The only rule for joining this ring is that the site must be viewable by all ages. In other words, the site can't have adult content, language, or can't be offensive to anyone. Also, it is preferred that the site have some kind of message board, chat room, or something where people can interact (this is not a rule).

Other than that, any site can be added. It can be about anything -- religion, places, teens, etc.

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By law, we cannot collect personal information on anyone under the age of 13. Because of this we do not allow anyone 13 or under to Join a RingSurf Net Ring, or become a Ringmaster, and thus we are forced to ask you to specify your birthdate. If you are under the age of 14, you may not become a member of RingSurf. You may use the Ring Directory and use any existing ring, you just may not start a new ring, or add your website to an existing ring. See our privacy statement if you have any questions on how we handle your personal data.
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