The purpose of this website is to give students a chance to voice their opinions about the tragic events of September 11,  2001.  Many of the students here at South Charleston High School want to help the victums of the attack by donating blood,  donating money and blankets,  and many of them want to volunteer to help the rescuers.  However,  students have been turned away because there are too many people wanting to help and many of us cannot make the trip to New York where they would also be turned away. 
      As a teacher it is very touching to see the student body care so much about something.  I am glad to see that the stereotype that young Americans have had in the past ( this generate doesn't care about anything)  is not true.  The students at SCHS have already exceeded expectations in the community.  We are the only school,  that I know of,  that has had a candle light vigil.  Some of our students have written essays that were published in the Charleston Gazette Flipside section.  Many of our students even stayed up late the night of September 11th to make over 2000  red,  white,  and blue ribbons for the student body to wear the next day.  Our staff is extremely proud of our students.
      The essays that you are about to read were assignments in Mr.  Loftis' 9th grade U.S. History classes.  As you will read,  many of these students feel patriotic for the first time in their life.  Some of the students have said, "I feel like an American for the first time in my life!"  Most of the students were very scared because they felt that our chemical plants were a target.  While other students were ready to enlist in the military because they know that this is only the beginning of what might be a very long war.  We have to understand that these students were not alive when the Challenger exploded,  and they were only 2 years old during the Gulf War.  Many of these students are sharing their deepest feelings and hopfully this might help them deal with the stress they are feeling right now.  This website will not solve any problems,  but it might help these students to remember how they felt the day America was attacked.
God Bless America! 
Mr. Loftis
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Have you thanked a veteran today?
But our flag was still there!