Welcome to The State Church's Doctrine Summary

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The State Church

of Politically Correct Thought

Principles of the State Church:

  1. Government is God. Other Gods may be worshiped for ceremonial or feel-good reasons so long as the true God is not subverted.

  2. Wealth is a product of Government, who shall control the printing of all money. Pursuit of wealth is evil, except by the Government. All wealth, in fact, belongs to the Government and any not consumed in taxes is a gift of Government to the People.

  3. Evolution is Fact. Nothing else shall be considered.

  4. Homosexuality is not only an acceptable lifestyle, it is a lifestyle which should be promoted to deal with the population problem.

  5. Abortion is a sacrament which must also be protected and promoted to deal with the population problem. Pro-choice refers only to abortion and not to subversive choices such as how to think unless, of course, such thinking in in harmony with the doctrines of the State Church.

  6. All species as well as all races are equal. Some, however, are more equal than others. The enlightened ones who have divine right to the Government shall decide such details.

  7. White males are naturally evil and must be re-educated. Those who join and show allegiance to the State Church, however, shall be considered equal. All other races are acceptable and considered more equal if they belong to the State Church, except Asians, who show danger of being like white males. However, anyone not showing true allegiance to the State Church shall be ostracized and considered a traitor to their race, except for white males and possibly Asians, who do not have a natural allegiance to the State Church.

  8. Government will decide what is best for the environment, even if it leads to environmental disaster.

  9. Election reform is absolutely necessary to ensure that the enlightened ones maintain control of Government. Election reform which permits more than a token opposition to the State Church must be avoided at all costs.

  10. A divided opposition is necessary to ensure the supremacy of the State Church. Tribal classification by race or religion have historically been the most effective means to ensure division. If real reasons for the differences cannot be exploited, then imagined differences will suffice. Programs to exploit these differences should be couched in high-sounding titles such as affirmative action or historical wrongs which must be righted. Fostering argumentation about these details will occupy our opponents by fighting themselves enabling the enlightened ones to maintain control. The State Church can also play the role of the defender of the downtrodden and encourage the enlightened elite to form alliances within minority races or religions to find those who are interested in perpetuating this division in order to ensure their own status as tools of the enlightened ones. Meaningful dialogue must be avoided by labeling those who would question the right of the State Church to shape society as they deem best as racists or bigots.

  11. Many in the religious community have started to put aside their differences to oppose the State Church. This cannot be tolerated! Agents of the state church must neutralize this threat by ensuring that Freedom of Religion means No Religion except state approved teachings. The Government can use their tax collection powers and promote values universally repugnant to all religions to neutralize their influence. Religious activities which challenge the authority of the State Church shall be deemed political and, therefore, subject to regulation or puntative taxation.

  12. Where it becomes difficult to keep the people whom we rule divided and fighting each other on the basis of race or religion, we can get them to fight on the basis of economic status or class. Greed is a powerful motivation. By promising the poor the wealth transfer of the rich, we can gain their support and tax it from the middle class. By showing the poor as lazy and deserving of their poverty, we can keep the middle class focused on protecting their property rather than allying with the poor to threaten the real wealth and control of the enlightened ones. Of course, some of the people will acheive wealth in spite of the policies of the State Church. These can be invited to join the outer fringes of the enlightened ones in return for favorable treatment by the Government. However, if they do not agree to support the State Church, then their wealth can be held out as an object of jealously and confiscation by programs given the appearance of supporting the poor and middle class.

  13. Education is a two-edged sword. The dull side will tend to support the State Church. This side must be encouraged by centralized control of public education. Control of public education must be maintained by alliances with teacher's unions closely alligned to the State Church. To minimize opposition from union membership, wages should be kept low to attract those unlikely to oppose the State Church and to protect their jobs. For members which join the profession out of desire to teach things not in harmony with the doctrines of the State Church, the unions can be effectively used to ostracize them or force them out of the profession. Likewise, competition from private education can be neutralized by forcing parents selecting such and option to pay tuition to the private school as well as tax dollars to the public school. Only the richest and most dedicated can afford such an option. They can be neutralized by the vastly greater resources and numbers of children available to the State Church system. The sharp edge of the sword will be an elite system of higher education which will be unaffordable to all but the wealthy save for a few slots to be granted to showcase excellence among the masses or give as rewards to the obedient. These elite universities will provide the road to power and wealth for those obedient to the enlightened ones or to the outer fringes of power to those whom we wish to showcase.

  14. External enemies of the state should be built up secretly and carefully. This will help ensure that opposition to the State Church is focused not on the enlightened one who run the church, but on tyrants in other lands. Periodic wars should be planned to keep public opposition focused on the enemy from without rather than the enlightened ones controlling the State Church from within.

  15. As the dynamics of world politics continue changing, the enlightened ones must secretly build and finance new enemies for the future. Thus, the loss of Russia was replaced by Iraq and Islamic Extremists. As the credibility of this threat fades, Communist China will be an able and credible replacement. However, for now, it should be promoted as an important business opportunity for the future and a partner for Asian Security. Concerns of genuine allies such as Japan, Taiwan and Singapore should be brushed aside or placated with comforting rhetoric. For why is it necessary to tell the truth to historic friends and allies if it is not necessary to tell the truth to the people whom we rule directly?

  16. The State Church has the right to lie to protect itself against opposition by the people. However, people claiming this right against the State Church shall be deemed guilty of perjury and dealt with under the full force of the law.

  17. The State Church has the right to use the US Marshalls, FBI and other law enforcement agencies to infiltrate and keep tract of dangerous ideas in any form, including music, arts, entertainment or websites. These dangerous challenges to the State Church are listed on this web-site at this link.

  18. The State Church claims the right to monoply ownership of all firearms so as to deny the opposition effective means of resistence. Due to troublesome constitutional provisions in the American constitutional base of the State Church, we are satisfied to acheive these ends gradually. We will support citizen's groups opposed to private ownership of firearms and demonize those in favor.

  19. The State Church will harness the full power of the mass media to promote its enlightened aims and control. Journalists shall understand that loyalty and adherence to the aims of the State Church shall mean career advancement, while opposition shall mean blacklisting and exile to small, opposition press in local or weekly newspapers, broadcast stations and the internet. The greed and hunger for recognition which attracts people to media careers shall be an effective motivation for ensuring adherence to presentation of news in a manner favorable to the State Church.

  20. Laws should be as numerous and complicated as possible. Ideally, everyone should be a lawbreaker so the State Church can selectively prosecute its opponents under the appearance of breaking the law rather than their opposition to the State Church. Of course, even the enlightened ones will break such laws. This is to be accepted. For the State Church can enforce such laws against any within our own ranks which may require such disclipline and ignore such laws which do not need to be enforced for these purposes. When making such laws, remember that it is more important to make laws which feel good rather than those which are effective. Effective laws can actually reduce crime and, therefore, the public's perception of the need to have an ever-growing police force.

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Threat to control of our prairie empire.

What if Al Gore has a conscience attack?

We need Al Gore to mollify China!

Must Read: Maintaining Control of the Masses.