
Name:  Brian Kerrington

Japanese Name:  None

Place of Birth:  London, England

Birth Date:  

Age:  21

Height:  6' 2"

Blood Type:  AB

Eye Color:  Brown

Hair:  Short, kinda spiked, blond hair

Race:  Human

Strengths:  Attractive, Friendly, Kind, Smart

Weaknesses:  Curious, Self-Confidence, Overly Proper


Brian likes to wear dress clothes most of the time.  He wears black slacks with a different color dress shirt, that is slightly opened, revealing a white t-shirt and silver cross necklace.  He also likes to wear jeans, cargo shorts, T-shirts, Old Navy Vests, etc.


Brain is a fun outgoing person.  He's very sociable and attractive.  On his spare time, he likes to read, write, or just go on walks, to any old place.  Reason being is because he loves nature, and is studying to be a biologist.  In what field, he doesn't know just yet.  Being from England, he is very very proper.  So, for that reason, his room is always spick and span, he's never late, always courteous to everyone and a gentlemen.  Though, at times, his neat freak personality can get the best of him and on other's nerves.  Beware, he might clean your house a bit if you let him in^^, whether you take that as a bad thing or not.  He's also very curious.  He's always asking questions and looking into things he should or shouldn't get involved in.  Plus, he suffers from a lack of self-confidence.  Usually, he depends on his friends to give him the back up he needs.  But, when others need him, he's always there for you.  And, yes ladies, he's single^-^

Other Things to Know

Brain is a transfer student at Kyoto College from England.  The reason he transferred here is because of the college's excellent biology major programs.  Not much is really known about his past, since his family (mom, dad and kid sister) lives in England.  They live in a town house, on the streets of London.  Also, Brain has several hobbies.  On his nature walks, he likes to draw pictures and take notes of things he observes.  So, he has several sketchings and notebooks at his dorm on campus.  He's also into video games and anime, but doesn't play very often.  In addition, he knows Japanese quite well, but he does speak with a British accent, of course.