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Dear Diary,

Wow, today was top notch!! My whole day was o-so average, until period 5 came. I walked towards my Chemistry* class when I saw a vision in the distance - it was Mr. Truckosnitch! He was taking my Chemistry* class! He brushed passed me and opened the door, I felt a shiver up my spine. We walked into the class, and both of us all ready had 'chemistry', sharing a few jokes here and there. Every now and then he would glimpse over at me and give a loving smile and raise of the legs* to ressure me that he had no wet patches. There were a few other boys* vying for Trucko's attention, but my raidant smile kept all of his eyes on me. He made a few jokes about me being straight* but I knew he was only trying to get my attention. He was going to tell a joke about me, but then he thought it would embarrass me, so he old me to stay after class so he could tell me. Once everyone had left he walked over to me and said, heres the joke :
" I love Miss Milk" and he laughed. He never loved Miss Milk! It was only a joke! I had a major chance. I laughed and said, oh you! I walked out and stood against the door, with my books clasped against my chest as i dreamed of what could be. Then I heard a bang on the door. Trucko couldnt get out! Whoops!