Aqua:  I Have been Searching long and hard for some of the best sites for Anime, Manga, Art, Music, and  beyond. And now I bring you...drum roll please

Rachel Fu: Forget it...

Aqua: *pouting* You're no fun...Anywayz, here's the linkage, peeps
Gali's art is truely something worth seeing. Specializing in the fantasy arena, she shows that women don't just inspire art...they can make it with the best!
What can I say? Sailor moon is a semi classic Anime with more twists the Amidala's hair ( I know, I know, ad pun). But the site is also good for groups and chats for lovers of  K Pop, J pop, Anime, Manga, video games, and much much more.
Join the craze of the hottest, latest craze from Japan. Yu-Gi-Oh tells the story of a young duel monster duelst named Yugi as he unlocks the
mysteries of the Millenium Puzzle. This is the offical site, but mainly captures the joys of the show, airing on Kids WB mon-fri afternoons and Saturday morn and on Cartoon Network Mon-fri. Nights.
Enjoying all the anime wallpapers around our site? Here's where they reside, at Anime This site has everything from
3x3 eyes to Zone of the Enders. You can use up to 10 wallpapers around your site for free, but please, abide by their rules...they odn't ask much.