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    F  O  R    T  H  E    G  A  M  E  B  O  Y    A  D  V  A  N  C  E
                      V  e  r  s  i  o  n   1 . 0
               M a d e  B y  S t a r F i g h t e r s 7 6
Welcome all to my walkthrough on a game that is based off the series, 
called Power Rangers Dino Thunder (based off the hit TV series) for the 
Gameboy Advance. I hope this walkthrough helps out as much as possible. 
Below is nothing but spoilers on the game as well as the TV series, so 
if you don't want to be spoiled, please take a detour and hit the Back 
button now. However if you want to be spoiled or need some help, please 
scroll down as far as you need to. Consider this as your Spoiler 



SECTION 1: Intro 
  A: Version Guide
  B: The Story Of Power Rangers Dino Thunder
  C: What Is Power Rangers Dino Thunder
  D: About This Walkthrough
  E: Control Configuration
  F: Introducing The Dino Thunder Rangers
  G: Thundersaurus Megazord And Auxiliary Zords

SECTION 2: Walkthrough 
  A: Before The Walkthrough
  B: Level 1: The City Of Reefside 
  C: Level 2: Heading To Downtown
  D: Level 3: Scaling The Mountain
  E: Level 4: Trouble In The Factory
  F: Level 5: T-Drones In Disguise
  G: Level 6: T-Drones Loose In The City
  H: Level 7: Back To The Mountainside
  I: Level 8: Playing Hide And Seek
  J: Level 9: More Problems Downtown
  K: Level 10: Bombs Away
  L: Level 11: Trapped In A Landslide
  M: Level 12: Tieing Up Any Loose Ends
  N: Level 13: The Final Showdown

SECTION 3: Important Stuff
  A: Playing The Mini-Games
  B: Items
  C: Enemies
  D: Bosses
  E: Codes

SECTION 4: In Conclusion
  A: What's To Come
  B: Special Thanks
  C: The Disclaimer
  D: Final Words



  A: |Version Guide|

     Version 1.0: Sent in Written FAQ for the game in. (04/19/06)

  B: |The Story Of Power Rangers Dino Thunder|

     The story taken from the instruction manual:

     When Mesogog, a birlliant but evil scientist, becomes intent on   
     returning the world to the age of the dinosaurs, a warrior from 
     the past and three courageous teens - Conner, Kira and Ethan - 
     team up to stop him!

     Meet a new team of superheroes, the DINO THUNDER POWER RANGERS!

     Mesogog is up to his usual evil self and wreaking havoc in 
     Reefside. As a Power Ranger, it's your duty to protect the people 
     and put a stop to Mesogog's evil plans. Dr. Tommy Oliver, the 
     Black Ranger, sends you as one of the three Power Rangers to foil 
     Mesogog's plots. Control Conner, Ethan and Kira on 13 missions 
     leading up to the ultimate battle between Good and Evil. Along the 
     way, you may even cross paths with the White Ranger!

  C: |What Is Power Rangers Dino Thunder|
     Power Rangers Dino Thunder is based off the hit TV series by the 
     same name. This is the 12th Season of Power Rangers, which is also 
     based off it's Japanese counterpart, Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger. 
     Does this game fall in with the TV series? Well it looks to me 
     like it falls in between the episodes "Burning At Both Ends" and 
     "Copy That" because it does feature the White Ranger (though no 
     mentioning on the White Ranger being Trent), but at the end of the 
     game, the White Ranger does turn good.

  D: |About This Walkthrough|

     Several times throughout the walkthrough I will probably repeat 
     myself. A few times would possibly be necessary, such as a Boss 
     guide, as well as a few other things. Sometimes I do this without 
     even realizing it, and sometimes I do it to make it easier for 
     people to find what they are looking for on this walkthrough. This 
     guide, like others, is described on how I played/beat the game. 
     You have your methods as do I. This is just my way of doing it. I 
     hope this helps out in anyways possible.

  E: |Control Configuration|

     Controls for Rangers:
     'LEFT/RIGHT' BUTTON = Walk either left or right
     'UP' BUTTON = Climb up a ladder
     'DOWN' BUTTON = Climb down a ladder
     'START' BUTTON = Pauses game
     'SELECT' BUTTON = Does nothing
     'A' BUTTON = Allows you to jump
     'B' BUTTON = Allows you to punch
     'A' + 'B' BUTTON = Allows you to do a jump kick
     'B' + 'B' + 'B' BUTTON = Allows you to do a 3 hit punch
     'B' + 'UP' BUTTON = Does a forward thrust with your weapon
     'B' + DOWN BUTTON = Does a downward thrust with your weapon
     'R' BUTTON = Special ability DinoZord Attack 
                  (you need 10 Dino Claws to do this)

     Controls for the Thundersaurus Megazord:
     'LEFT/RIGHT' BUTTON = Move either left or right
     'DOWN' BUTTON =
     'UP' BUTTON = 
     'RIGHT' + 'RIGHT' BUTTON = Moves backwards faster
     'LEFT' + 'LEFT' BUTTON = Moves forwards faster
     'START' BUTTON = Pauses the game
     'SELECT' BUTTON = Does nothing
     'A' BUTTON = Attacks with the right arm
     'B' BUTTON = Attacks with the left arm
     'A' + 'B' BUTTON = Does combo attacks 
                       (scroll down a bit for more info)
     'B' BUTTON = Break away from enemies grip, do this quickly
                  (only do this when the enemy has you in their grip)

  F: |Introducing The Dino Thunder Rangers|

     The first 3 Rangers listed has the same in Attack, Defense and 
     Speed, so there really isn't much of a need for descriptions. I 
     will say what weapons they use though. Obviously you can't play as 
     the Black or White Ranger, but I felt like putting those in there 
     for you trivial inclined people ^_^

        1. Red Ranger uses the Tyranno Staff.

        2. Yellow Ranger uses the Ptera Grips.

        3. Blue Ranger uses the Tricera Shield.

        4. Black Ranger uses the Brachio Staff.

        5. White Ranger uses the Draco (or Drago) Sword.

  G: |Thundersaurus Megazord And Auxiliary Zords|

     After solving a puzzle, you will engage in a battle using the    
     Thundersaurus Megazord. There are 9 different combinations you can  
     try out. The main combination of consists of the TyrannoZord, 
     TriceraZord and PteraZord, however as you unlock the 4 Auxiliary   
     Zords, you will be able to link them to the megazord for a new   

     1. Unlocking the Auxiliary Zords - To unlock them, you must solve   
     the Bonus Puzzle at the end of certain levels first:

        Complete Level 1-2 Puzzle to unlock the CephalaZord 
        Complete Level 4-2 Puzzle to unlock the DimetroZord
        Complete Level 7-2 Puzzle to unlock the ParasaurZord
        Complete Level 10-2 Puzzle to unlock the AnkyloZord

     I will explain in full detail how to get through the mini-game 
     puzzles. Please refer to "A: Playing The Mini-Games", under the 
     SECTION 3: Important Stuff section of this FAQ for more info.

     2. Introducing the DinoZords - There are a total of 6 zords you 
     can use (well 7, but the PteraZord is more like a hood ornament 
     and does nothing at all). Also, when I say TyrannoZord, I meant 
     its tail which is used as an arm, that can be replaced but not the 
     rest of the TyrannoZord. Below is a list of the zords, their 
     stats, and other basic info taken from the instruction manual 
     (please note that pulling off a combo attack is not easy):

        DEF +2; ATT +2; SPEED +2 
        BEST WITH: TyrannoZord 
        FAIR WITH: ParasaurZord 
        WORST WITH: DimetroZord
        COMBO ATTACK (Tricera Punch): B A B A 

        DEF +1; ATT +1; SPEED +3
        BEST WITH: DimetroZord 
        FAIR WITH: TyrannoZord
        WORST WITH: ParasaurZord
        COMBO ATTACK (Cephala Power Punch): B A B A 

        DEF +3; ATT +3; SPEED +1
        BEST WITH: ParasaurZord
        FAIR WITH: DimetroZord
        WORST WITH: TyrannoZord
        COMBO ATTACK (Double Drill Attack): B A B A B A 

        DEF +2; ATT +3; SPEED +1
        BEST WITH: TriceraZord
        FAIR WITH: CephalaZord
        WORST WITH: AnkyloZord
        COMBO ATTACK (Dino Drill Engage): A B A B A

        DEF +2; ATT +3; SPEED +1
        BEST WITH: CephalaZord
        FAIR WITH: AnkyloZord
        WORST WITH: TriceraZord
        COMBO ATTACK (Dimetro Sawblade Attack): A B A B

        DEF +1; ATT +1; SPEED +3
        BEST WITH: AnkyloZord
        FAIR WITH: TriceraZord
        WORST WITH: CephalaZord
        COMBO ATTACK (Final Cut): A B A B A B A B 

     3. Megazord Combinations - There are 9 different combinations you  
     can use, and just for those who are curious I will list them all      
     for you (with names that I came up with from the series):

        Thundersaurus Megazord 
        Thundersaurus Megazord Puncher Mode 
        Thundersaurus Megazord Blade Mode
        Thundersaurus Megazord Cutter Mode
        Thundersaurus Megazord Drill Mode
        Thundersaurus Megazord Puncher & Blade Mode
        Thundersaurus Megazord Puncher & Cutter Mode
        Thundersaurus Megazord Drill & Blade Mode
        Thundersaurus Megazord Drill & Cutter Mode

     In my opinion, either Puncher & Cutter Mode or Puncher & Blade is 
     probably the best combination to use, mostly because of how far 
     the CephalaZord can reach and how strong the DimetroZord and 
     ParasaurZord is. And with the basics out of the way, let's get 
     this game started!



  A: |Before The Walkthrough|

     1. You don't have to get all the Dino Claws from one level. I'll 
     only mention Dino Claws that are along the way when it comes to 
     completing the level.

     2. T-Drones is just a shorten name of Tyrannodrones. Throughout 
     this walkthrough, I will be calling them T-Drones. 

     3. When it comes to Ranger Levels, my best advice is just use your 
     weapon all the time, because it has reach and it will take the 
     T-Drones out in one hit.

     4. Each new screen you come across in each level is known as a 
     SECTION. I do this to make it easier for you to get around each of 
     the levels.

     5. You can not play as/unlock the following: Black Ranger (except 
     in puzzles), White Ranger, Triassic Ranger, Mezodon Megazord, 
     Triceramax Megazord, Dino Stegazord, Dino Rage Megazord, or the 
     StegaZord as an AuxilaryZord. DO NOT email me asking if you can 
     play as them (don't I wish *drools*).

  B: |Level 1: The City Of Reefside|

     As we start the game, Black Ranger will tell you that Mesogog's 
     army is attacking people in the city. He instructs you to take out 
     the Red Tyrannodrones (or T-Drones for short), which are the 
     leaders of the army. He instructs the Red Ranger to do this, which 
     the Red Ranger complies. 

