Terran Air Drop

	A devastating strategy if not defended against is the air drop. Take a Dropship full of 8 Firebats or Marines and sneak around enemy defenses to drop them in the middle of the enemy town (usually right in the middle of the workers). If the enemy does not have any air defenses, your Dropships can unload with ease. But if the enemy has some anti-air defenses, this strategy doesn't work as well because of the slow unload rate for Dropships. For a relatively cheap price, you can hoard a fleet of Dropships filled with Firebats and Marines. Sneak the Dropships around the map, trying to avoid detection, and find a landing spot where the Dropships can unload without being attacked. Stim Pack the Firebats and Marines. This strategy is best done by unloading in the resource operations of the town as it is most confusing and damaging to the enemy.

	The key to defending against this strategy is fairly simple. For Terrans, place Bunkers and a few Missile Turrets around the resources and town. Protoss players should place Photon Cannons around the resources, or use groups of Dragoons. Later on they can use air units such as Carriers and Scouts for defense. Spore Colonies are the best anti-drop defense for Zerg. They provide cloak detection, have a pretty long range, and

do considerable damage to Dropships (or other transports). If the enemy is able to land Dropships without being attacked, they will easily be able to destroy a town fairly quickly. Expansion towns are especially vulnerable to this type of attack. This strategy is also something to watch out from the Protoss and Zerg Races. Protoss players can unload 4 Zealots per Dropship or 2 Reavers while Zerg players can place 8 Zerglings in an Overlord or use 4 Hydralisks.