Stephen & Sandra Brauning & family serving with Christian Reformed World Missions


  Overseas Mailing Address:                                                        In the Dominican Republic


                       DMG 13923                                                                   E-Mail:


            7990 15th St. East                                                                  Home Phone: 809-530-9008    


          Sarasota, FL 34243                                                             Office Phone: 809-565-9601    


                          Sept. 20, 2005,                                      


“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it” \

These words of Jesus Christ, recorded in Matthew 16:18, crystallize the whole scope of the flow of world history since they were spoken.  Christ himself is at work establishing his church.  He came preaching the gospel of the Kingdom (Matt. 4:23 and 9:25), and continues actively establishing that Kingdom (John 5:17).  It is the greatest movement in the history of the world, encompassing members from every tribe and tongue and people and nation (Rev. 5:9, 14:6).


Perhaps the most amazing part is that we are part of it!  Jesus gave his Great Commission at least five times, in Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47-48, John 20:21-23, and Acts 1:8,   thereby mobilizing all of his disciples to carry out the work. We know, of course, that it is he working in and through us.  And he gave us this promise: “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14)  As missionaries, this is what gives us hope and assurance of success.


            Every true Christian and true church in the world is part of this worldwide mission, not just as a member or result of it, but also as an active participant!  Christ has called us, in fact has commanded us to go into the harvest field.  Each one has a different part to play.  As field missionaries, we are privileged to be “on the front lines” as it were.  But no matter where we are, there is Kingdom work to do.


We appreciate our partnership in this Kingdom work, with all our supporting churches and individuals that are praying and supplying materially for us here on the mission field.


We invite you to join us in praise and thanksgiving for what the Lord is doing though the ministry of the Christian Reformed World Missions team here in the Dominican Republic.

Ø       We have five new teams starting Evangelism Explosion this fall so far.  Four are in churches that are continuing and expanding, and one is in a church that is starting for the first time.

Ø       The new “Gospel of John” evangelism and discipleship project is beginning with over 100 pastors receiving the first training session. 

Ø       The Reformed Bible Institute here keeps expanding, now with 17 classes around the country.  Each class has at least 10 students, and a trained teacher from the Christian Reformed Church. 

Ø       The Christian Reformed Church here has just opened university level classes with 25 students attending. 


These are just some of the many signs of the building of the Church and the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom.  We ask you to pray as well for each of these ministries, the missionaries and national leaders involved, the participants and churches, and that through these, Christ’s promise would come a little closer to being fulfilled.



The Brauning family here in the DR is experiencing the first departure from the nest as Jesse is now at Dordt College in Iowa.  So far he seems to love it.  We sure do miss him around here, though.  We have found that it is hard to reach him by phone in his dorm room since he’s hardly ever there.  The rest of the family is well, and busy with school, music lessons, and other activities. 


Thanks to you all for your love, your prayers and your support.  May the peace of Christ dwell richly in your hearts.


Steve & Sandra Brauning

Christian Reformed World Ministries

Dominican Republic