     L  E  V  E  L   1  -  1
     RANGER USED: Red Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all 5 Red T-Drones
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 110 Dino Claws

     SECTION 1-1:
     This first level will become VERY annoying at first. Walk forward 
     a few feet and Black Ranger will give you a small recap of your 
     mission. After that you will see a T-Drone, and Black Ranger will    
     stop you again, telling you how to fight it. Defeat it and walk a 
     few more feet to a construction cone, where you will be instructed 
     on how to take THAT out. After that, a few more feet, then you 
     will be explained how to jump (told you it will be annoying). With 
     that, there will be another T-Drone, so take that out and make it 
     all the way to the end, where you will be told how to climb 
     upwards. Get to the top of the building, and you will be told 
     about the Dino Claws and how collecting 10 of them will summon 
     your DinoZord to take out a screen full of enemies. Take out the 
     T-Drone and collect the 3 Dino Claws (which looks like coins). 
     After that, make it to the edge and jump down collecting the other 
     Dino Claws. On the bottom level, head to the otherside and climb 
     upwards. Continue right on the upper level and head to the   
     edgethen at the edge, jump over to the next platform. Black Ranger 
     will come out and explain to you once again about collecting 10 
     Dino Claws. After that, drop down to the bottom level and there 
     will be a Small Heart in the corner, then continue onwards. Black 
     Ranger will talk about other areas, where they can be found with 
     areas that says "GO". Walk ahead and you will find an area of 
     such, so press UP to enter it leading to SECTION 1-2. And trust 
     me, no more annoyances from Black Ranger ^_^

     SECTION 1-2:
     In here, walk ahead to a crate. Punch at it enough and RED 
     T-DRONE #01 will pop out. Take it out, then keep going. Jump down 
     to the bottom level and you will see another crate, which has RED 
     T-DRONE #02 in it. Take that out and keep going downwards, 
     collecting more Dino Claws, and eventually a Small Heart. Get all 
     that and head back to SECTION 1-1.

     SECTION 1-1:
     Back in SECTION 1-1, just go to the left is a platform, get on it 
     and make your way upwards and you will see a Small Heart as well 
     as a broken window. Now if you are wanting some more Dino Claws, 
     go inside the window (this would be counted as SECTION 1-3) and 
     there will be several Dino Claws here. If not, then from where you 
     came out of SECTION 1-2, proceed right and Black Ranger will say 
     to keep up the work. After that, continue right into SECTION 1-4.

     SECTION 1-4:
     Nothing much to note, just keep going taking out T-Drones and         
     collecting Dino Claws. You should now be at a parking lot area. 
     You can stay on the bottom part if you want, but there is nothing 
     of value here. Jump up onto the fence and walk along that and you 
     will come across a Small Heart and some Dino Claws. At the other 
     end, jump up to the upper level and continue onwards. Nothing 
     special here, so just keep going and you will come to a doorway 
     and a wall. Enter the doorway, which leads to SECTION 1-5.

     SECTION 1-5:
     This is a parking garage area, and it's optional. Start walking 
     left, you will come across more Dino Claws and T-Drones. At the 
     far end of this parking garage, you will get a Large Heart (which 
     you should get). After that, head back to SECTION 1-4.

     SECTION 1-4:
     Once back here, make your way upwards on the platforms. If you go 
     left a couple platforms, you will find a Small Heart. Nonetheless, 
     you need make your way to the upper right side and head on over 
     to SECTION 1-6.

     SECTION 1-6: 
     When starting off, head to the edge of the ground and drop down to 
     the bottom level. Once here, walk to the otherside where you'll 
     see a Small Heart and a blue crate, which has RED T-DRONE #03 in 
     it. After that, head back left and climb up the first ladder, then 
     go right and climb up the nearby ladder from that. Once on the 
     highest beam, go right and head to the upper level (if you went 
     left, it's just T-Drones and Dino Claws). Keep going right then 
     drop down to the lower level, then go right to the other side.      
     Head up and continue right until you reach the edge. Once there, 
     drop all the way down to the bottom level (you'll see a Small 
     Heart along the way). You will then see another blue metal crate 
     in the left corner, which will contain the RED T-DRONE #04. Take 
     it out (the oil drum has a T-Drone in it) and climb back upwards 
     and get the Small Heart you passed along the way. After this, 
     continue onwards to the right and you will head to SECTION 1-7.

     SECTION 1-7:
     This area is short and simple. Keep walking and you will see a 
     ladder going downwards. Now if you want to keep on the level 
     you're at, you can but there is nothing at all to be gained here 
     (except another ladder going downwards to the same place as I will 
     describe soon). There are Dino Claws on the highest points of all 
     the pillars if that helps (infact there is a Small Heart on the 
     fourth pillar). Anyways go down the ladder to the lower level. 
     Once down here, head over right (or left depending on the ladder 
     you took) and head to the middle point where it says "GO". Go in 
     there and this will take you to SECTION 1-8.

     SECTION 1-8: 
     In this small room, go right and you will see a Small Heart. Go 
     left and you will see a blue metal crate. Bust it open and the 
     RED T-DRONE #05 will be there. Take it out and you will have 
     completed this level.


     Black Ranger will say that the Dino Stegazord has attacked, but 
     not to worry because Black Ranger will take care of it.

     L  E  V  E  L   1  -  2
     RANGER USED: Black Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Mini-Game (Unlocking the CephalaZord)

     BEFORE GOING ANY FURTHER!!! Read the section called "Playing The 
     Mini-Games", which can be found much further down the FAQ under 
     "SECTION 3: IMPORTANT STUFF" on how to play the Mini-Game.

     Now comes the time to play a little mini-game which involves 
     solving a puzzle (what this has to do with the Dino Stegazord is 
     beyond me). Anyways, this next part involves completing a mini-
     game of some sorts. You will be given a briefing on how these 
     mini-games works. Keep this in mind, as you will be going through 
     3 more of these throughout the game. The basic idea is to get from 
     one side to another in the time given. You will have 60 seconds 
     and 3 chances to pull it off, and tons of obsticles standing in 
     your way. If you are successful, you will unlock a new DinoZord. 
     In the case of this mini-game, if and when you are successful you 
     will unlock the CephalaZord. After that, this level is offically 
     over. Now for the next level!

  C: |Level 2: Heading To Downtown|

     Black Ranger tells you that there are people captured and incased 
     in stone and sends Blue Ranger to go and rescue them.

     L  E  V  E  L   2  -  1
     RANGER USED: Blue Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Find and free all 20 Hostages.
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 110 Dino Claws

     SECTION 2-1:
     From the starting point make your way right and if you stay on the 
     bottom level, you'll eventually come across HOSTAGE #01, #02, #03 
     and #04, that is until you get to a wall (ignoring the ladders 
     altogether). Once at the wall, jump upwards to the upper level and 
     walk a few feet until you get to where you can go up or down. Go 
     up for the moment and make your way to the top spot where there 
     will be HOSTAGE #05. Continue onwards to the right and follow the 
     upper level a bit. Now had you went down there would of been a 
     door which lead to SECTION 2-2, and inside would of been some Dino 
     Claws and a couple of T-Drones and a door on the otherside. Follow 
     the upper level a bit and you will see HOSTAGE #06 and a Small 
     Heart just past that. Continue onwards and you will see another 
     ledge where you can drop down to the bottom level. You will see a 
     door which had you went through SECTION 2-2, this is where you 
     would of ended up at. Instead though, go through the right side, 
     which will lead to SECTION 2-3.

     SECTION 2-3:
     From here, head right and you will see a door. Ignore that for a 
     moment and keep going and you will see HOSTAGE #07. Rescue that 
     person, then head back to that door you passed up, which will take 
     you to SECTION 2-4.

     SECTION 2-4:
     In here, make your way to the top floor. On the 3rd Floor is 
     HOSTAGE #08. On the 5th Floor, go through the door and it will 
     take you back to SECTION 2-3.

     SECTION 2-3:
     From where you are standing at, drop down and you will see a Small 
     Heart and Dino Claw. After getting that, there are several more 
     Dino Claws and another Small Heart in this area if you want to 
     find them. If not, make your way to the bottom level and head all 
     the way right. Now you can go either in this building, which will 
     take you to SECTION 2-5, or head upwards and climb along the roof. 
     For now just go into the building (nothing really is to be gained 
     from going on the rooftop alone).

     SECTION 2-5:
     Inside here, as you make your way through, you will find 
     HOSTAGE #09, #10, #11, #12, #13 and #14 in here. After you do that 
     head out to the otherside, which will lead you to a different part 
     of SECTION 2-3.

     SECTION 2-3:
     Right away you will see HOSTAGE #15, so set that person free. 
     After that, keep going right and you will see HOSTAGE #16 on an 
     upper platform. Now make your way upwards from that spot, and 
     climb the ladder. At the top is a Small Heart. If you want to 
     explore more up here, go for it. Curious about what else can be 
     gained from staying on the platforms? Go left and there will be 
     several Dino Claws and a Large Heart. Anyways, back on the bottom 
     level. Continue right and go through to SECTION 2-6.

     SECTION 2-6:
     Go right for a little bit then make your way upwards and you will 
     see HOSTAGE #17. At that spot, you will notice a ladder above you. 
     If you decide to get there, there would be a Small Heart and 4 
     Dino Claws up there. Whichever you choose, do it then head back 
     down to the bottom level (unless you want to find more Dino 
     Claws), then make your way right all the way and you will be in a 
     junkyard area, where you will see HOSTAGE #18, #19 and #20. After 
     freeing HOSTAGE #20, you will have completed this mission.


     Black Ranger says all the citizens are safe for now. He then says 
     the CephalaZord is about to attack and that he's gone after it 
     (ignore this part, it makes no sense since you have the 
     CephalaZord). Right then the White Ranger says he will stop the 
     Black Ranger. A conversation takes place, then we see the Dino 
     Stegazord landing in the city. After which, we see the DinoZords 
     combining into the Thundersaurs Megazord (sure it's not the same 
     from the PS2/GameCube version, but atleast give us something!).

     L  E  V  E  L   2  -  2
     RANGER USED: Thundersaurus Megazord
     OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Dino Stegazord

     Now choose the arm combination you want. Since you have the   
     CephalaZord, might as well use it. Following that, you will be 
     given a briefing on how the Megazord battles work. Follow the 
     tutorial, then the battle will begin.

     The Dino Stegazord pretty much uses its Dino Stegazord Stinger to    
     block your attacks as well as uses it to jab you with. That's 
     pretty much all you gotta worry about. Just keep punching at it as 
     much as you can, and block its weapon as much as you can. 
     Alternating your punches will help alot. Nonetheless it should be 
     rather easy. Now here's the thing though, if you didn't win the 
     CephalaZord in that mini-game, the Dino Stegazord will have the 
     CephalaZord as an arm, it will use that against you making it a 
     bit more tougher. Either way defeat the Dino Stegazord in this 
     case, and you will win the CephalaZord. Soon enough you will have 
     beaten this battle.

     After that, this level is offically over. Now for the next level!


  E: |Level 3: Scaling The Mountain|

     Black Ranger tells the others that Mesogog has sent more T-Drones 
     to the mountains and instructs Yellow Ranger to stop them, which 
     she does. Now this level is different, in each section, you must 
     clear out all the T-Drones before moving on. I will mention how 
     many T-Drones there are in each section to help you out. You may 
     want to also collect as many Dino Claws as possible too (just 
     trust me). Keep in mind, there will be other levels like this in 
     the future.

