Rules for submitting a Beatles reference
    It is hard for me to believe that my web page has been online now for about a year and a half now!    It still shocks me that Beatle fans out there find all this information interesting.  I have been asked a few times where my interest in Beatles references came from, and so I will take up some space to retell that story.

    In the late 1990's, I was a student at Eastern Illinois University (which unless you are a friend of mine, I am sure you never heard of the place.)  My friends and I used to go to this Christian dance place, and every Friday night they would play Billy Joel's "We didn't start the fire."   And every Friday night I would scream out "British Beatlemania"  because I thought it was cool how he mentioned the Beatles in his song.   Well from there I started to think about other songs I knew that mentioned the Beatles.  So I started jotting them down in a notebook one day during a class.  And that notebook turned into the web page!  My idea of Beatles mentioned in songs then grew to movies and my favorite...television.   The Beatles have made a huge impact on our lives.   Everyone breathing, no matter of race or age has at least heard one Beatles song.   I realize that I sort of take the Beatles a little far, but it is all in good fun.   Beatle fans are by far the best group of people I have ever been around.   And without you, this web page would have been long gone by now.

     I would like to just take a few moments to lay down some ground rules for submitting a Beatles reference to me.


1.  I realize that many solo Beatles songs have Beatles references in them (God, When we was Fab, etc.).  Since those songs are sung by a Beatle, I have chosen to leave those songs off the list.

2.  There are several songs that are sung about the Beatles (We love you Beatles, I want a Beatle for Christmas, Empty Garden, etc.).  Although I personally LOVE all those songs, it isn't a reference to the Beatles,  because it is about the Beatles.

3.  Movies that have the Beatles in them (Hard Day's night, Caveman, How I won the war) are not to be included on the list.

4.  Documentaries about Rock and Roll are not to be included.

5.  Movies that are about the Beatles (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, I wanna Hold your Hand, The Rutles,  Backbeat) are not to be included.  Once again, I adore those movies and I watch them all the time.  But they include much more than just a mere reference to the Beatles.

6.  Please leave all written work to Fiction only (not true).  No biographies or true stories.

7.  Send all references to me to this email address: 

8.   Please please please do not add anything more about the song "American Pie."  No one is really sure if it is "Lennon read a book of Marx" or "Lenin read a book of Marx."  And I will just leave it at that.

Upcoming ideas!!!!!!!!!!

I am always getting new and exciting ideas for this web page and here are a few

I hope that these guidelines do not turn any of you away from sending in references.  And I also hope everyone finds my page to be fun.  Keep watching those programs and listening to the radio for Beatles references!

Thanks so much.
Peace and God bless you all,