Summer's Over

It's the end of august and school's in two more days
Looking back on my holidays
Months of freedom wasted away and now I'm bored right to the bone

My friends got jobs and I was a slob
watching re-runs and drinking pop
Picking my nose and tasting lime vacation is just a waste of time

Is this going to be like this
I had more fun as a Kid

I'm not ready to go back yet
Summer's Over not such a big loss

She got bored and moved away
I had nothing left to say
My only chance now long gone upset I was I began to cry

Parents and their strict curfews
Missed all the parties I was invited to
television sketched in my brain
my depression became my aching pain

this cycle that I follow
Will it ever change
I don't want to wake up
From the dream where everything's ok

Will it ever finally grow out of me
Will I ever grow out of this
that I'll have to wait and see
but I know I could have done Better...