     L  E  V  E  L   3  -  1
     RANGER USED: Yellow Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all of the T-Drones
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 30 Dino Claws

     SECTION 3-1 (15 T-Drones): 
     From the start make your way right and take out the T-DRONE #01, 
     #02 & #03. Keep going and you will see T-DRONE #04 & #05, then #06  
     on a platform. At this point you can go up or down. For now, let's 
     go down (don't worry about the T-Drone on the other platform for 
     now). Once at the bottom level, continue right and you will see a 
     couple Dino Claws, then T-DRONE #07, and after that, a Small 
     Heart. Get those and head upwards and to the left on the 
     platforms, and you will see T-DRONE #08. Continue up on the 
     platforms and then head right, you will then see T-DRONE #09. 

     After that, keep climbing up to the right and you will see 
     T-DRONE #10. From there, drop down on the right side and climb up 
     the ladder to take out T-DRONE #11. Go right again, then up the 
     next ladder and you'll see T-DRONE #12. After that, make your way 
     to the bottom level, then go left a bit to see T-DRONE #13. 
     Continue going left along the bottom level, and you will then see 
     T-DRONE #14. After taking that out then head back right and 
     continue on. Soon you'll come across T-DRONE #15, and inside the 
     hollow tree stump is a Small Heart. Now you can proceed onwards 
     to SECTION 3-2.

     SECTION 3-2 (0 T-Drones):
     At this point, you can no go back to SECTION 3-1. Instead though, 
     go forward and collect all the Dino Claws along your way. Once you   
     are at the otherside, head through the cave entrance and it will 
     take you to SECTION 3-3.

     SECTION 3-3 (5 T-Drones):
     Like before, you can not go back. So from the start, head right 
     and you will see T-DRONE #01 (on the upper platform) & #02, then 
     after that #03. Stay on the upper ropes of the bridge when taking 
     these out, then climb upward on the rock platforms and to the left 
     and there will be T-DRONE #04. Remember to collect the Dino Claws. 
     After this, make your way to the bottom level and follow the path 
     right. You will eventually see T-DRONE #05 and a Large Heart. 
     After that, keep going right all the way until you come across a 
     boss fight!

     Remember how I said to collect the Dino Claws? Well they will help 
     when fighting normal size boss fights. For this boss though, not 
     too tough. He will either use his powers to cause several geisers 
     to spring up hitting you, or if you're too close, he will try to 
     rush at you. At this point you should have roughly 30 Dino Claws, 
     which would mean you can use your DinoZord Power to hit him 3 
     times. Do this and it will do alot of damage. For the rest of the 
     battle, get in there and use regular attacks on him. Be careful 
     because he will try to knock you back, but just keep going at it 
     and he will fall. 

     Now the Rangers uses their Z-Rex Blaster on him to finish him off! 
     Doing that will complete this level. 


     Just when you think it's safe, the monster grows, so it's time for   
     another Megazord battle.

     L  E  V  E  L   3  -  2
     RANGER USED: Thundersaurus Megazord
     OBJECTIVE: Defeat Giant Megalador

     This time it's a little different, he will either punch at you 
     several times, or block you. He's actually a bit more tougher this 
     time around. Just alternate punching attacks, and block him when 
     he punches because he won't stop for a while. When you see an 
     opening, strike him with your left arm, whatever it may be. This 
     will be a bit long due to all the blocking, but you will be able 
     to win this battle for sure.

     After that, this level is offically over. Now for the next level!


  F: |Level 4: Trouble In The Factory|

     Black Ranger this time tells you that T-Drones have opened the 
     valves at the factory, and that you need to hurry or the city will 
     be underwater, and instructs Red Ranger to use his Tyranno Staff 
     to take care of the problem, which he does. Key Note: If you fall 
     in any pits, it will take you to an area which will lead back to 
     the starting point. AVOID THESE AT ALL TIMES!

     L  E  V  E  L   4  -  1
     RANGER USED: Red Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all 11 valves 
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 95 Dino Claws

     SECTION 4-1:
     Start off by heading right and head to the edge. Drop down, and 
     you can either go up the ladder, or continue on the bottom level. 
     Let's go up, and once there, just head over right across the 
     platforms to the edge. When you do, drop down and you will see a     
     giant blue valve. Make note of these, because these are your 
     targets. This will count as VALVE #01, and to get it going just 
     strike at it. To the left of that is a pit. If you jump into any 
     of these (there are more in this level), it will take you to an 
     area, which will end up taking you back to the start of this 

     Continuing on, go right and jump over to the platform above this 
     pit, and keep going right. Climb up the nearby ladder and you will 
     see VALVE #02, then climb the ladder above that. Once at the top, 
     head left to the small platform, then drop down, and you will see 
     VALVE #03. Stay on the right side of the valve and drop down, then 
     make your way back up the ladders again (around VALVE #02). Then 
     at the top, head right this time to the higher platform, then drop 
     down where you will see VALVE #04. After that, go left then climb 
     back up the ladders from before, then head right again to the 
     upper platform. This time, go to the right edge of it, then drop 
     down to the lower platform. Go the right edge of that and drop 
     down again, and you will see VALVE #5 and a ladder. Go down it and 
     to the left to get a Small Heart. After that, head right all the 
     way and at the end, go through the door which will take you 
     to SECTION 4-2.

     SECTION 4-2:
     From the start of this, head up, then go right a bit till you 
     get to the edge. Here you can either go right or down. Go right 
     and keep going, you will see a small platform sticking out, then 
     another one after that. On the floor just below that, go to the 
     edge and drop down into a secret little area, which has Dino Claws 
     in the oil drums. Now head back and drop down to the bottom level. 
     You will see a ladder, so climb it and go right, then climb up the 
     next ladder. After that, go left and climb that ladder, then go 
     right. Make your way right along the platforms (ignoring the first   
     ladder), until you get back on the upper level. Keep going right, 
     and you will get to a point where you will have to go left or 
     down. Drop down along the right side and you'll be in a cubby 
     hole, which has a Dino Claw and Large Heart at the end in oil 
     drums. After that, head back then drop down, and make your way to 
     the right and eventually you will see a Small Heart. After that, a 
     doorway leading to SECTION 4-3.

     SECTION 4-3:
     Right away you will see VALVE #6, so take care of that then head 
     upwards. Collect the Dino Claws if you like, but after all that, 
     head into the door at the top of this section, which will lead 
     back to SECTION 4-2.

     SECTION 4-2:
     Remember when I said to drop down instead of going right, well 
     this is where you would be if you went right. So with that out of 
     the way, continue going right and into the door which will lead 
     you to SECTION 4-4.

     SECTION 4-4:
     From the start here, you can go down or right. For now, go right 
     and when you do, you will come across VALVE #07. Climb the ladder 
     above that, then go right along the platforms and you'll see 
     VALVE #08. From there, drop down and in the corner will be a Small 
     Heart. After this, head back left towards the doorway. This time 
     go down the platforms. Take these platforms and head to the bottom 
     level. Keep walking right and you will see VALVE #9. After that 
     keep going all the way right, there will be T-Drones and a Small 
     Heart in the corner. Head back to the ladder you passed, and climb 

     Go right from that then climb the next ladder, and then up another 
     ladder. At the top, head right and keep going and you'll see VALVE 
     #10. Following that is a metal crate which has a Small Heart in 
     it. After that, VALVE #11 will be in plain sight. If you strike at 
     that, this level will be completed. Had you ignored VALVE #11, you 
     can keep going to the door which leads to SECTION 4-5, and in 
     there, a door leading to SECTION 4-6. Nothing is to be gained in 
     either setions, except a Small Heart so it's best to just complete 
     this level.


     Black Ranger will say the DimetroZord is back again (what, were 
     these zords really evil beforehand?!), but not to worry, that he 
     will take care of it.

     L  E  V  E  L   4  -  2
     RANGER USED: Black Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Mini-Game (Unlocking the DimetroZord)

     BEFORE GOING ANY FURTHER!!! Read the section called "Playing The 
     Mini-Games", which can be found much further down the FAQ under 
     "SECTION 3: IMPORTANT STUFF" on how to play the Mini-Game.

     Here we go again with another mini-game. Same rules as before 
     applies in this one. This time however, if you are successful, you 
     will have unlocked the DimetroZord. After that, this level is 
     offically over. Now for the next level!


  G: |Level 5: T-Drones In Disguise|

     Black Ranger says that he's been able to uncover Mesogog's new 
     plan, disguising T-Drones as civilians! He sends Yellow Ranger to 
     find them and take them out. Key note: remember the weird looking 
     pose that T-Drones give when you approach them before, well that's 
     what you need to look out for. I'll also say what color they are 
     wearing to help you out more.

     L  E  V  E  L   5  -  1
     RANGER USED: Yellow Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all 20 (in total) Yellow T-Drones
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 50 Dino Claws

     SECTION 5-1: 
     From the start, head right and you will see the YELLOW T-DRONE #01 
     (all black). After that, get to the wall and climb up it and you 
     will see YELLOW T-DRONE #02 (blue & white). After that, drop down 
     to the bottom level and walk right and you'll see YELLOW T-DRONE 
     #03 (all pink). Climb up the nearby wall and there will be YELLOW 
     T-DRONE #04 (blue & white). Go to the edge and you can either go 
     down or right. Go down for now and there will be YELLOW T-DRONE 
     #05 (all pink), walk a couple steps for #06 (blue & white) and #07 
     (green & blue) on some platforms. You will also see a door, which 
     will take you to SECTION 5-2 which has nothing of value in it, so 
     ignore it. From the door, head left up the platforms, and you will 
     see YELLOW T-DRONE #08 (blue & green). You'll notice a broken 
     window which leads to SECTION 5-3, but there's nothing in it. So 
     with that, just make your way to the bottom level, then head right 
     through to the screen and onto SECTION 5-4.

     SECTION 5-4:
     From here, just keep walking right for a while. You'll see a 
     metal crate which will have a Small Heart in it. Keep going to the 
     parking lot and and you will see YELLOW T-DRONE #09 (green & blue)  
     and after that #10 (all blue), and if you keep going #11 (green & 
     blue) will show up. After that, climb up on the fence, then up 
     again to the upper level and there will be YELLOW T-DRONE #12 
     (green & blue). Keep walking and you will see a doorway and YELLOW 
     T-DRONE #13 (green & blue). Take it out, then go in the doorway 
     which will lead to SECTION 5-5. which has several Dino Claws, and    
     a Large Heart in the oil drum. Also these T-Drones don't count in 
     your mission. When you get that, go back to SECTION 5-4, so that  
     we can continue onwards. And with that, make your way upwards and 
     to the right to head to SECTION 5-6.

     SECTION 5-6:
     From here, head to the edge and drop down along the wall. Down 
     here is a Small Heart in the metal crate as well as YELLOW T-DRONE 
     #14 (green & blue). Keep walking along the bottom level to the 
     other wall and there will be YELLOW T-DRONE #15 (all black). Now 
     head back and climb up the first ladder you see, then go right and 
     up that ladder. Right away you will see YELLOW T-DRONE #16 (all 
     pink) and #17 (green & blue). Take them out and head right. Keep 
     going and drop down to the lower level, then keep walking right to 
     the wall then head upwards and continue on. You will see YELLOW T-
     DRONE #18 (green & blue), so take that out then go right and drop 
     all the way to the bottom level. Down here are three metal crates, 
     each with a Dino Claw in them, and YELLOW T-DRONE #19 (green & 
     blue). After that, climb up the ladder and continue going right 
     and into SECTION 5-7.

