:: Stately Penguin ::

Hi, I'm Matt. Fill out this form if you are a girl. And then I'll go out with you. That's all.

First Name: Last Name:

E-mail Address:


If you have seen me/met me, how would you rate a gent like myself?
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10:

If you had to choose from the below animals, which would you choose as your Top 3?
Penguin:    Puffin:    Monkey:    Giraffe:    Elephant:
Double-wattled Cassowary:    Shark:    Oxen:    Blue Fish:    Ferret:

What features do you look for in a boyfriend? Check all that apply.
Ugly-ness: Loser-ness Negative-ness Semi-experienced in HTML Stupid-ness HUGE Adam's Apple

What is your favorite color?

Say a little bit about yourself. You know, the standard stuff that is on an online application to be the girlfriend of a guy who is soo "cool" that he has to make an application on the internet, utilizing his HTML skill in the process.

What do you expect to get from this relationship? I think I can be a pretty good boyfriend because I won't fight and I won't get mad and I'll always pay for dinner and I'll open your door and pull out chairs and I'll be nice all the time and I'll call you all the time and I'll email you all the time and there would be no chance in hell that I'd cheat on you or even come close to considering cheating on you.