Teens Against Drunk Driving!!


Our TADD group has a 5 person Executive

Jen Sirois, Amy Heans, Matt Judge, Jen Nelson, Pam Cripps

We have 30 + membes in our group

The group meets once a month to discuss what we can do for awareness in the school and in the comunity



At what we do!!!!!

In conjunction with the RCMP we promote awareness at road checks in our area. We greatly appreciate their support


We also have a program with Liquor NB, which alows us to stamp our logo and anti-drunk driving message on their bags. We are starting this campaign the week of Dec






Who is TADD and What are we all about?

TADD is the student group of Against Drunk Driving. We were formed in 1983 to provide a forum for students and teens to discuss and promote the dangers associated with drinking and driving


What are TADD's goals and objectives?

Our goal is to reduce the tragedies caused by impaired drivers and to educate our peers and others through presentations, workshops and newsletters, and to highlight that they must accept responsibility for their actions. THINK BEFORE YOU DRINK!









Thanks for coming