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Please visit our Mirror Cloister at:

The Holy Order of

St. Daniel of the Cerulean Eyes

Praise be to the Luminescent One!

Welcome, Friends, to our cloister.

As you may or may not know, the producers and writers of Stargate SG-1 have finally acknowledged that we were right all along!

Daniel Jackson IS a god.

Beginning with the Season 5 episode 'Meridian', Daniel will finally take his place amongst the divinities.

Of course, as followers and viewers alike, we know this will mean a sacrifice on our part. We will soon be deprived of our Lord's presence for much of the remaining time SG-1 will travel through the gate.

Weep not, Brothers and Sisters. As we know, while we cannot see our gods, they are still with us.

None of us is more cognizant of this fact than the High Priest of the Order of St. Daniel...

Jack, our Lord's consort in this realm.

Yes, Brethren, while we may be unable to witness our God's many visits to this plain, we may take solace in the fact that each night, St. Daniel will visit his beloved, faithful companion.

No powers on this earth may touch them now.

They are now free to share the love that has been so long denied them.

Praise St. Daniel!
Hail, Jack the Beloved!
Long may their love last!

Blessed will we all be when the Earth and Heaven join as one!

Holy Days

We are still in the process of organizing the cloister, feel free to stop by another day to learn more of our Order.

May the Peaceful Explorer guide you on your journeys always.

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