This website is the "Child of my Imagination & Inspiration",
the expression of my Spirit and
will Always be a work in progress, as I myself am as Chylde of  both God and Goddess. *smile*

I endeavor to share with you both my whimsical side and
my serious side, ruffling some feathers I imagine with both.

But that is how we artists and writers are. We like to set minds to thinking and spirits to feeling. I hope that my website will do all of these things and more for you my guest and visitor.
Draw up a chalice or horn, and sip awhile at the homemade brew
or herbal tea if you prefer. The Cauldron is always full.
Visit as often as you like. Tell others.
sign my guestbook as well during your visit.
I hope we shall become as old friends.

Though you fellow parents may not find everything on my website to be 100% child-friendl, I encourage you to monitor your children on the Internet anyways!
am hoping that the pages set aside for the
"Kidlets" will be pleasing to both the parents and children.

As I grow and my Journey takes me in various
new and interesting directions,
so shall the Paths of my Website be changed,
updated and added to!
May you find love, laughter and insight among
the many pages herein.
And let us dance together under the
Eclectic Blue Moon.        

Slainte' and Peace,
~ STARRA ~ )O(
Jonathan Earl Bowser
Artist Unknown
About Me
My Poetry
Eclectic Brewings (Starhawk & Misc)
Random Thoughts
A Christian Speaks on Wicca
Starra's Brewings
Witches Brew
Writings and Inspiration
Brewings and Hospitality
My Gothic -
Punk Page
Native American Page
Witch As Warrior
Kidlets Pages
Teen Page
Kidney Disease:
Dedicated to Our Daughter
Ode to Spike:
James Marsters
My Stargate
SG-1 Pages
My U2 Fan Page
Thanksgiving Page
Holiday Gift Ideas
Eclectic Beliefs
Re: Love Commandment
Christmas Yule Page
Emerald Rose
Pagan Brewings
On Becoming A Witch
My Firefly -Fan Page
STARRA_009 Website