
One of the strengths of Zerg forces are the speed with which they can be brought to bear. Nydus Canals are an integral part of mass troop movement, and should be implemented to maximize swarm control. Mutating a Drone into a Nydus Canal requires only a Hive and 150 minerals. The exit can be placed on any visible Creep. It is imperative to network your expansions with your main base via Nydus Canals so that defenses can be deployed as quickly as possible. When amassing a large force, stashing your units at a remote location keeps them safe from Irradiate, Psionic Storm, and other nasty anti-Zerg abilities. Nydus Canals make this networking possible.

Before invading an enemy Zerg's expansion, begin mutating a Nydus Canal. Destroy the base with your forces, and pop the Canal's exit on the now-receeding Creep of the expansion. Once complete, Drones can immediately be sent through to establish an expansion in your name. Think of the surprise your opponent will have when he counter-attacks the expansion, only to find four Sunken Colonies already in place!

When playing against a Zerg opponent, assemble a large land-based attack force. Take a Queen and parasite a Drone or Overlord in the back of the enemy's base. With a Drone, mutate a Nydus Canal on friendly Creep, but place its exit on your opponent's Creep (which you can now see). The instant the Canal is complete, quickly pump your forces through and begin attacking. You should be able to totally destroy the enemy's base. The reason why this tactic is so successful is that most players concentrate their defenses along the front of their base, subsequently ignoring their rear. The only way to defend against this tactic is to destroy the Nydus Canal before it is complete, so if they have no forces in the immediate facinity (and if you act quickly), you ought to be able to attack fast enough to still get your forces through.