There once was a man who loved himself so much that he would look at himself in the mirror and compliment himself.  People always thought he was an idiot because he did this, so they laughed at him and called him names.  The man put up with the teasing for a few years, figuring the people would get bored of laughing at him and move on to something else.  Much to the man’s dismay, this never happened.
     So one year the man decided this teasing had to stop.  To anyone that made fun of him, he decided he would find his or her weakness, since he knew everyone had one, and he would make fun of that.  So he did, but no one seemed to care what he thought.
     “He’s an idiot!” they would say.  “Why should we care what idiots think?”
     He tried many different things to get rid of the teasing, but nothing worked.  No one could get over the fact that the man was in love with himself.
     One day, the man decided that it was kind of dumb to be in love with himself.  In fact, the man realized it was so dumb, that he began to hate himself.
     So everyday the man would diss himself.  He would call himself all kinds of names, and even laugh at himself.  He did this so much that one day, he made himself really mad--to the point where he realized he could not take himself anymore.  So he grabbed an axe and chopped his own head off. 
     The people who had teased the man earlier were happy that he was no longer around to be an idiot, and the man was happy that he wasn’t around anymore to tease himself.  Although, the man didn’t get everything he wanted when he died, because now he is in Hell, being tortured.  The Devil thought of the perfect form of torture for the man:  lock him up in a room by himself, with nothing else.  There he would tease and hurt himself to the point where he could no longer take it, and then he would have to tease himself some more.  Yes, that was a perfect punishment.
     And, kids, the moral of today’s story is: if you are an idiot, you can’t stop being an idiot, and when you die, you’ll probably go to Hell and be tortured for eternity.