Greetings Visitors. Please enjoy your stay. This page is done for my husband David. He loves The Pittsburgh Steelers. He has made me grow to love them as well. They are doing really good this year. Hope they go to the super bowl. He told me that he isnt cutting his hair untill they winthe super bowl. And I have never seen him with long hair. so this is going to be interesting. I am not saying that i dont have faith in our team. because i do. i just dont think the team has faith in themselve. My Husband also like Blues Clues. Dont ask me why becuase I really dont have a clue.Its really sad that the NFL will not let anyone please a teams logo on thier site.Me and my husband have been married for 2 years now.We are happily married.With a son.

Blues Clues

Score Board

Birthstone Bears
