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Local Councils----The real stories behind what they spend your money on.

Councils to be featured in the future include
The above represent two of the highest spending councils in Britain. We will be featuring how they spin their policies to their taxpayers
How they waste money on environmental "initiatives" and the cost of maintaining their bloated city halls

Also go to >>>> Speed kills >> Notts Council taxes >> Road Deaths >>
Lets start with Nottingham and it's white elephant tram system, (still under construction) and the road humps they put in which keep growing like Topsy. Read on and see how your money is wasted!!

Nottingham City Council has been rocked over the last few weeks by protests from the public over its failing transport system and the white elephant tram scheme. This 300 million pound tram system is supposed to provide the city with a modern transport system, but like so many schemes proposed by this lack lustre, green friendly council, its off the rails already. It is already needing the possible imposition of a £150 parking bay levy from employers to fund the silly system. Employees still prefer to use their cars to get to work in this essentially rural area. The divots in the council house cant see this though and pursue their anti-car policies with gusto.

They claim that if half the city used public transport they would have a car free city, what a load of b******.
Even their council leader doesnt use public transport all the time. The buses dont run on time, they are filthy due to the clients who use them making ordinary people use taxis or their cars. Services to the northern areas like Kimberley and Eastwood are regularly suspended due to violence, swearing and aggression towards bus staff. All this yet the 'leader' of the city council wants us to use this sytem.

People in Beeston dont want this tram system, yet instead of improving the road system, all this fairy council can do is restrict the growth of the city by discouraging businesses from setting up with a parking place levy.

Their 'leader' admits, in an interview with the Nottingham Evening Post that only about half the Socialist members of the Council use public transport, wonder why? We know many members of the Council and even more employees. The employees are sick to death of being used to promote the outdated and prejudiced opinions of this Council.

The 'leader' says that the parking place levy is "small", well it would be for him he doesnt have to pay it does he.
The alternative is road tolling he says. No its not, the alternative, is to get off peoples backs, invest in the road infra-structure which people want, stop polluting the atmosphere with road humps and dirty buses.

We realise you can't do this of course because it conflicts with the Councils  insane desire to control peoples lives, (thats how all bullies operate, isnt it). Lets not forget it was this same Council that had ideas for other barmy transport systems such as the lilac leopard bus system which also failed.

This euro freak council also wants to use the parking place levy to subsidise bus routes. They can't seem to get their brains round the idea that subsidies have never worked, they still think we are living in the days of the nationalised industries. The only big nationalised indusrty left is the lack lustre NHS and look what a mess thats in with patients paying to get cheaper treatment abroad. This loopy left wing Council says its not prepared to 'do nothing'. the problem with them is they ignore the lessons of history. They cant afford to do the job properly, Nottingham is not right for this system, they have spent a fortune on it so far and cant get out of it. The Robin Hood train line is losing money, this tram system will fold almost as soon as it opens unless huge subsidies can be found.

Just think of the improvements this city could have had with £300,000,000 spent elsewhere.

Police escorts for Notts Buses - yes it's true!!
Police in Nottinghamshire are wasting more time having to provide a marked police car to escort a bus from clifton to East Leake due to the excessive violence and fare avoidance. And these councillors want us to use their awful transport system, jeez.

Traffic Wardens Issue Parking Tickets to Notts. City Buses
The situation regarding Notts City Buses is now so bad that traffic wardens have started issuing parking tickets for buses double parked at the city's trinity square bus station. The council now admits to its disasterous bus reorganisation which is described as "teething troubles". Tell that to all the travelling members of the public. Once again they can't leave well alone. Still it fits in with their overall policy of bringing the city to a standstill with no commerce or trade, then they really will have a car free city. What a bunch of dipsticks!!

This Green Council
The green council of Nottingham / Nottinghamshire is anything but green, especially when it comes to the motor car.
Like most interfering councils in Britain they object to the car because they don't like independence and individuality. It also means you are less likely to use the dirty, awful public transport systems they operate.

They install road humps to "control" traffic speed and hopefully numbers. It has escaped their notice that the idiots that go racing round the streets are unlikely to be motorists going about their lawful business. In fact it would be true to say that of the accidents in urban areas most of them are caused by stolen cars, (they slow down for road humps don't they), or would you believe it mothers taking their children to school in the family car!!!! In fact research conducted shows that 40% of the chidren injured outside schools comes not from speeding cars but from children being injured in cars driven by their mothers and/or crossing the road between parked cars belonging to mum!

Now the cost of these humps can be anything from £2,000 to £15,000 yes you read it right. Then of course we have to add the cost to damaged suspension systems, exhaust systems, steering and of course health.

Speed Kills!!  This mantra trotted out by local councils is at best laughable and at worst irresponsible and a lie. It is used by these councils to invent traffic restrictions and the UK's politically correct Chief Constables to justify the persecution of innocent motorists and increase the revenue of the Police. (well it is easier than catching villains, lets face it). The facts are, speed has never killed anyone. It was said in the 1800's that the human body could not stand speeds in excess of 30mph and rail travel was impossible because of this! Astronauts re-enter the atmosphere in excess of 24,000mph and live.

What causes road accidents is driving inappropriately for the conditions and situation at the time. e.g. driving past an infant school at the speed limit of 30mph would perhaps be inappropriate at going home time. At other times of the day 40 or 50mph may be quite alright. At least on the continent they realise this with variable speed limits, (one of the few good things to emanate from Europe).  While on the subject of speed why is it that in Germany, where there is no speed limit on the autobahns, accidents are no greater than in Britain.
Over the next few weeks we will explain the muddled thinking and costs these people put us to, together with some ways of beating the speed cameras and keeping your licence points free, yes it can be done and we will tell you how. Keep visiting.

Road Deaths - the statistics they don't relish
Here's some statistics on road deaths to put you even more in the picture. Despite the increased congestion on our roads due to government underfunding, road deaths are still only 66 per week compared to 76 in the home. Thats with something like 24 million vehicles registered in the U.K. In 1999 2.8 million people received hospital treatment for injuries in the home. That compares with 320,120 for injuries in car accidents. Now that puts all this garbage put out by Derbyshire and Notts Councils into perspective.

Notts Council Taxes :- why is it that council taxes always rise at a rate greater than inflation and when you enquire why they always say that the government doesn't give them enough grant. The real reason is that they are spending your money, they are inefficient, they have become like the robber barons of old and that far to much is spent on subsidising their politically correct attitudes and social services. In Nottingham social services account for 17.6% of gross visible expenditure, while their housing accounts for 24.2% and they have one of the worst rent deficits in the country. This year Notts City Council has raised its council tax by over 6%, when the inflation statistics hover at around 2%. Of course this is not all that surprising when you consider that people employed by the city council, many on very strange job titles, have increased by 3.7%.

Lets have a look at the County, their level of expenditure has to be seen to be believed. Their level of expenditure is, wait for it, a massive 43.22% greater than that determined by the Labour government for a council of its size. In money terms that means a band D householder is paying £253.09 per year more than they need to. If you live in the Broxtowe borough you will pay £276.18 more than you need to. The %age annual increase amounts to 5.85% for a band C tax payer. Thats more than twice the rate of inflation!!! Where does most of this money go, yes you've guessed it, social services and education but have you seen any improvememnt in the County Councils education performance, none that you would notice.


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