     SECTION 5-7:
     Keep walking right and go down the first ladder you see. On the 
     bottom level, keep walking right and you will see a "GO" which 
     leads to SECTION 5-8, as well as YELLOW T-DRONE #20 (green & 
     blue). If you want, ignore the Yellow T-Drone and go into SECTION 
     5-8, where there will be several Dino Coins, a Small Heart in the 
     left oil drum and a T-Drone in the right oil drum. After this, 
     head back to SECTION 5-7, and take out the last Yellow T-Drone. Do 
     so and you will have completed this level.

  H: |Level 6: T-Drones Loose In The City|

     Black Ranger will tell Blue Ranger that there are more T-Drones 
     roaming the city and for him to go stop them, which he does. 

     L  E  V  E  L   6  -  1
     RANGER USED: Blue Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all the T-Drones
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 45 Dino Claws

     SECTION 6-1 (16 T-Drones):
     Now, this level is like Level 3, in the sense that you must find 
     all the T-Drones before moving on to the next section. So let's 
     get started by heading right and you will see T-DRONE #01. Climb 
     the ladder right there and you will see T-DRONE #02, so go to it  
     to find T-DRONE #03 as well. After that, jump over to the next 
     platform. Drop down for a Small Heart and T-DRONE #04, then head 
     back up on the platforms. Jump over to the right and you will see 
     T-DRONE #05 on the upper platform. From below T-DRONE #05, drop 
     down to the right and you will see T-DRONE #06 (bottom level) and 
     #07 (upper platform). You will then see another T-Drone on the 
     bottom level, but don't worry about that one for now.

     Instead climb up the ladders where T-DRONE #07 was, and at the top  
     of the longer ladder will be T-DRONE #08 with a Dino Claw. If you 
     want, go left from there and you will see another Dino Claw and a 
     Small Heart. Either way, get back down to the bottom level and 
     continue right. You will soon see T-DRONE #09 (the one we passed 
     up before). After that, go to the wall, then jump upwards to the 
     upper level. You will see T-DRONE #10 then. Keep going and climb 
     upwards a bit more and there will be T-DRONE #11, then #12, and 
     #13 after that. Don't worry about going down, it has a Small 
     Heart, Dino Claw and a doorway leading to SECTION 6-2 (which has 
     two Dino Claws in it). Anyways, while still on the rooftop, 
     continue going right and you will see T-DRONE #14. Climb the 
     nearby ladder, and at the top will be a Small Heart. Jump to the 
     next platform then go down that ladder and take out T-DRONE #15. 
     From that platform, drop down and there will be T-DRONE #16. After 
     that, keep going right and drop down to the bottom level. Now see 
     the door, that's where you would have ended up had you taken 
     SECTION 6-2. No worries about that, go right and head 
     to SECTION 6-3.

     SECTION 6-3 (13 T-Drones):
     Right away you will see T-DRONE #01, and a door leading 
     to SECTION 6-4 (which has 5 Dino Claws in it). Ignore that for 
     now, and keep going right, and you will see T-DRONE #02 and just 
     after that will be #03. Keep going along the bottom level and you 
     will see T-DRONE #04. You will also see a Small Heart, so get 
     that. Infact stay there and make your way upwards by way of the 
     platforms. DO NOT go downwards through the right side, I will get 
     to that later. When you get to the top, there will be T-DRONE #5. 
     After that, continue right ontop of the building and you will see 
     T-DRONE #06 and #07, as well as several Dino Claws.

     Make your way to the edge of the rooftop and drop down. You will 
     then see T-DRONE #08, and a entry way to the left. If you went in 
     there, this would be SECTION 6-4, and in there, 4 Dino Claws. 
     Anyways continuing on, while on the bottom level, follow it right 
     and you'll see T-DRONE #09, then #10 right behind that, and #11 
     not too far behind. From that point, make your way left up the 
     platforms, and you will see T-DRONE #12. Climb the ladder next to 
     it, then at the top, go left and there will be a Large Heart (be 
     sure to get this!), then continue going left and eventually you 
     will see T-DRONE #13. After that, drop back down to the bottom 
     level, then go right all the way and head through the entry way  
     leading to SECTION 6-5.

     SECTION 6-5 (9 T-Drones):
     From the starting point, you will right away see T-DRONE #01. Keep 
     going right and you will then see T-DRONE #02. Now head onto the 
     platforms and go left a bit and there will be T-DRONE #03. Now go 
     right (on the platforms) and you will see T-DRONE #04. Climb the 
     ladder, then go right and there is T-DRONE #05 and #06 is just 
     near that. Keep going right and you'll see T-DRONE #07, and drop 
     down where T-DRONE #08 is. After that, continue going right and 
     there will be T-DRONE #09 and a Small Heart. After that, keep 
     going and you will engage in a boss fight!

     Now this is gonna be a bit more tricky. This monster will throw 
     out small dice cubes towards you, which you can punch out of the 
     way. He will also throw one upwards which a giant one comes down 
     at you. He will also throw his body at you so be careful. So how 
     to beat him? First use up your DinoZord power to weaken him, then 
     with the giant dices he drops on you (or the small dice he throws 
     at you), get close enough and you can punch them towards him. This 
     will knock him over, and when that happens, get in there and start 
     use a downward attack with your weapon. Soon enough he will be 

     After which, we see the Rangers using their Z-Rex Blaster to 
     finish him off. With that, this level is completed.


     Don't relax quite yet, the monster has now grown to a giant. So 
     it's time to bust out the Thundersaurus Megazord again. Choose 
     your combination carefully, as it will be what helps you win this 
     battle, and when you're ready, hit START. I would go with 
     CephalaZord for sure, and whatever you want to use for the other 

     L  E  V  E  L   6  -  2
     RANGER USED: Thundersaurus Megazord 
     OBJECTIVE: Destroy Giant Dysotron

     Now this fight will get annoying. Dysotron will back away from you 
     alot basically making it hard for you to hit him. He will also do 
     some blocking, but when he's punching at you, it will hurt, so 
     make sure you do some serious blocking. Once again just alternate 
     your punching some, infact try to get a few good punches with one 
     arm and switch to the other. When he blocks, back away and prepare 
     to attack him again. After a good long struggle, you will have 
     beat this boss.

     After beating this boss, offically completes this level.


  I: |Level 7: Back To The Mountainside|

     Black Ranger says that Mesogog is going to set fire to the 
     mountainside to release the Dino Gems. He think instructs Yellow 
     Ranger to go to the mountainside and use her weapons to put the 
     fires out. 

     L  E  V  E  L   7  -  1
     RANGER USED: Yellow Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Put out the 15 flames (use Ptera Grips)
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 96 Dino Claws

     SECTION 7-1:
     This level is huge, so pay attention. From the start, head right 
     and you'll come to a giant flame. These are what you are to be 
     looking out for (they will hurt you). This will be FLAME #01, use 
     your Ptera Grips to take it out. Continue onwards to where you 
     have to go right or down. Go right for now, and hop from platform 
     to platform. You will see a hollow stump with a Small Heart in it. 
     After that, go left and you will see FLAME #02. Now stay on the 
     upper part and go right, and you will see FLAME #03. After that, 
     walk a bit and drop all the way down to the bottom level, then 
     continue going right and you will see FLAME #04 and #05. After 
     that, keep going and head through the entry way to the right, 
     which leads to SECTION 7-2.

     SECTION 7-2:
     From here, keep going right, past some T-Drones and you will come 
     to several Dino Claws. On the otherside will be a cave entrance  
     leading to SECTION 7-3, which you will go through.

     SECTION 7-3:
     Now this time you're actually inside the cave (unlike before), and 
     trust me, THIS WILL BE CONFUSING, so pay attention closely. From 
     the entrance, just keep going and you'll see FLAME #06. Upon 
     further walking, it does begin to look a little creepy (with bones 
     everywheres). Anyways, get to the edge and drop down to the bottom 
     level. When there, you can go either left or right, so let's go 
     left first and right away there will be FLAME #07. Keep going and 
     go through the door, which will take you to SECTION 7-4. 

     SECTION 7-4:
     In here, all you need to do is climb all the ladders and jump up  
     to the highest point (collecting Dino Claws) and enter the door, 
     leading to a different part of SECTION 7-3. 

     SECTION 7-3:
     Back in this section, go right and to the edge. DO NOT drop 
     downwards yet! Instead jump the platforms to the otherside, and 
     you will see FLAME #08. Right below that is a Small Heart, so now 
     you can drop down (get the Small Heart too) to all the way to the 
     bottom level. Once there, this time go right and you'll see 
     FLAME #09, and behind that is a door leading to SECTION 7-5.

     SECTION 7-5:
     In this section, make your way up the stairs to the top, then drop 
     down getting the Dino Claws, then back up and through the door. 
     This will take you to SECTION 7-6.

     SECTION 7-6:
     Once here, take out the T-Drones, and then you will have a 
     decision of going left or right, so go right. Follow that to the 
     edge and drop down to the lower level, but do not go in the door. 
     Instead go right and you will see FLAME #10. After that, continue 
     right all the way and go through the door which will lead 
     to SECTION 7-7.

     SECTION 7-7:
     Now in here, just go over, climb the ladder, get the Dino Claws, 
     take out the T-Drones, then climb the next ladder, and repeat the 
     process until you get to the top level. Go through the door and it 
     will take you to SECTION 7-6.

     SECTION 7-6:
     Once in here, head left and follow the path all the way and you 
     will see FLAME #11. After that, keep going left and you will see 
     FLAME #12 and #13. Keep going left a bit more, and jump across the 
     platforms and you will see FLAME #14 with a Large Heart and some  
     Dino Claws. With that, drop down to the bottom level, ignore the 
     door you see, and keep going right until you see another door (you 
     passed this one up earlier in the level). This time go through 
     this door and it will take you to SECTION 7-8.

     SECTION 7-8:
     In this area, just make your way up the stairs all the way to the 
     top and go through the door. Do so and this will take you to a     
     different part of SECTION 7-6.

     SECTION 7-6:
     Now back here, go right and head all the way to the edge, drop 
     down to the lower level, then continue right going up the stairs 
     and you will see FLAME #15. Now of course once you take this flame 
     out, you will have completed this level. However there is more to 
     this level, but you can only get there if you have up to 13 flames 
     taken out. Anyways go right after the flame and the door way take 
     you to SECTION 7-9, which out there is nothing but T-Drones, so 
     don't waste your time with it. Either way, get all 15 flames and 
     you will have beaten this level!


     Black Ranger has found out that the ParasaurZord has returned and 
     that they need it's help to stop Mesogog's forces. He will tell 
     the Rangers that they know what to do (except that it's the Black 
     Ranger who will be doing the easy work).

     L  E  V  E  L   7  -  2
     RANGER USED: Black Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Mini-Game (Unlocking the ParasaurZord)

     BEFORE GOING ANY FURTHER!!! Read the section called "Playing The 
     Mini-Games", which can be found much further down the FAQ under 
     "SECTION 3: IMPORTANT STUFF" on how to play the Mini-Game.

