Crab nebula

Here are some of my favorite links. I will add to this list from time to time.

button Answers in Genesis

equips the Church to defend the authority and accuracy of the Bible from the very first verse, thereby enabling it to more effectively present the Gospel in our increasingly secular, evolutionary society.


The Astronomical League is composed of over two hundred local amateur astronomical societies form all across the United States. Their basic goal is to encourage an interest in amateur astronomy.Astronomical League They offer observational programs for the amateur astronomer. You can join the Astronomical League as a member-at-large or as a club. This is really a must site if you are going to get serious about this hobby

sm.star Binocluar Messier Certificate
sm.star Messier Certificate
sm.starLunar Club
sm.starThe Meteor Club
sm.starThe Urban Club

Astronomy Magazine

This site is packed with good information for beginners. It is also a good place to find out what is going on this month. Pictures

button The Astronomical Society of Kansas City

The Astronomical Society of Kansas City promotes amateur astronomy in the Kansas City metropolitan area through public education and membership activities. The ASKC operates two observatories; the Powell Observatory and the Elmcrest Observatory.

Astronomy What's Up This Month?

Here is a good place to find out what is going on this month. You can find out about the moon phases, when the moon and planets rise and set, the constellation of the month, and more.

crs The Creation Research Society

is a professional organization of trained scientists and interested laypersons who are firmly committed to scientific special creation. The Society was organized in 1963 by a committee of ten like-minded scientists, and has grown into an organization with an international membership

button Creation Science Resource

This is a comprehensive directory of internet resources on creation. This site is a must see spot. You will want to bookmark it.

Omega Centauri Cluster


This site is about astrophotography by Jason Ware. It has some of the most wonderful pictures I have seen. It is worth a visit.


Everything thing you have ever wanted to know about space, the history of space flight, and astronomy. Educational activities. Many, many articles and pictures.


This site has a great deal of information on space and astronomy. Many good articles and pictures. Messier objects. Star and Telescope Cover


This is the web site for SKY AND TELESCOPE and all of the other magazines published by SKY.This site has a great deal of information. This is another good place to find out what is going on this month.

I have included the links to some of my favorite SKY links.

sm.star This Week’s Sky at a Glance

Some daily events in the changing sky for the week, from the editors of Sky & Telescope. They have pictures and sky maps that show the fun things that can be seen that week. There is also a list of planet positions in This Week's Planet Roundup

sm.star Mothly Highlights by Sky and Telescope

Popular astronomy author Fred Schaff takes you on a month by month tour of the northern night sky. Each installment also contains a printable All-Sky Star Chart. These pages are adapted from SkyWatch '99.

sm.star Almanac

Each issue of Sky & Telescope includes a wealth of information about celestial events. Part of that coverage includes announcements about upcoming special events such as occultations, eclipses, and so forth. Our Special Sky Events page will outline some of these events each month.

sm.starMoon and Planets

These wanderers of the the night sky provide changing faces and positions that have facinated the mind of man from time immemorial. They are also the first objects most people view through a telescope. Almost everyone can remember the first time they saw the craters of the moon and/or Saturn through a telescope. Here are some articles from past issues of Sky & Telescope that will enhance your enjoyment of the moon and planets.


button Space Telescope Science Institute's Home Page

This is a great sight to get all the latest on studies by the Hubble Space Telescope. You can even get an upcoming observing schedule there!




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