You’re so beautiful—you’re everything I see
With you is where I want to be
But you wouldn’t go to the dance with me
So now I’ve just got one final plea:

Since you can’t be mine
Can I cut your head off?

You’re so pretty I don’t want to stop looking at you
So can I cut your head off…
…and put it on my shelf?

You won’t go out with me
But I don’t want to lose those memories
I never want to forget what you look like
So can I cut off just a little piece?

Marsha let me do it to her!
She struggled a bit, but with once slice she shut up
So can I please do the same to you?
What? What do you mean “no”?
Well, TOO BAD!  Haha!

Thank you for letting me cut off your head
I love you so much
You’re still pretty—even with maggots crawling on your face
Thank you for letting me cut your head off

I’m not quite sure
Why you killed her
But all I know
Is that it’s your time to go

I am a man of revenge
You will experience pain
All I have to do is infect your brain

Glance down at your watch
It’s not 12:30.
It’s time to die.

Taking the only thing I love,
That’s going to cost you, buddy.
I can’t believe you did it
You are one sick little freak
But as you probably already know…I’m way sicker

You deserve torture
You deserve pain
You deserve a little conference with me

You took all I had
You took everything I’ve ever loved

You killed my girl
And it’s payback time

Rotting undead claws clutching her head
Soon…this bitch will be dead
And her murderer is missing an eye
In it’s place a pile of worms, now DIE, GIRL, DIE!

Slowly but surely her eyeball travels forth
Soon it will reach its destination
Retina pierced by a splinter
Gore flows

She has met her match…and her maker!

Soon it will happen to you!