     Yes it's time for another mini-game. Once again, the same rules as 
     before applies in this one. This time however, if you are   
     successful, you will have unlocked the ParasaurZord. After that, 
     this level is offically over. Now for the next level!


  J: |Level 8: Playing Hide And Seek|

     Black Rangers talks about the whole teamwork speech (boring! ^_^), 
     then says that sensors are detecting buildings are being 
     destroyed, and gives you a hint on where to find the T-Drones that 
     is destroying the buildings. He sends Blue Ranger out to take care 
     of it, which he does.

     L  E  V  E  L   8  -  1
     RANGER USED: Blue Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all 15 Yellow T-Drones hidden inside windows
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 70 Dino Claws

     SECTION 8-1:
     Now this level will be a bit tricky because the Yellow T-Drones 
     are hidden inside the windows. Carefully examine the windows and 
     if you see a dark shadow moving in them, that's the windows you 
     need to strike at. So with that, let's get started! Now in this 
     section, there won't be any Yellow T-Drones, so I'll just direct 
     you to the next section. From the start, head right for awhile 
     until you get to a wall. Jump up to the upper level and continue 
     onwards. Go up or down, doesn't matter. If you go down, it will 
     take you to SECTION 8-2, which has a couple Dino Claws, and a door 
     on the otherside leading back to this section. Either way, make 
     your way to the end and go through the right entry way leading 
     to SECTION 8-3.

     SECTION 8-3:
     From here, head over to the nearby door marked "GO". Enter the 
     door and you will be in SECTION 8-4.

     SECTION 8-4: 
     In here, make your way upwards to the 5th Floor. There will be a 
     Small Heart on the 3rd Floor. Once on the 5th Floor, go out the 
     door, which leads back to SECTION 8-3.

     SECTION 8-3:
     Once here, drop down to the platform before you. See how the 
     shadows are in the window there? That's what you need to be 
     looking for. With that, these will be YELLOW T-DRONE #01 and #02. 
     After that, go right and jump to the next platform and you'll see 
     YELLOW T-DRONE #03. From there, drop down and there will be YELLOW 
     T-DRONE #04. Go right and jump to the next platform for YELLOW 
     T-DRONE #05, #06 and after a couple steps, #07. After all this, 
     drop down to the bottom level, then go right just a bit till you 
     see a small blue platform. Jump up to it and you will see YELLOW 
     T-DRONE #08. After this, go right, then up the ladder and make 
     your way up the platforms until you reach a white platform (you 
     will see a Small Heart on your way up). Once here, head right onto 
     the the rooftop of the building, and make your way across that. 

     When you get to the far edge of the roof top, drop down all the 
     way to the bottom level. Go in the entry way to the left, which 
     will take you into SECTION 8-5, which will have a Small Heart 
     waiting for you. Back out in SECTION 8-3, head right for a ways, 
     and pay attention to the upper part of your screen, and you will 
     see YELLOW T-DRONE #09, near a short platform. Above that will be 
     YELLOW T-DRONE #10. From there, just left a bit, YELLOW T-DRONE 
     #11, and above that, #12. Jump back over to where #10 was and 
     climb the ladder (there will be a Large Heart). At the top of it 
     will be YELLOW T-DRONE #13. With that gone, make your way back 
     down to the bottom level then go right and through the entry way 
     leading to SECTION 8-6.

     SECTION 8-6:
     Right away you will see a Small Heart, so get that. Just after 
     that, you should be seeing a ladder (upper screen) and some 
     platforms. Get up there and climb the ladder. Once up there, you 
     will see YELLOW T-DRONE #14. After that, continue right and jump 
     over to the next platform. Once there, drop down and there will be 
     YELLOW T-DRONE #15. After taking that one out, this level will be 
     completed. And no, there is nothing else more to explore.


     The Dino Stegazord returns, ready for a rematch. Get ready for 
     another zord on zord battle.

     L  E  V  E  L   8  -  2
     RANGER USED: Thundersaurus Megazord
     OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Dino Stegazord again

     The tactics for the Dino Stegazord are pretty much the same this 
     time around, except it punches as well. It's a bit more stronger 
     this time around though, as well as aggressive, so be careful 
     because this can get a bit tough. Stay on the defense knowing   
     this, and strike at it as much as you can with both arms, 
     alternating attack patterns. Soon enough you will have beaten this   

     After that, this level is offically over. Now for the next level!


  K: |Level 9: More Problems Downtown|

     Black Ranger tells Red Ranger that Mesogog's army is loose 
     everywheres in the city and wants him to take them out, which Red 
     Ranger complies. Now for this level, take note that places you 
     could go to before (the alley, office building, etc), you can not 
     do that in this level. Furthermore, Giant Flames are now your 

     L  E  V  E  L   9  -  1
     RANGER USED: Red Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all the T-Drones
     NUMBERS OF DINO CLAWS: 40 Dino Claws

     SECTION 9-1 (12 T-Drones):
     From the start, head right for abit and you will see T-DRONE #01. 
     After walking a bit more, you will then see T-DRONE #02 and #03 
     right behind that. Go to the wall, then go up and you will see T-
     DRONE #04. Keep going right then drop down to the bottom level,       
     where you will see T-DRONE #05. Keep going to the wall, then up it 
     and continue onwards. On this upper level, head all the way to the 
     otherside and you will see T-DRONE #06. Then go to the edge, and 
     there will be T-DRONE #07. Take out the Giant Flame behind that, 
     and you will see T-DRONE #08 on an upper platform. Keep going 
     right, then drop down to the bottom level, and you will see 
     T-DRONE #09. Now go left and there will be T-DRONE #10, and past 
     that #11 and #12 (on the upper platform). After that, go right and 
     head through the right entry way, leading to SECTION 9-2.

     SECTION 9-2 (11 T-Drones):
     Right away you will see T-DRONE #01, then soon after that, 
     T-DRONE #02. Continue onwards and there will be T-DRONE #03, #04 
     and #05, one right after the other, jumping on cars. Keep on going 
     and collect the Dino Claws and the Small Heart at the end. Once 
     there, jump up on the fence then to the higher level and you will 
     see T-DRONE #06 and #07. Keep walking and there will be 
     T-DRONE #08. After that will be 3 groups of stacked tires. Take 
     out the middle stack to reveal T-DRONE #09, and after that will be 
     T-DRONE #10. Now climb up the wall and head towards the left on 
     the platforms, to find T-DRONE #11. Now jump up and right and head 
     through the upper right entry way leading to SECTION 9-3. 

     SECTION 9-3 (12 T-Drones):
     You will instantly see a Giant Flame in your way. Take that out 
     and then you'll see a T-Drone, but ignore that for now. Instead 
     drop down all the way to the bottom level, then head right and you 
     will see T-DRONE #01. Jump upwards and climb the ladder you see, 
     then head right. In the last crate there will be a Small Heart. 
     Now climb up the ladder and you will see T-DRONE #02 and #03. From 
     there head left to the next platform and you will see T-DRONE #04.  
     After that, head back right and keep going until you see the Giant 
     Flame, and past that, T-DRONE #05, then go to the edge. 

     In this next area will be some Dino Claws (also in the crates), 
     Giant Flames and T-DRONE #06 and #07. Take care of these and head 
     to the wall, then jump upwards and you'll see T-DRONE #08 and #09 
     right after that. Head to the edge and on the platform, keep 
     dropping down on the platforms, there is a Small Heart along the 
     way. Once at the bottom level, there will be T-DRONE #10 and #11. 
     There's also a crate in the corner with a Large Heart in it. Climb 
     the ladder, then keep going right and there will be T-DRONE #12. 
     Then go through the right entryway leading to SECTION 9-4.

     SECTION 9-4 (8 T-Drones):
     From here, head right and you'll see T-DRONE #01. Following that, 
     a Giant Flame then T-DRONE #02, then repeat that scene twice more, 
     which includes T-DRONE #03 and #04. After that, keep going right 
     and you will then see T-DRONE #05 and #06, and a Small Heart right 
     after that. Head back left and go down the ladder to the lower 
     level. Down here, T-DRONE #07 and #08 and a Small Heart surrounded 
     by Giant Flames. So you got all the T-Drones, now what? Well head 
     back up the ladder and go right and follow all the way and you 
     will engage in a boss fight!

     BOSS #07: ANGOR
     Now this can be a pain. Angor's attacks consist of him shooting 
     out sensor bombs at you, as well as launching his body towards you 
     like a torpedo, doing some damage to you. He will also jump away 
     when you try to attack him. So what to do? Obviously use up your 
     DinoZord powers, and hopefully you'll be able to defeat him with 
     just that. If not, get in there and use your weapon on him to do   
     some serious damage as well. Despite his attacks, this won't be 
     that bad. Soon enough you will be able to defeat him.

     And when you do, the Rangers will use their Z-Rex Blaster 
     destroying him. When this happens, this level will be completed.

     Don't rest up quite yet, Angor will grow to a giant size and that 
     will mean another Megazord battle is about to begin. So choose 
     your arms, and be ready to fight.

     L  E  V  E  L   9  -  2
     RANGER USED: Thundersaurus Megazord
     OBJECTIVE: Defeat Giant Angor

     This time his fighting tactics are slightly different. He will 
     either shoot at you with one arm, or punch you with the other. He 
     will block alot, so be ready. Stay on the defense since he does 
     shoot out cannons from his arm cannon. Definitely alternate your 
     punches because this fight will be rather tough. If you're lucky 
     enough to pull off some combo attacks, do so, because that will 
     help weaken the monster down alot. After awhile you will be able 
     to beat this guy, so just hang in there!

     Once you defeat him, this level will officially be over.


  L: |Level 10: Bombs Away|

     Black Ranger is detecting several time bombs in the factory area, 
     and sends the Yellow Ranger to go and destroy them, which she 
     does. Key note: Be careful approaching the bombs, if they go off 
     with you near them, it will do some serious damage to you. It's 
     best to use your weapon to take them out.

     L  E  V  E  L   1  0  -  1
     RANGER USED: Yellow Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Defuse all 13 Bombs
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 70 Dino Claws

     SECTION 10-1:
     Start off this level normally, heading right until you get to the 
     edge. Drop down and climb up the nearby ladder and you will see   
     BOMB #01. Take it out quickly before it explodes, which will do 
     lots of damage to you. With that, head back to the ladder, climb 
     down, then go right (jump over the pit) and there will be BOMB #
     02. After that, keep going right and you'll see BOMB #03. After 
     that go right and climb up the ladder, then climb the next ladder 
     over. Once at the top, head right (nothing but Dino Claws is to be 
     gained by going left) and you will see BOMB #04. From there, drop 
     down, then down the ladder to find a Small Heart. After that, jump 
     right and keep going to find BOMB #05. Go down a couple steps and 
     into the door which will lead to SECTION 10-2.

     SECTION 10-2:
     From the start, jump upwards then head right a bit, jump the 
     platforms and you'll see BOMB #06. After taking that out, head 
     back to the platforms and drop down all the way to the bottom, 
     then head right. Climb up the ladder, then go right and climb up 
     that ladder and you will see BOMB #07. Climb the other ladder and 
     at the top, head right (nothing is to be gained going left), and 
     jump to the next platform. Keep going right (ignore the ladder) 
     and you will see a Small Heart. Get that and head to the nearby 
     flooring. Go a couple steps to the edge on the right, and drop all 
     the way down (nothing in the cubby hole), and at the bottom level, 
     continue going right. Go through the door leading to SECTION 10-3.

