Quiz 1                            

1.   What kind of tree captured Malone in The Journey Begins?

2.   What's the name of Veronica's parents?    

3.   When was Roxton born  ? 

4.   What´s the name of Summerlee´s wife?

5.   What´s the name of Rachel Blakely´s cat ?

6.   What´s the 2nd name of Roxton ?

7.   Which two actors of TLW played together in "Tales of the South Seas" ?

8.   What´s the name of Challenger´s wife?

9.   What was the name of the king Marguerite should marry in Camelot?

10. Which actress played the role of the Voodoo Queen Danielle? 

11. In which episode appeared Summerlee as a ghost?

12. What was the name of the guy who saved Roxton´s life in Resurrection?

13. What´s the name of Marguerite´s best friend?

14. In which episode were Roxton and Marguerite clones?

15. In which episode dreamed Malone about the return to London?

16. Who plays the role of Tribune ?

17. In which episode changed Marguerite in a snake?

Quiz 2

I mixed the letters. Bring them in the right order and you´ll get  words  who  has to do with TLW. 










Quiz 3

1.  How many weapons used Roxton to kill the eating plant in "The Guardian"?

a)   1
b )  2
c)   He didn´t used a weapon

2.  What was the name of Veronica´s friend in "The Visitor" ?

a)  Jacoba 
b)  Paul
c)  Danu

3.  What is the name of the Tribe where Veronica´s best friend live?

a)  Amazons 
b)  Zangas
c)  Moya

4.  What for an animal came to Roxton in Divine Right ?

a)  Dog
b)  Dinosaurs
c)  Horse

5.  How many people came from the future in "Time after Time" ?

a)  3
b)   2
c)   1

6.  When it´s Rachel Blakley´s Birthday ? 

a)  28th July
b)  8th March
c)  27th November

7.  What´s the name of the guy who gives us news every Wednesday on the official Message Board?

a)  Steve J
b)  Nicholas J
c)  Nick J

8.  What for things attacked the group in Stone Cold?

a)  Living Stones
b)  Dinosaurs
c)  Wild boars

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I made some questions and a quiz about TLW . Write the answers on a paper and go to the end of this site. There you will find a link to the answers.