Chapter 1 Section 2 Notes
1. What is the earliest period of human history called?  Who was Lucy?  Define the word nomad.  What Age did they come from?

2. Define the term Ice Age.  What regions were covered by glaciers during this time period?  What three actions did the cold climate force people to do? 

3. How do we know early people believed in a spiritual world?  What suggests that they believed in an afterlife?

4. What tremendous change occurred about 11,000 years ago?  What effect did this change have on the human population?  What is the name of this Age?

5. What is Skara Brae?  Was this Paleolithic or Neolithic?  How do we know this?  What food sources did they have? What kinds of technology did they have.  What did this technology lead to?
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Chapter 1.1 Notes
1.Define the word Prehistory.  What happened around 5,000 years ago?  Define the word archaeology.

2. What is an artifact?  Give some examples of an artifact.  Define the word technology.  How can archaeologists tell how old stone tools are?  What would flint chips suggest in a certain location?

3. Who are Geologists and how do they help archaeologists?  Botanists and Zoologists?  What is a Historian?  What does B.C. stand for?  A.D.?

4. Explain what is meant by Historical Detection?  What are some obstacles keeping Historians from determining if evidence is reliable?

5. Define Geography.  Why is Geography important in the study of History?  What are the five themes of geography?  Explain Each of the 5 themes.

Chapter 1 Section 3

1. What are the eight features commonly found in early civilizations?  Where did the first cities develop?  Why?

2. What problems did the rivers present?  How did the farmers solve these problems?  How were the Americans different? What attracted people to build cities in a specific area?

3. Who were the rulers?  Where did they claim their power came from?  Define bureaucracy. 

4. Define polytheistic.  What did these gods control?  How did the ancient people praise them?

5. How were social classes created?  What is an artisan?  List the complex social ranking of people in cities.  How did people become slaves?

6. What sort of art, architecture,  and public works were created?  Why do we call them public works? In what way were these projects costly? 

7. What important skill did people develop?  Why?  What is a pictogram?  Who were scribes?

8. What is the difference between a city-state and an empire? How did empires develop? 

9. What is a steppe?  Were people able to farm there?  Do we have nomads today?  What is cultural diffusion?  How did this occur?