Progessive Jeopardy
1The Jungle 

2Worked with Elizabeth Cady Stanton for a constitutional Amendment  to give women the right to vote        
3Photographer during the Progressive era that documented child labor 

4This Wisconsin governor led the way for political reform in America when he pushed for direct primary elections

5Wrote articles criticizing Standard Oil

6The 19th Amendment was the end product of this Progressive movement.

7This movement was led by a large group of women that wanted to end alcohol abuse and domestic violence.

8 The 17th Amendment was the end result of this Progressive movement.

9The abuses by Hormel and Armor were reasons for this Progressive movement.

10The abuses of Textile mills, coal mines,  and newspaper companies caused many progressives to push for this reform.

11Required banks to keep a portion of their deposits in a regional reserve bank.

12Prohibited the employment of children under the age of 14 in factories producing goods for interstate commerce

13A section of this act had a provision for levying an income tax

14 Set standards for cleanliness in meatpacking plants

15Authorized the use of federal funds from public land sales to pay for irrigation projects

16"Crusading journalists of the late..."

17Laws banning the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol 

18The idea that government should own and operate industry for the community as a whole

19A settlement imposed by an outside party

20During Roosevelt’s 2nd term,  his reform programs became known as this

21The Worker’s “Magna Carta”

22Another name given to Roosevelt’s Progressive Party

23Wilson’s reform programs
24Direct vote of senators was given with this amendment

25Taft’s reform that investigated and publicized problems with child labor