I really would like suggestions on how to continue to develop the site.  Do you want more
strategies? A new section? With your help, we'll make this Starcraft site the best on the
internet. Post any ideas on the message board or
email me.

Obviously, the site hasn't seen an update for awhile.  Skytrrn 432 has submitted two new strats,
and while I haven't tried them out, I'll post them in the Zerg and Toss

I finished the Toss section update that I started yesterday.  I might even add some general strats today if I get time.

First of all let me apologise for the long delay, things happened that were beyond my control and I just couldnt find the time recently.  But on the bright side, all those broken links on the toss page are being connected to the new strats that are being sent in.  Expect terran, general, zerg to follow in that order.  Attention all SC players:  I will be putting up a page soon detailing the contreversial "warping worker" bug, which allows remote building.  My only problem is, I dont know how to convert SC screenshots to jpeg format.  If any of u know, PLEASE e-mail me.

Well, I have submitted my site to a number of search engines, hopefully they will give my site some much deserved publicity =).  Anyways, check soon for a major Zerg update. Remember, strategies will be added on a continual basis, so remember to keep checking back for the latest.

As you can see, this is my new News page. Anyways, check this page for all news and updates.  The first issue I'd like to discuss is ppl submitting strategies.  PLEASE DO!!  It makes the site better for all of us, and of course you will get full credit.  I know there are many gosu players out there so dont hesitate to write something and send it in, I will post it.  Another thing, CONGRATULATIONS to [i'm] clan for performing well at tourney.  GOOD JOB!!!