     SECTION 10-3:
     Simple enough room, just make your way to the top portion of 
     this area and go through the other door. This will take you back 
     to SECTION 10-2.

     SECTION 10-2:
     Once back here, nothing is to be gained going left, so just go 
     right and through the door, which leads to SECTION 10-4.

     SECTION 10-4:
     Once again, we start this area taking the high road. So with that, 
     go right but up the platforms staircase. You will see a T-Drone 
     with a ladder next to it. Clim the ladder, then keep going right 
     and you'll see BOMB #08, and on the otherside of that, a Large 
     Heart. Now drop down to the lower level and head back to the door. 
     Once there, now head down the platform staircase, to the last 
     platform, then jump over to the right. Keep going right, all the 
     way to the far corner (next to a giant wall), there will be 
     BOMB #09. Climb up on the platform then go left and up the ladder. 
     Then go right and up the next ladder, then left and up the next 
     ladder. Finally at the top, head right all the way to the flooring 
     area. Keep going right and there is BOMB #10, and after that 
     BOMB #11. After that, climb the steps and enter the door, leading 
     to SECTION 10-5.

     SECTION 10-5:
     In here, go left all the way and you will see BOMB #12. After 
     that, drop down some and you'll see BOMB #13. Destroy that and you 
     will have completed this level! Now instead, if you drop to the 
     bottom level, then go left, you'll see a door leading 
     to SECTION 10-6, but there is nothing to gain in there, so ignore 
     it. Just take out the final bomb to complete this level.


     Black Ranger will say the AnkyloZord has returned (from where?) 
     and that they will need its help to stop Mesogog, and says that 
     the others know what to do. WTF is he talking about, he's the 
     lazy ass who only does the puzzles (kinda reminds me of the  
     series, where the Black Ranger barely fought, oh well).

     L  E  V  E  L   1  0  -  2
     RANGER USED: Black Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Mini-Game (Unlocking the AnkyloZord)

     BEFORE GOING ANY FURTHER!!! Read the section called "Playing The 
     Mini-Games", which can be found much further down the FAQ under 
     "SECTION 3: IMPORTANT STUFF" on how to play the Mini-Game.

     Yes it's time for another mini-game, but don't worry, this is the 
     last one. As always, the same rules as before applies in this one. 
     This time however, if you are successful, you will have unlocked 
     the AnkyloZord. After that, this level is offically over. Now for 
     the next level!


  M: |Level 11: Trapped In A Landslide|

     The mountainside is giving way, causing an landslide! Black Ranger 
     instructs the Red Ranger to go out and save all the civilians 
     trapped in the landslide, which the Red Ranger does. Now inside 
     the cave, I will describe the pathway to go just like I did in 
     Level 7, to make it more easier to get through this level.

     L  E  V  E  L   1  1  -  1
     RANGER USED: Red Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Save all 23 civilians trapped in rocks
     NUMBERS OF DINO CLAWS: 40 Dino Claws

     SECTION 11-1:
     You obviously know what your objective for this level is, however 
     in this first section, there is no trapped civilians. Just get 
     yourself to the otherside of this section (which you should 
     remember from previous levels). If you want to explore everything 
     else, you will be on your own. There are several Dino Claws and a 
     Small Heart out there, but that's it. Once you get to the 
     otherside, go through the right entryway leading to SECTION 11-2.

     SECTION 11-2:
     Easy section, take out the T-Drones and collect the Dino Claws 
     along the way of this short area. On the otherside, go through the 
     cave entrance leading to SECTION 11-3.

     SECTION 11-3:
     From the entrance, head right and you'll see CIVILIAN #01, 
     then #02 right after that. Continue on to the platform, then drop 
     down to the bottom level. From here, go left (not right, I'll get 
     to that much later) and there will be CIVILIAN #03. A bit after 
     that is CIVILIAN #04 and a door. Go in the door and it will take 
     you to SECTION 11-4.

     SECTION 11-4:
     In here, just get to the highest platform by climbing up the 
     ladders. Along the way, you'll see CIVILIAN #05 and #06. Once at 
     the top, there will be a door leading back to SECTION 11-3, so go 
     through it. 

     SECTION 11-3:
     Once back here, head right and there will be CIVILIAN #07. Jump 
     across the platforms and you'll see CIVILIAN #08. You will also 
     see a Small Heart, so drop down on it and head down to the bottom 
     level. Once here, this time go right and you'll see a rock pile,     
     but no civilian. Oh well, moving on, continue right to the door 
     and enter it. It will take you to SECTION 11-5.

     SECTION 11-5:
     Short area, just head up the stones steps to the door at the top. 
     Along the way will be CIVILIAN #09. At the door, enter it and it 
     will take you to SECTION 11-6.

     SECTION 11-6:
     Once here there will be T-Drones right away. Then head right to 
     the edge and drop down to the lower level. Keep going right 
     (ignore the door for now) and you'll see CIVILIAN #10, #11 and 
     soon enough #12 and a door leading to SECTION 11-7, which you'll 
     go in.

     SECTION 11-7:
     In here, just make your way to the top platform again. Along the 
     way will be CIVILIAN #13 and #14. At the top will be a Large Heart 
     and a door. Get the Large Heart and enter the door, which leads 
     back to SECTION 11-6.

     SECTION 11-6:
     Back here, you'll be in a different part of this section. From the 
     door, head left and you'll see a pile of rocks (but no civilian). 
     After that, continue going left and you will eventually see 
     CIVILIAN #15 and after that, CIVILIAN #16. Now jump the platforms 
     left and you'll see CIVILIAN #17. Now drop down to the bottom 
     level. Go right to the edge and drop down again and now enter the 
     door you see, which will lead to SECTION 11-8.

     SECTION 11-8:
     In here, just climb up the stairs to the otherside. Along the way  
     will be CIVILIAN #18, #19 and #20. At the top, head through the 
     door leading to another part of SECTION 11-6.

     SECTION 11-6:
     Okay back here again. Head right and there will be CIVILIAN #21. 
     After that keep going till you get to the lowest level and you 
     will see CIVILIAN #22. Climb up the stairs to the right and you'll 
     find CIVILIAN #23. Free that civilian and you will have completed  
     this level. If you ignore that and decide to go through the cave 
     entrance, this will lead you to SECTION 11-9, but there is nothing 
     at all out there, so just finish this level off by freeing the 
     last civilian, thus completing this level.


  N: |Level 12: Tieing Up Any Loose Ends|

     Black Ranger says that Mesogog's army is trying to steal power 
     from the power plant (which is really the factory) to generate 
     more invisoportals, and explains the deliema upon them. He sends 
     Blue Ranger to stop them, which he goes to do. 

     L  E  V  E  L   1  2  -  1
     RANGER USED: Blue Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all the T-Drones
     NUMBER OF DINO CLAWS: 55 Dino Claws

     SECTION 12-1 (17 T-Drones):
     From the start go right and there's T-DRONE #01. After that, head 
     to the edge and you'll see T-DRONE #02 and #03. Stay up on the 
     platform and head right a couple platforms and there will be T-
     DRONE #04. Head back ladder, then drop down to the lower level and 
     head right, where you will see T-DRONE #05, and after that, jump 
     over to T-DRONE #06. After that, drop down and walk right, where 
     you will see T-DRONE #07. Keep going right, avoid the pit, and 
     there will be T-DRONE #08. Once at the next floor, climb up the 
     ladder and you'll see T-DRONE #09. Climb up the next ladder and 
     there will be T-DRONE #10.

     Once up there, go left and along the way you'll see T-DRONE #11    
     and #12. Take out the left one first, then the lower one. After 
     that, CAREFULLY make your way back to the lower level, and once 
     there head right and back up the ladder, then the next ladder. 
     You should be back on the highest platform again. Once here, this 
     time go right, then to the edge of the higher platform. Drop down 
     to see T-DRONE #13 and #14. Right after that, T-DRONE #15 will be 
     in sight. Climb down the nearby ladder from that, and you'll see 
     T-DRONE #16, and just right of that, T-DRONE #17. Climb down the 
     stairs and go in the door leading to SECTION 12-2.

     SECTION 12-2 (12 T-Drones):
     From here, head up to T-DRONE #01, then head right to #02. Keep 
     going right from there to the small platform, then drop down all 
     the way to the bottom level. There you will see T-DRONE #03 and 
     soon #04. Keep going right to the open area. Once here, you will 
     see T-DRONE #05 on some long platforms. Take it out and climb up 
     the ladder. Up here is a Small Heart and T-DRONE #06. Go to the 
     nearby ladder and climb up that, which will have T-DRONE #07, then 
     go left, and climb that ladder. Once at the highest platform, head 
     left and you'll see T-DRONE #08. After that, keep going left, and 
     you'll see a Small Heart. Get that then head right to the edge and 
     drop down. At the end will be 7 Dino Claws. Now then head back and 
     go to the bottom level. 

     Now back here, go right, jump over the pit and you'll see T-DRONE 
     #09. Climb the ladder and go right, there will be T-DRONE #10, 
     then climb the next ladder. Once at the highest platform, head 
     left and you'll come across T-DRONE #11 and #12 (go to the left 
     one before the bottom one). From the bottom one, jump over to the 
     right to the lower platforms. From there go right to the ladder, 
     and climb back up it. Once back up on the highest platform, this 
     time head right and there will be T-DRONE #13, and behind that,
     #14. Go to the right edge, and then drop down along the right side 
     into the cubby hole, which has 3 Dino Claws. Drop down all the way 
     to the bottom level, and there will be T-DRONE #15 and keep going 
     right, which will have T-DRONE #16 and a door. Go in the door 
     which will lead to SECTION 12-3.

     SECTION 12-3 (0 T-Drones):
     Simple enough room, just make your way to the top portion of 
     this area and go through the other door (get the Dino Claws). 
     This will take you back to SECTION 13-2.     

     SECTION 12-2 (2 T-Drones left):
     Once back here, you'll see T-DRONE #18. Go left and you'll see T-
     DRONE #19. Now head back right and go through the other door, 
     which will lead to SECTION 12-4.

     SECTION 12-4 (9 T-Drones):
     If you remember how this area goes (from Level 4 and Level 10), 
     then you know to take the upper path, so head right and make your 
     way along the upper platforms. Once at the otherside, head up the 
     ladder and go right to T-DRONE #01. Keep going right and drop down 
     to find T-DRONE #02. Now go left and head back to the door and 
     take the lower path all the way to the bottom level. Along the way 
     down, you'll see T-DRONE #03. Once at the bottom level, there will 
     be T-DRONE #04. Keep going right after that, and eventually you'll 
     see T-DRONE #05 and #06. Climb the ladder, the go right to the 
     next ladder and there will be T-DRONE #07. Climb the other ladder 
     and you'll see T-DRONE #08. Climb the ladder to the left and 
     you'll see a Small Heart. Now go right all the way to the flooring 
     and continue on and you'll see T-DRONE #09. Keep going past that 
     and into the door at the end, which will lead to SECTION 12-5.

