difference with this site - this is a site dedicated to Steve, and will (hopefully!) attract many people who are interested in Steve with or without Def Leppard. Would they have gone looking for a specific site on their particular problem if they were suffering from it? Chances are, no, they wouldn't - being depressed takes up one hell of a lot of energy - anything and everything is a colossal effort. You feel that you don't want to spend any spare energy looking out for info on it - it may never even cross your mind. So as far as I can see, if someone has come to my site looking for info on Steve, and they have depression and wouldn't have gone looking for info on it on a site dedicated to it then this is going to help them immensely, and save them a lot of suffering.

I was supposed to be taking time out to get to grips with my own stress and depression, but found nothing but frustration because I felt like I was doing nothing constructive. I wasn't even planning on even starting work on this site until February 03, but since I've actually been working on it I have seen an improvement in my condition as I feel that I'm actually doing something useful instead of sitting back and passively let depression ruin my life even more than it has already. I suffer from 'reactive' depression, i.e. depression caused by outside influences, and as such I'm expecting to make a complete recovery one day, but it is taking a very long time.

I guess there may be people out there who will look down on me for highlighting some of Steve's problems, and if you're one of those people reading this, just take a moment to think about it. Steve suffered from depression and stress, as do I... do you think he would be angry with me for highlighting this? I don't, because I know how terrible it is to be floored with depression - it takes a hold of your life and destroys it. I understand what Steve went through, and he would understand what I have gone through and am still going through. I know that he would be proud of me for trying to help others. Steve means the world to me and I would never do anything that would be disrespectful to his memory.

It isn't easy to admit suffering from depression as there is such a stigma and ignorance that revolves around it, and I hope to get rid of some of that stigma and ignorance with this site. Often the only thing people say to someone suffering depression is 'get a grip' or 'pull yourself together', and I find that attitude appalling and insensitive. Until you've been there and suffered through it you can't fully understand what it's like, but hopefully by reading this information I've put together on this site, if you do know someone suffering through any of these conditions, you will be able to help them to help themselves. I've seen depression from both sides - both suffering from it and caring for someone suffering from it, so I think I'm as qualified as anyone to comment on it.

The most important thing you can have when suffering from any of these conditions is love and support. Someone suffering severe depression needs all the love that it is possible for you to give them, please don't let anyone you know cope on their own who is suffering as Steve did. I hate to think about how much he went through - even almost 12 years (at the time of writing this) after Steve's sad passing, it's still so painful and upsetting. Please don't ever give up on someone if they're suffering as Steve did - they need your support more than ever.

6 Months Down The Line   Main

RIP Sweetheart.

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