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Loi xin loi cua Trieu Vy

 last update 16/10/03
Trieu Vy doc loi xin loi tren truyen hinh

" Qua gan mot tuan suy nghi, cong voi su giup do cua Ban lanh dao (Hang phim dien anh Bac Kinh) toi da thau hieu loi lam cua minh khi bo quen tri thuc lich su ma minh da hoc, kem phan nhay ben rong vi kich lich su dan toc. Vi the, toi da vo tinh lam ton thuong den tinh cam cua cong chung, nhung nguoi da ung ho va yeu men toi. Dac biet, doi voi nhung bac tien boi, nhung nguoi da tung tham gia cuoc khang chien chong phat xit Nhat, toi xin duoc noi loi xin loi chan thanh nhat. Rieng khan gia, fan ham mo, cac ban da cho toi loi dong vien, nhac nho ...Toi rat cam kich va nhan day xin gui loi cam on den tat ca.

Xuat than la mot dien vien da qua truong lop giao duc va duoc dao tao can ban, toi rat yeu men dat nuoc giau dep cua chunh ta. Vi the, trai qua su viec dang tiec nay toi da y thuc duoc la mot nghe si du cong viec co ban ron the nao cung phai luon tu nhac nho ban than trau doi them kien thuc, nhat la van hoa dan toc. Dong thoi toi cung hieu ra mot dieu, khi da la nguoi cua cong chung thi phai chu y den tung hanh dong, loi an tieng noi cua minh de khong lam anh huong den xa hoi. Qua bai hoc quy gia nay toi xin hua se gang phan dau dat muc tieu tro thanh nguoi nghe si tai ducc ven toan khong phu long tin tuong cua cong chung.
Cuoi cung, mot lan nua toi muon gui loi xin loi den toan the dong bao va hi vong moi nguoi se tiep tuc yeu thuong va ung ho toi ."

(*)Truoc khi chinh thuc xin loi nguoi dan Trung Quoc tren truyen hinh, noi dung nay cung da duoc Trieu Vy nho pho bien rong rai tren mang internet.

Apology Letter

"After thinking and reflecting greatly for the past several days, coupled with the help and teachings from superior officials, I genuinely feel and realize that due to my neglect of historical knowledge and lack of sensitivity to that painful period of history, I have unintentionally hurt the feelings of many who cared for and loved me. To them, and especially to the elders who have experienced the Japanese invasion, I want to express my deepest and most sincere apologies from the bottom of my heart. In addition, I am very grateful and thankful to those who have criticized me, warned me, defended me, and cared for me during this event.

As a young actress cultivated and brought up by the country and the people, I want to tell everyone that I love my country very much. Through this unintentional mistake, I have learned and realized that no matter how busy I am with my acting career, I need to constantly strengthen and enhance my studies outside the theatrical circle and also to enhance self-cultivation. At the same time, I fully realize that as a public figure, I should be aware of the effects my actions and comments have on society, and that I have a greater sense of obligation to society. I will use this lesson as a starting point in becoming both a virtuously and artistically accomplished actress.

I hope everyone will continue to defend, support, and care for me. Finally, I express once again my deepest apologies.

Thank you."

Zhao Wei

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