     SECTION 12-5 (2 T-Drones):
     This will be simple. Head left to the platforms, then make your   
     way down them. You will see T-DRONE #01 and a few Dino Claws. Keep 
     going down the platforms and you'll see a wooden crate which will 
     have a Large Heart in it. Go left and there will be T-DRONE #02 
     and a door. Go in the door and it will take you to SECTION 12-6.

     SECTION 12-6 (0 T-Drones):
     Make your way across the pits (get the Small Heart) and follow the 
     path to the end. Get ready because you got another boss fight 
     coming up, but this one is with a twist.

     Yes you have to fight Dysotron again. DO NOT USE ANY DINO 
     CLAWS/DINO ZORD POWERS!!! Dysotron is still rather tough, but he 
     will only throw his body at you. This time use the boxes coming 
     out on the conveyer belt to hit him (jump up and kick the boxes). 
     With him knocked down, then strike at him. 

     Now once you get him down to half power, the White Ranger will 
     come out and finish Dysotron off. He will then speak about while 
     Blue Ranger was taking out the T-Drones, he was stealing power. 
     Then he will have an ego trip, then another boss fight will 
     engage. BE READY!

     Now for the fight with the White Ranger. This guy will serve your 
     ass to you on a silver platter if you are not careful. His attacks 
     will he several kicks and punches at once as well as doing his 
     Psycho Strike back and forth with his sword. Either of these will 
     do lots of damage to you. Not only that, he is extremely fast. 
     Here's what you do: Use up all the Dino Zord power you can to  
     weaken him alot. At this point he should have a little life in 
     him. Just do lots of jump punch attacks him and he will fall.

     After you defeated him, the Rangers will use their Z-Rex Blaster 
     to finish off. Doing so will complete this level. 


     White Ranger is a bit sore from his defeat, so he seeks revenge by 
     having the Dino Stegazord attacking the city.

     L  E  V  E  L   1  2  -  2
     RANGER USED: Thundersaurus Megazord
     OBJECTIVE: Defeat the Dino Stegazord again

     The tactics for the Dino Stegazord are pretty much the same this 
     time around, except it punches as well. It's a bit more stronger 
     this time around though, as well as aggressive, so be careful 
     because this can get a bit tough. Stay on the defense knowing   
     this, and strike at it as much as you can with both arms, 
     alternating attack patterns. Soon enough you will have beaten this   

     After that, this level is offically over. Now for the next level!


  O: |Level 13: The Final Showdown|

     White Ranger realizes the error of his ways and has decided to 
     join the other Rangers. He then says that you must act quickly to 
     stop Mesogog. Black Ranger says that it's all come down to this 
     final battle. Time to invade Mesogog's Lab and to take him down 
     for good! Red Ranger goes after him.

     L  E  V  E  L   1  3  -  1
     RANGER USED: Red Ranger
     OBJECTIVE: Take out all T-Drones and defeat Mesogog

     SECTION 13-1 (6 T-Drones):
     This level is rather simple, however the end on the other hand, 
     isn't as fun. Anyways, from the start go right and take out all 
     the T-Drones and collect all the Dino Claws, but don't use any of 
     them PERIOD!! When you get to the other side, the door will open 
     up, leading to SECTION 13-2.

     SECTION 13-2:
     From here, walk forward and Megalador will come out wanting to 
     fight again. Blue Ranger jumps in and says he will take care of 
     it, leaving you to continue onwards. Blue Ranger will fight the 
     monster, so you go ahead through the next door leading 
     to SECTION 13-3.

     SECTION 13-3 (6 T-Drones):
     Just like before, go right and take out all the T-Drones and  
     collect all the Dino Claws along the way, getting to the 
     otherside. Once there, go through the door which will take 
     you to SECTION 13-4.

     SECTION 13-4:
     From here, walk forward and Dysotron will come out wanting to 
     fight again. Yellow Ranger jumps in and says she will take care of 
     it, leaving you to continue onwards. Yellow Ranger will fight the 
     monster, so you go ahead through the next door leading 
     to SECTION 13-5.

     SECTION 13-5 (12 T-Drones):
     In here, head left and you will see T-DRONE #01, and as you get 
     closer, #02 and #03. At that point, jump upwards to take out 
     T-DRONE #04 and #05. Go back down, then continue on, and you'll 
     see T-DRONE #06. Behind that is a Large Heart, but save that for 
     last. Continue on, and there will be T-DRONE #07, and after that, 
     #08 and #09. Jump upwards again, and you will see T-DRONE #10, #11 
     and #12. Take those out, then get the Large Heart you passed up. 
     Now keep going left and go through the door, which it will take 
     you to SECTION 13-6.

     SECTION 13-6:
     From here, walk forward and Angor will come out wanting to 
     fight again and brings a few T-Drones along. White Ranger then 
     jump in taking out all the T-Drones and says he will take care of 
     Angor, leaving you to continue onwards. White Ranger will fight 
     the monster, so you go ahead through the next door leading 
     to SECTION 13-7.

     SECTION 13-7:
     Once here, walk forward and get ready for the final battle. Be 
     ready because this will be EXTREMELY tough (more tougher than the 
     fight with the White Ranger).

     BOSS #09: MESOGOG
     This is a 3 part fight, each of which is very tough. Because of 
     this, use your Dino Zord ONCE on each part to weaken him. After 
     you defeat him each time, he will refill his life all the way to 
     begin the next round. PART ONE: He will throw giant energy balls 
     at you, which you need to knock back at him. He will also have a 
     giant forcefield blocking you from attacking. Just use your weapon 
     several times to do lots of damage. PART TWO: He will copy himself 
     twice more, making this a bit of a problem. In order to do damage 
     to him this time, you must hit the correct one, but it's random 
     each time. This one is the easiest of the three parts. PART THREE: 
     He will do lots of phsyical attacks on you as well as cause energy 
     to shoot up from the ground when you're close, as well as an 
     energy field charging at you. Jump kicks will probably work well 
     on this. This will be extremely tough, so be very careful, 
     especially since there is no way to refill your life.

     Soon as you defeat Mesogog for good, the Rangers will use their Z-
     Rex Blaster to finish him off, thus completing this level.


     Just when you think it's over, Mesogog will then mutate and grow 
     into a giant monster for you to fight (why couldn't they think of 
     doing this in the TV series? *shrugs*). Be ready for the true 
     final battle.

     L  E  V  E  L   1  3  -  2
     RANGER USED: Thundersaurus Megazord
     OBJECTIVE: Defeat Giant Mesogog

     This time Mesogog will come at you full force, so be on the 
     defense alot. His only attack will be swinging his claws at you a 
     couple times, which will do some very good damage. With you on the 
     defense, start punching with the other arm. When he blocks that 
     arm's attack, switch back to the defense arm and go on the offense 
     with that. Make sure you do stay on the defense as much as 
     possible because his attacks will hurt. If you can, try and get 
     some good combo punches in. After a long battle, you will have 
     finally defeated Mesogog.

     And with that, not only this level will be completed, you will 
     have beaten the game.


     Black Ranger will come out saying that Mesogog's army has finally 
     been defeated. He will then give the whole "your battles you 
     fought is why you were chosen to be Power Rangers" speech as well 
     as other sappy stuff ^_^. With that, you will be treated to the 
     credits, but what's neat is you'll see several pics taken from the 
     episode "Back In Black". With all that, I shall congradulations on 
     beating Power Rangers Dino Thunder for the Gameboy Advance!



  A: |Playing The Mini-Games|

     Okay here's the deal with the Mini-Games, they are a pain in the 
     ass to deal with, seriously, I hate them, hate hate hate! Anyways,
     for the mini-games themselves, you will have 60 seconds and 3 
     chances to succeed. Your objective is to get Black Ranger from the 
     upper left corner, down to the bottom right corner safely by 
     creating a path for him. Now the rules listed is taken straight 
     from the instruction manual, because honestly, it can describe 
     this Mini-Game better than me:

     (taken from the instruction manual)
     Press START to get Black Ranger on his way. Once the countdown 
     says "GO", he will start to move along the route shown on the 
     tiles in front of him. Use the Control Pad to highlight a tile 
     while holding the 'A' Button - the group of tiles that will move 
     by sliding this tile are indicated by a white dotted outline. 
     Slide the row or column the tile is on by pressing the appropriate 
     direction on the Control Pad. You can move any row or columb that 
     the Black Ranger isn't currently on. When the Black Ranger crosses 
     over a tile, it flips over. When it flips back, it will become 
     either a peice of track or a random bonus/penalty.

     And below is a list of things that can occur while traveling on 
     the game board (I reworded/labelled it differently):

        1. CLOCK UP: Gives you about 10 seconds more to work with.
        2. DINO CLAW: Gives you an extra life.
        3. 10 TON ANVIL: Slows Black Ranger down so that you can work  
           on making the pathway in front of him safe to walk on.
        4. MINI-DINO: Speeds up Black Ranger making it impossible to 
           work on the path ahead.
        5. QUESTION MARK: This makes all controls work backwards, when 
           moving the tiles.
        6. CLOCK DOWN: Gives you about 10 seconds less to work with.
        7. WHITE RANGER FACE: Any blank tiles will instantly change to 
           something else.
        8. MEGAZORD: This will change the location of the goal on any 
           side along the right column.
        9. WHITE DRAGO SWORD: Makes Black Ranger start all over.

     When you are successful, you will have unlocked an AuxiliaryZord. 
     There are 4 of these Mini-Games, which means there are 4 
     AuxiliaryZords. When you do unlock them, you can use them to 
     combine with the Thundersaurus Megazord as new weapons for either 
     or both arms, which can be handy in megazord battles. Once again, 
     these are the AuxilaryZords and where you can unlock them at:

        Complete Level 1-2 Puzzle to unlock the CephalaZord 
        Complete Level 4-2 Puzzle to unlock the DimetroZord
        Complete Level 7-2 Puzzle to unlock the ParasaurZord
        Complete Level 10-2 Puzzle to unlock the AnkyloZord

     And that is how you do the Mini-Games, enjoy! ^_^

     And incase you missed out on unlocking them in the puzzles, there 
     is a second chance at getting them. Anytime you luck out on 
     getting the AuxiliaryZord in the Mini-Game, an upcoming battle 
     with the Dino Stegazord will have that AuxiliaryZord as an arm. 
     Defeat the Dino Stegazord and you will have unlocked that 

  B: |Items|

     These are all the items that can be found in the game:

     1. SMALL HEART: These will revive 1/3 of your lost hit points.
     2. LARGE HEART: These will revive all of your lost hit points.
     3. DINO CLAW: Collect 10 of these and you can use your DinoZord 
        to destroy ALL enemies (and injuring bosses) on the screen.
     4. YELLOW GEMS: Collect these from T-Drones by using a jumping 
        or weapon attack on them. These are worth 10 Points each. 
     5. BLUE GEMS: Collect these from T-Drones by using a Combo Punch 
        attack on them. These are worth 50 Points each.
     6. RED GEMS: Collect these from T-Drones by using your DinoZord on 
        them. These are worth 100 Points each.

  C: |Enemies|

     These are all the enemies that can be found in the game:

     1. T-DRONES: These are your basic foot soliders. They aren't too 
     tough, but can be annoying. They will come at you with different 
     attacks, so be ready. It takes 3 or 4 consecutive punches to take 
     them out, or just 1 hit from your weapon (it's easier to use your  
     weapon on them). There are different colors of them, but they can 
     all be taken out the same way.

