My Stargate SG-1 page can be found at the following coordinates

Click Here
to start dialing homepage's coordinates...

When you click, you'll be taken to a page that is "Chevron One" and then after 10 Seconds you'll go to "Chevron 2". Hold on and eventually you'll reach "Chevron 8" and after you've reached it the gate will open and you'll be at:

Chevron 8's Stargate SG-1 Site

Please know that if you are a member of the Goa'uld, you are not welcome at my SGC. Also I have an iris that I can close to keep all invaders out!!!!

-Chevron 8-

Stargate SG-1,its characters, and pictures are copyrighted to TM & © 2000 MGM Inc. No copyright infringement is intended by their uses here and everything on this page is for me and my visitors entertainment only.