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November 21, 2003
Dear Diary,

I haven't made an entry for ages, but thats due to me having to study really really hard for my upcoming Biology* exam. Mr. Truckosnitch is making it extra hard for us all, but he gave us a Revison* exam, which was good. He's so sweet, always trying to help out. Its so mysterious of him...oh my I yearn for you...

Yesterday was our first class with our beloved in years
* and if he wasn't there yesterday I wouldn't have handled it. I may have had to do something extreme like...miss chess choir*! Anyway, back to class. It was really hot, and me and aimee looked pretty top notch if I say so myself. Truckosnitch look extra spiffing with his wonderful shorts and nice blue nylon* shirt. It was all going smoothly until pinni pointed something out - my dear Truckosnitch had wet patches under his legs*. I was crying so much, and then he mocked my pain by putting my name on the board. Then i realised, it was coz he wanted me after class for a bit of kinky u know what! I could see Macy* in the corner with one hand under the table and she was reading her watch on the other hand, she must have been timing something...hmm...wonder what...

The day ended on a positive note with me playing a good round of volleyball
*, where I could really show off my wet patches. I would do anything to bee* like Truckosnitch, even if it ment compromising my health....

*Names have been changed