     2. GIANT FLAMES: These are giant flames obviously, that will hurt 
     alot when you get near it. Don't try jumping over them due to 
     their height. Only your weapons can destroy them.

  D: |Bosses|

     These are all the bosses that are in the game. A bit of advice for 
     Megazord battles: At first you will have Tricera and Tyranno. When 
     you unlock Cephala, use that with Tyranno. Then unlock Dimetro and 
     use that with Cephala. After that, unlock Parasaur and use that 
     with Cephala for the best arm combination in the game. And now for 
     the bosses:

     BOSS #01: DINO STEGAZORD (From Level 2, Level 8 and Level 12)
     Please note you fight the Dino Stegazord 3 different times. The 
     Dino Stegazord uses its Dino Stegazord Stinger to attack you as 
     well as punches you. For you, just keep punching at it as much as 
     you can, and block its weapon as much as you can. Alternating your 
     punches will help alot. It will get slightly tougher each time you 
     face it. Also it might be using the AuxilaryZord you didn't unlock 
     from the Mini-Game, so be warned. If you defeat the Dino Stegazord 
     though while this, you will unlock that AuxilaryZord.

     BOSS #02: MEGALADOR (From Level 3)
     For this boss though, not too tough. He will either use his powers 
     to cause several geisers to spring up hitting you, or if you're 
     too close, he will try to rush at you. Use your DinoZord power and 
     it will do alot of damage. For the rest of the battle, get in 
     there and use regular attacks on him. Be careful because he will 
     try to knock you back, but just keep going at it and he will fall. 

     BOSS #03: MEGALADOR GIANT SIZE (From Level 3)
     This time it's a little different, he will either punch at you 
     several times, or block you. He's actually a bit more tougher this 
     time around. Just alternate punching attacks, and block him when 
     he punches because he won't stop for a while. When you see an 
     opening, strike him with your left arm, whatever it may be. This 
     will be a bit long due to all the blocking, but you will be able 
     to win this battle for sure.

     BOSS #04: DYSOTRON (From Level 6)
     Now this is gonna be a bit more tricky. This monster will throw 
     out small dice cubes towards you, as well as one upwards which a 
     giant one comes down at you. He will also throw his body at you so 
     be careful. So how to beat him? First use up your DinoZord power 
     to weaken him, then with the giant dices he drops on you (or the 
     small dice he throws at you), get close enough and you can punch 
     them towards him. This will knock him over, and when that happens, 
     get in there and start use a downward attack with your weapon. 
     Soon enough he will be defeated.

     BOSS #05: DYSOTRON GIANT SIZE (From Level 6)
     Now this fight will get annoying. Dysotron will back away from you 
     alot basically making it hard for you to hit him. He will also do 
     some blocking, but when he's punching at you, it will hurt, so 
     make sure you do some serious blocking. Once again just alternate 
     your punching some, infact try to get a few good punches with one 
     arm and switch to the other. When he blocks, back away and prepare 
     to attack him again. After a good long struggle, you will have 
     beat this boss.

     BOSS #06: ANGOR (From Level 9)
     Now this can be a pain. Angor's attacks consist of him shooting 
     out sensor bombs at you, as well as launching his body towards you 
     like a torpedo, doing some damage to you. He will also jump away 
     when you try to attack him. So what to do? Obviously use up your 
     DinoZord powers, and hopefully you'll be able to defeat him with 
     just that. If not, get in there and use your weapon on him to do   
     some serious damage as well. Despite his attacks, this won't be 
     that bad. Soon enough you will be able to defeat him.

     BOSS #07: ANGOR GIANT SIZE (From Level 9)
     This time his fighting tactics are slightly different. He will 
     either shoot at you with one arm, or punch you with the other. He 
     will block alot, so be ready. Stay on the defense since he does 
     shoot out cannons from his arm cannon. Definitely alternate your 
     punches because this fight will be rather tough. If you're lucky 
     enough to pull off some combo attacks, do so, because that will 
     help weaken the monster down alot. After awhile you will be able 
     to beat this guy, so just hang in there!

     This is a 2 part boss fight. First up is Dysotron again. For this 
     Dysotron is still rather tough, but he will only throw his body at 
     you. This time use the boxes coming out on the conveyer belt to 
     hit him (jump up and kick the boxes). With him knocked down, then 
     strike at him. Get him down to half power, then you will fight the 
     White Ranger. This guy will serve your ass to you on a silver 
     platter if you are not careful. His attacks will be several kicks 
     and punches at once as well as doing his Psycho Strike back and 
     forth with his sword. Either of these will do lots of damage to 
     you. Not only that, he is extremely fast. Here's what you do: Use 
     up all the Dino Zord power you can to weaken him alot. At this 
     point he should have a little life in him. Just do lots of jump 
     punch attacks him and he will fall.

     BOSS #09: MESOGOG (Level 13)
     This is a 3 part fight, each of which is very tough. Because of 
     this, use your Dino Zord ONCE on each part to weaken him. After 
     you defeat him each time, he will refill his life all the way to 
     begin the next round. PART ONE: He will throw giant energy balls 
     at you, which you need to knock back at him. He will also have a 
     giant forcefield blocking you from attacking. Just use your weapon 
     several times to do lots of damage. PART TWO: He will copy himself 
     twice more, making this a bit of a problem. In order to do damage 
     to him this time, you must hit the correct one, but it's random 
     each time. This one is the easiest of the three parts. PART THREE: 
     He will do lots of phsyical attacks on you as well as cause energy 
     to shoot up from the ground when you're close, as well as an 
     energy field charging at you. Jump kicks will probably work well 
     on this. This will be extremely tough, so be very careful, 
     especially since there is no way to refill your life.

     BOSS #10: MESOGOG GIANT SIZE (Level 13)
     This time Mesogog will come at you full force, so be on the 
     defense alot. His only attack will be swinging his claws at you a 
     couple times, which will do some very good damage. With you on the 
     defense, start punching with the other arm. When he blocks that 
     arm's attack, switch back to the defense arm and go on the offense 
     with that. Make sure you do stay on the defense as much as 
     possible because his attacks will hurt. If you can, try and get 
     some good combo punches in. After a long battle, you will have 
     finally defeated Mesogog.

  E: |Codes|

     Here is a list of codes (in the form of a chart) that you can try 
     out. They will enable you to play as different Rangers on 
     different levels, as well play on different Megazord battles and 
     different bonus puzzles to unlock new zords. These codes are 
     displayed in the order of how the game goes (please note that '0' 
     is zero):

              Level       Easy   Normal   Hard  
        |  Level  1-1  |  GBV  |  GB4  |  BCV  |
        |  Level  1-2  |  BGW  |  BG5  |  GHC  |
        |  Level  2-1  |  QVB  |  QVN  |  LWB  |
        |  Level  2-2  |  LZC  |  LZP  |  Q!Y  |
        |  Level  3-1  |  BXB  |  BXN  |  GYX  |
        |  Level  3-2  |  G0Y  |  G03  |  B1Y  |
        |  Level  4-1  |  QXX  |  QX2  |  LYX  |
        |  Level  4-2  |  L0Y  |  L03  |  Q1F  |
        |  Level  5-1  |  G60  |  G66  |  B7Q  |
        |  Level  6-1  |  L60  |  L66  |  Q7J  |
        |  Level  6-2  |  L21  |  L27  |  Q3K  |
        |  Level  7-1  |  G8J  |  G8Q  |  B9J  |
        |  Level  7-2  |  G4K  |  G4R  |  B5K  |
        |  Level  8-1  |  28Z  |  Z88  |  69G  |
        |  Level  8-2  |  24!  |  249  |  65H  |
        |  Level  9-1  |  XVZ  |  XV8  |  0WG  |  
        |  Level  9-2  |  0ZH  |  166  |  Y70  |
        |  Level 10-1  |  8VG  |  8VS  |  4WG  |
        |  Level 10-2  |  4ZH  |  4ZT  |  8!1  |   
        |  Level 11-1  |  YX0  |  YX6  |  1YJ  |
        |  Level 12-1  |  9XJ  |  9XQ  |  5YJ  | 
        |  Level 12-2  |  50K  |  50R  |  91!  |
        |  Level 13-1  |  160  |  0ZT  |  X!H  |
        |  Level 13-2  |  121  |  127  |  Y31  |

     Please note that when you're playing the game, the code you see 
     (when you pause the game) may be different than the ones listed 
     above. Don't freak out, both the code in the game, and the ones 
     from above can be used to start on the same level. Why this is, 
     I have no idea. Not all codes are like this though, only some of 



  A: |What's To Come|

     What's to come, who really knows. And with this game, it could be 
     anything. So with that, this FAQ is gonna be open for anyone to 
     add their comments.

  B: |Special Thanks|

     I dedicate this to all Power Rangers fans out there alike. You 
     guys are what made the show the success it is today.

     Personal Thanks To:
     Exo-Squad: Simply because of his confidence and belief that I will 
     be very successful at this stuff ^_^.

     On-line Thanks To:
     To GameFAQS for hosting my walkthroughs, as well as many more ^_^.

     To hockeyguy8 for the codes on Easy Mode, Normal Mode and Hard 
     Mode. ^_^

     To Mykas0 for the codes on Easy Mode as well. ^_^

     To the people from alt.fan.power-rangers: You guys are my first 
     Power Rangers family (since Power Rangers In Space), and I just 
     wanna take a moment to say it's been a blast knowing you all for 
     the last 8 years ^_^.

     To everyone I know on the FAQ Contributors and the Power Rangers 
     boards, thanks for being there for me ^_^.

  C: |Final Words|

     DINO THUNDER, POWER UP! Originally I thought this series was great
     (and it is an okay series), but as it progressed it kinda lost 
     that spark it had, so I didn't really like it as much (had some 
     nice zords though). However In Space, Time Force, Wild Force and 
     S.P.D. are my most favorite series, and I will continue watching 
     Power Rangers until it ends completely (who knows when that will 
     be). I hope this walkthrough helps you out in any way possible.  

     Ok, I'll make this quick and simple. This walkthrough is my work. 
     This FAQ can only be hosted by GameFAQs.com, GameSpot.com, IGN.com 
     and Neoseeker.com. Anyone else, well guess it will have to depend 
     on my mood. You can use whatever info you want, so long as you 
     give me credit and don't alter anything. I perfer you to email me 
     at StarFighters76@hotmail.com if you're gonna do anything with 
     this walkthrough. Failure to comply with this, and I will be mad, 
     among other things. ;-). If you have questions, comments, or see 
     something I may of missed, email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com 
     and tell me what it is. I will give you full credit for doing so. 
     Not much left to say, except, thanks for using my walkthrough! ^_^

     Email me at StarFighters76@hotmail.com 
     Copyright (C) April 19th, 2006
     Mike Leatherwood AKA StarFighters76 
     Power Rangers Dino Thunder (TV Series) 
           copyright (C) 2004 BVS Entertainment 
     Power Rangers Dino Thunder (Game) 
           copyright (C) 2004 THQ 

    Source: geocities.com/starfighters_76/GameFAQs

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